Although the supreme law is supreme, it is not too far away for many gods.

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Among the 133 main gods, the middle God and the upper God account for one-third of them. These are the existence of the supreme law, among which there are many masters who have understood the law of destruction!

This part of the main God immediately recognized the purplish red energy ball thrown by Monroe, which was the law of destruction, or the power of the law of destruction!

The law of destruction dominates destruction. Only the power of the law of destruction can annihilate a superior God quietly and turn it into nothingness.

"Damn it! Does this guy understand the law of destruction

"He has understood the law of time, and now he has understood the law of destruction

"I don't know how the thief did it?"

The 133 main gods were shocked and inconceivable, and the horror in the hearts of the three masters was stronger than that of them, especially the destruction of the masters It was even more difficult to see the extreme.

"It is so easy to mobilize the power of destruction to launch an attack!" The master of life looks at the master of destruction. "Dessaray, how far does he understand the law of destruction?"

"You know it yourself, why ask me?" In the eyes of the master of destruction, there is a sharp "death! He must die

"Yes, he must die!"

Life master frowned. "But he understands the law of time and the law of destruction. It's hard to kill him!"

"That must die, too!"

The destruction master snapped, "in the vast world, only I can fully understand the law of destruction, and any other understanding of the existence of the law of destruction All must die

The master of life and the master of death nodded and did not speak again.

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On the other side.

"With me? You are not hard enough

With a faint smile, the law of destruction is really terrible. The upper God of the hall has been annihilated directly, leaving only one master deity!

Menglei grabs the main divinity, and the pupil of death disperses the spirit of bimont's Lord God, kills him completely, and then takes up the main divinity.

"Ding! Kill one of the main gods of bimon and obtain 5000 trillion crystal! " The system rings in time.

"Not bad!"

Five thousand megabytes of crystal is not a small number. Monroe could not help but smile with satisfaction, and then looked at the other 133 gods. There are several gods in the upper class, and the partial killing will definitely make a small profit.

Aware of Meng Lei's eyes, 133 main gods are awe stricken in their hearts, and a chill rises from their backs, which is better than that the main gods of Mongolia are killed by seconds. How can they be the opponents of Meng Lei? Especially when monley looked at them as if they were looking at prey?

"Master the crown, save Help

"Three masters, help us!"

"Great master, please..."

At the same time, they are also frantically attacking the time prison. Even if their attacks can not touch the time prison, they are indifferent, and all kinds of attacks are smashed out without money

"Do it!"


"Do your best to suppress him!"

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The three masters looked at each other, turned into three streams of light, and directly surrounded Menglei in the middle and launched an attack.

"The world of life has come!"

Life master a light drink, endless green chains appear out of thin air, turn into countless green vines winding toward monray.

This is the vine of the chain of the law of life. It can't be described as hard, flexible and indestructible. Unless the same level of law is used, it can't be destroyed at all!

"Whew, whew --"

the green vines, like vicious snakes, surrounded Menglei with lightning speed, and then wrapped them into zongzi.

"Got it

The master of life is overjoyed. She is worried that monray will use the law of time, which will make it difficult to grasp. Now that she has grasped it, everything will be easy to do.

"Life deprivation!"

The beauty eyes of the master of life glared, twining the vines of Menglei, there suddenly appeared sharp spines, and then stabbed into the God body of Menglei to absorb the vitality of Menglei.

The speed of these vines is so terrible that it can drain the God in a few seconds.

, the master of life, believes that if we give her a few seconds, we will exhaust the essence of life.

"Worthy of being the master of life, the law of life is playing slip!" Feeling the terrible swallowing power of vines, monray sighed incomparably, "it's a pity that you're useless to me!"

"Thief, stop talking big!"

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The master of life snorted, "you're going to be sucked by me right now. You dare to talk like crazy. I don't know what it means!"

"Sucked by you? Not necessarily! "

Meng Lei laughs. The vine, which was crazy to absorb vitality, stops quietly, and then releases Meng Lei in a circle"What?"

Seeing this scene, the master of life's delicate body was shocked. A pair of beautiful eyes almost glared out: "you Why are you How... "


Monlay laughed and snapped his fingers, leaving vines from him and dancing around him.

This almost scares life to death. The rule of life! Do you understand the master of life

"Yes, it's a pity It's late

Monray reached out a finger, countless vines turned the gun head, and rushed at the master of life.

The master of life was shocked and quickly mobilized the law of life to take back the control of these vines. At this time, she suddenly froze in place and couldn't move.

Obviously, this is the law of time. The master of life is confined by the law of time!


At this time, the attack of the master of destruction and the master of death has arrived.

A purplish red energy ball emitting surging destructive power and a white bone giant claw composed of miserable white fog collide with monray at the same time.

The purplish red energy ball is composed of destructive power, which contains terrible destructive power. Even if the superior God such as bimon is hit, it will be annihilated, and there will be no place to die.

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The white bone claw is formed by the power of death, and the breath of death is diffuse. If you encounter it, you will definitely be deprived of vitality and die on the spot.

"The attacks are fierce, but it's a pity It's no use! "

Menglei slightly shakes his head, raises his hands and grabs them gently. The energy ball and white bone giant claw containing the power of terrible destruction and death are like two sheep in his hand.

"Damn it!"

"How could that be possible?"

The master of destruction and the master of death are terrified. It makes sense for monley to grasp the destructive energy ball. After all, he understands the law of destruction.

Can catch the claw of death what ghost?

Did he understand the law of death?

"It's not polite to come but not to go!"

Menglei mouth slightly up, "you also come to taste their own attack!"


The master of destruction and the master of death retreated quickly without thinking about it. However, they did not retreat far away, and they stood still.

It's the law of time again!

"The five supreme laws are at the same level. There is no difference between the superior and the inferior. If I don't understand the law of destruction and the law of death, your attack can hurt me! In the same way, my law of time can also hurt you

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