Placid Chang’an

Chapter 6

 Chapter 6: The Top Scorer

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As Su Cen spoke, his air of hostility dissipated. His official career was likely over, and he no longer needed to adhere to those rigid rules. He straightened his back and looked directly at Li Shi, slowly saying, "What I 'cut' is the partisan struggle. Nowadays, there is a surging tide of factionalism in the court. Everyone is pursuing their own interests, attacking and accusing one another, disregarding the country's well-being. Before taking office, one must learn to align oneself with a faction, and before taking action, one must consider how to benefit one's own party. If officials fail to act, it will lead to chaos and the decline of the country."




A eunuch by the emperor's side shouted, about to order the guards to take Su Cen away. However, Prince Ning, who should have been the most furious, waved his hand, showing no anger on his face. Instead, he looked at the man with great interest and asked, "So, what is this 'party' you speak of, and what are they fighting for?"


Su Cen opened his mouth, but found that all the words were stuck in his throat, unable to utter a single word.


He could give up power and fame, but he still wanted to keep his head.


Li Shi raised an eyebrow at the person kneeling in the courtyard. With a stubborn expression, the person stared at him intently, the answer written clearly in his eyes. Li Shi had read his articles and naturally knew what he meant by 'cut.' He hadn't paid any attention to the others before, but it was this person, with his teeth clenched in resentment, that he found amusing.


Fortunately, before Li Shi could ask anything else, a voice came from behind the folding screen on the right, saying, "You may leave."


Su Cen didn't know how he managed to stand up, how he escaped from the grand hall, or how he exited the palace gate. The warm March sun shone on him, but he couldn't feel any warmth.


He walked on the bustling street for a long time before snapping back to reality. He looked up and coincidentally found himself in the teahouse he had visited that day.


He walked in leisurely and ordered a pot of Longjing tea. Just as Su Cen poured himself a cup, he couldn't help but look up at the second floor.


The light gauze curtain had been put away, and there was no one at the table. However, he, captivated by the scalding cup of tea, stared upstairs as if in a silent confrontation with someone.


How long had Li Shi looked at him that day?

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Those eyes were so profound. All his immaturity, clumsiness, and youthful impetuosity were laid bare, as if someone had stripped him layer by layer and thrown him naked on the street, completely exposed without reservation.


With just one glance, that person saw through him.


And he, caught off guard time and time again, hadn't even had a chance to really look at the person in return.


It was widely believed that Prince Ning, who wielded power over the court, was ruthless and merciless, devouring people without blinking an eye. He never smiled and wore a stern expression like the God of Death. Su Cen couldn't help but sneer; those people must have never seen the real Prince Ning. Killing someone with a single smile, he could reduce you to ashes, leaving no trace of your existence. There would be no chance of redemption.


On that day, he had let go of the assassin who had attempted to take his life. Given Li Shi's status and position, there were a hundred ways to ensure the assassin had no burial ground. However, he had spared him, waiting for this moment.


Truly, there was nothing more despairing than realizing that the end of the journey through hardships and obstacles was a cliff. His grandfather at home was still waiting for him to achieve fame and glory, but little did he know that his path to officialdom had been severed on his first day in Chang'an City.


All his efforts had come to naught, leaving him in a miserable state.


When the pot of tea had cooled completely, Su Cen slowly got up and left the teahouse. The sun was setting in the west as he walked, feeling as if he had drunk a pot of wine instead of tea. He stumbled along the way, contemplating whether he should find a small inn without curfew to stay in.


He didn't know how to explain to Ah Fu how his extraordinary Second Young Master had ended up falling short of success.


Even if Ah Fu tactfully refrained from asking, or if he locked himself in his room without answering, he didn't know how to face those eyes filled with anticipation.


He needed to find a place where nobody recognized him to stay for a while.


For example... the Red Silk Lane... or perhaps...

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Su Cen looked up. The twilight was blending in, the lanterns were lit, and a few slick-looking young men leaned against windows and doors, smirking with a hint of meaning.


In the open-minded atmosphere of Chang'an City, keeping young men as companions was nothing out of the ordinary. At the edge of the Eastern Market, there was an alley with smoking red and willow green, where brothels and male companionship houses faced each other. Men and women vied for business, dressed in crimson gowns and captivating gazes, no less alluring than their female counterparts.


And he, in his current state, seemed like one of those outsiders hesitating at the door, eager to taste something new.


However, Su Cen stood in front of the door for a different reason.


The assassin had whispered in his ear, both real and illusory, mentioning that the person had an interest in men. Today, Zheng Yang had also mentioned that his uncle had taken an interest in him.


What kind of interest was that?


This kind of... interest?


His stomach churned inexplicably. He hadn't eaten a single grain of rice all day, and now, with an empty stomach, he had drunk a pot of cold tea. He knew there was nothing to vomit, yet he still bent over and dry heaved for a while.


The young men inside the brothel glanced at Su Cen coldly and then returned to their business, no longer paying him any attention.


Su Cen finished retching and sat on the ground, unable to help but bitterly smile. What disgusted him was not others, but himself and his momentary despicable thoughts.


In the end, he returned to Changle Lane. As soon as he turned into his own alley, he saw Ah Fu holding a lantern and waiting at the door. Seeing him return, Ah Fu rushed over and grabbed his sleeve, too excited to find the right words.


"You know?" Su Cen furrowed his brow.


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"I know everything. Second Young Master, you..." Ah Fu's hands trembled with excitement. "You're amazing! Triple excellence, top scorer in the imperial examination. Our Su family has hope for revival!"


Su Cen: "..."


After being stunned for a while, Su Cen finally regained his senses and stared at Ah Fu. "Who told you that I ranked first?"


"How could it be fake," Ah Fu pointed behind him. "Officials from the palace are waiting. They've been waiting for Second Young Master to return. I thought of going out to find you, and I happened to meet you coming back."


Su Cen looked ahead and indeed saw two eunuchs standing at the door, holding a roll of yellow silk and smiling obsequiously at him. "Congratulations, Scholar Su, talented youth, for achieving the highest rank in the country."


Su Cen stood still for a while, until the expressions on the two men's faces turned stiff. Suddenly, he took a step forward, snatched the roll of yellow silk from them, and threw it on the ground. "Until when does he want to toy with me?!"


The two eunuchs exchanged glances, stunned for a moment. They had seen people who were overjoyed upon receiving the news, shedding tears of joy, and even those who fainted from excitement, but this was the first time they had seen someone throw the imperial list on the ground like this.


They had put in a lot of effort to secure this job, having already learned that Scholar Su came from a well-off family. They had hoped to make some extra money running errands, but now, what kind of situation was this?


"Second Young Master..." Ah Fu snapped back to his senses and quickly picked up the imperial list, afraid that someone would throw it away again. He cautiously approached Su Cen and asked, "Second Young Master, are you alright?"


Indeed, any normal person would not have done such a thing. So many people spent their entire lives studying and working hard just to have their names on this imperial list, and only he, the one who was sick in the head, avoided it like the plague.


Su Cen gradually calmed down and reached out his hand. "Give it to me."


After much hesitation, Ah Fu took it out from behind and returned it to Su Cen's hands.


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Su Cen stared at the item in his hand for a while before a smile slowly appeared on his face.


So they wanted to play?


Then he would play along.


He could stumble in one place once or twice, but there would come a day when he would flatten this treacherous path.


In Chang'an City, the sound of the clapper resounded past midnight. Li Shi finally put down his vermilion brush and pressed his temple with his knuckles. He timely draped a cloak over himself.


Qi Lin stood behind him and said, "Master, rest."


The young emperor was ignorant of political affairs. All the memorials from the civil and military officials were reviewed by the Secretariat of the Central Council. After that, they were sent to Xingqing Palace for the regent prince's approval before being dispatched.


It seemed like a good job with significant power in hand, but it wasn't entirely so. Qi Lin could clearly see that his master's brow, just smoothed out, furrowed again. "Garrisons need to be stationed in Longxi, Huainan is troubled by bandits, and there is conflict with the local tribes in Qianzhou. They are constantly finding ways to ask the court for money. They treat the court as a money bag hanging on their bodies, which is uncomfortable."


Qi Lin furiously added, "Last year, the Empress Dowager wanted to build the Fragrant Forest Garden. Now there is no money to resolve conflicts with those tribes. Zhao Zhijing, the Minister of Revenue, has gone to great lengths to please the Empress Dowager Chu. He practically emptied half of the national treasury."


"If he has money to build the Fragrant Forest Garden for Empress Dowager Chu, then he should have money to provide funds for me to suppress bandits and raise military expenses," Li Shi picked up his vermilion brush and circled the documents from Longxi and Huainan. After contemplating the document from Qianzhou, he finally added a line: Promote enlightenment and gradually disarm.


Putting down his brush and getting up, he took a few steps before turning back and asking, "How is the new top scorer doing?"


Qi Lin replied, "What else can he do? He has received the imperial decree and expressed his gratitude. He's done." After following a couple of steps, he added, "Master, I just can't understand. His words were directly aimed at you, someone whom Empress Dowager Chu doesn't even want. Why are you protecting him?"


Li Shi smiled, twirling the ink jade ring on his thumb. "Fearless in his youth. Kids can be quite amusing."

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