The shadow of the huge plane gradually solidified, and finally almost condensed into substance, which stretched across the sky of the earth's divine world, like a giant.

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This naturally attracted the attention of countless living creatures in the earth god world. At this moment, countless creatures in the earth god world were pressed on the ground and could not move.

In the later stage of the great Yuanman and the upper gods.

Down to the holy land, the demigods and the lower gods.

Without any exception, they were all crushed to the ground, breathless, shivering, frightened, as if the end had come.

"My God! What the hell is this? "

"What a terrifying force! It's more terrible than the earth God

"Is it..."

Not to mention the panic of all living beings, the master of destruction and the master of death are staring at Meng Lei coldly, with endless killing intention in their eyes:

"reptile, you must die today!"

"Is it? Try it, then

Menglei stood aloof in the sky, the long wind blowing his robes, hunting, his face calm, he did not take the shadow of the sky in mind.

"The power of heaven, suppress!"

The two masters roared, and the force of the terrible plane fell from the sky, covering tens of thousands of kilometers and imprisoning the void.

"The supreme law, retreat!"

Another roar. The supreme law in this void fades away like a tide. No, it's not fading, it's forcing it back!


The supreme law in this region was forced back by the terrible force of heaven.

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If there is no accident, only a few seconds, this void will be left with ten basic laws, there is no supreme law.

"Pushing back to the highest law is worthy of the power of heaven!" Monley's face grew heavy.

"Boy, back off!"

"Without the supreme law, you will lose the strongest means, just like the tiger without teeth. It is not their opponent!"


Monray nodded slightly, and his body retreated.

"Want to escape? Dream

The Lord of destruction and the master of death see this, and the force of the terrifying heaven quickly presses down on Menglei like a stormy wave.

The speed of the transmission of the force of heaven is incomparable. In a short time, it will cover Menglei.

Seeing this, the two masters could not help but smile. As long as they were enveloped by the power of heaven, they could definitely suppress Menglei.

At that time, he will surely die!

However, in the two masters began YY how to process Menglei, Menglei suddenly disappeared, mysteriously disappeared in place.


"What's the situation?"

The two masters are a bit of a fool.

Vanishing out of thin air?


"Are you disappointed?"

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Menglei's voice sounded, two masters rushed to see, unexpectedly in tens of thousands of kilometers away, the two masters muddled: "how can this happen?"

"I forgot to tell you that in addition to the laws of time, life, destruction and death, I have also understood the laws of space!" "Therefore, no matter how fast the power of heaven is, it can't suppress me!"


The two masters were silent for a moment, but they set off a storm in their hearts.

Generally speaking, Monroe has already understood the four Supreme laws, and it is nothing strange to understand the space law again, but it is the space law!






He had fully understood the five supreme laws. How could there be such a perverted person?

"Kill him! He must be killed! "

The master of destruction is hysterical: "he will not die today, we will surely die in the future, there will be no burial ground, today he must die!"

The Death Master nodded silently: "save the life master and a number of God first!"


The power of the heaven instantly spread to the law of life and the 133 main gods, covering the void where they were, and then forced back the five supreme laws. Without the law of time, the master of life and the 133 gods were out of trouble again.

"Let's fight together and kill the thief!"

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The three masters and 133 main gods stare at Meng Lei. The killing intention in their eyes is almost condensed into essence. Everyone knows what this war means. Meng Lei understands the five supreme laws, and his strength is far beyond that of the master. If he is not killed, everyone will feel uneasy!

Besides, who knows if Monroe will understand the law of creation in the future? If he really understood the law of creation, everyone would have no way to live!

So, he must die!

"The LORD God of heaven will mobilize the power of heaven with us!" The Lord of destruction cried, "God surround the thief and create opportunities for us."

Hearing this, 133 gods were immediately divided into two groups. Among them, 43 gods from the highest heaven flew to the three masters to help mobilize the power of the heaven. With their participation, the virtual shadow of the highest heaven became more solid, and the power of the heaven was more surging and terrifying.The 90 gods from the nine gods directly rushed to Menglei, which was tantamount to death, but the 90 gods refused.

On the one hand, it is because the order of destroying the Lord can't be disobeyed. On the other hand, they all know very well that if Monroe doesn't die, they will die too!

All are dead, why not fight?

Unfortunately, they overestimate themselves!

"A bunch of ignorant fools, do you think you can hold me back?"

Looking at the 90 main gods who jumped at him, Morley shook his head slightly: "since you are dead, it's no wonder I am!"

As soon as the words were finished, Meng Lei suddenly appeared in front of the 90 gods and threw out a space to imprison them directly.

Seeing this, the three masters quickly mobilized the power of the heaven to press on Menglei. However, without waiting for the power of the heaven to approach, the 90 main gods disappeared.

Monlay is gone, too.

"Damn it!"


"Cunning reptile!"

The three masters saw the situation and cried out in anger.

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"Let you down again!"

From hundreds of millions of miles away, Meng Lei's voice came, and there were 90 main gods standing beside him. Just in a moment, he had already brought 90 gods to appear hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Damn it!"

"The laws of space are so annoying!"

"What now?"

At this moment, they miss the space master very much. If the space master is present and has his space rules, everything will become very simple.

But now

On the other side.

Menglei did not pay attention to the three masters, but looked at the 90 imprisoned gods and said, "do you want to kill me?"

The 90 gods trembled and looked pale. Of course, they wanted to kill Meng Lei. They wanted to tear him into pieces, but

"You are just a group of ants. If you don't offend me, I don't care about you! But since you want to die, I don't mind stepping on you! "

Monray swept over 90 gods, and a purple energy ball appeared on his fingertip. With a slight toss, he threw the energy ball into the space prison.


"Spare me!"

Looking at the purple and red energy ball, 90 gods were shocked.

This is the destructive energy ball formed by the power of the law of destruction. Even if it is stained with a trace, it will definitely annihilate them.

"Master, help! Help us

"Ah -"

the destruction energy ball rolled over and completely swallowed up 90 main gods. After a long time, everything disappeared, leaving only 90 gods in place.

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