Plane Supermarket

Chapter 6

The refugees got together to eat, and they sat around together, with the hot porridge served by Cao’er Niang in front of them.

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Unlike the porridge stalls on their way of fleeing, the porridge brought out by Cao’er Niang was thick, every grain of rice was boiled, and there was a layer of light yellow flake-like stuff sprinkled on the porridge.

Seeing that they were afraid to eat with their bowls, Cao Erniang explained: “The immortal said that you must nourish your stomach, and you can eat oily meat after you have nourished it. This porridge is sprinkled with dried meat floss, which is made from meat, so you can taste the meat when you eat it.”

She swallowed: “It’s a good thing.”

Cao’er Niang stuffed a strange bottle to Wu Yan’s wife, and she raised her chin: “give it to your child, it’s no worse than human milk”

The woman took the bottle in a daze, there was a white nipple on the top of the bottle, she reached out to touch it, it was soft.

Cao’er Niang said impatiently: “You can just put it in your child’s mouth, he can eat it by himself.”

The woman didn’t dare to move, she held the feeding bottle like some precious and rare treasure.

Cao’er Niang couldn’t stand it anymore, she “snatched” the feeding bottle from the woman, and stuffed it into the mouth of the baby in her arms.

Babies don’t need to be taught to suck, they start sucking hard as soon as their mouth touches the nipple.

Cao’er niang was stunned for a moment.

Such a young child knows that he has to work hard to survive.

The refugees were eating outside, and Ye Zhou was looking for a change of clothes for them in the supermarket. After the refugees had finished eating, they had to take a shower and shave their heads. He also had to tidy up the warehouse. Forget about warehouses.

Although there is now a thin layer of dust on the floor of the warehouse, it can be cleaned after mopping, and people can sleep after laying brown mats and quilts.

Fortunately, he opened a large supermarket. If it was a small supermarket, with so many people coming, the stock would have to be emptied just to eat and drink.

By the time Ye Zhou finished his work, the refugees who had eaten had already sat outside for a while.

Ye Zhou stood at the door and winked at Cao’er Niang.

Cao’er Niang walked up with a smile on her face. She lowered her head and bowed her waist, her posture was pious and respectful. Her voice was originally loud. Before, she was unable to speak because of hunger. Now that she is better, she speaks like thunder.

“Master Immortal, please give me your order.”

Ye Zhou was already used to her voice, not only used to it, but also found it kind.

His second aunt also had the same voice. She looked fierce, but she was actually a nice person. Every time he went back to his hometown, his second aunt would buy toys for him and cook him his favorite dishes.

He is homesick.

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He used to work outside and didn’t think much about not going home for a whole year, probably because he knew that he could go back anytime.

He had only been here for more than ten days, and he began to miss home.

Ye Zhou whispered, “Take them to wash up. I’ve put the clothes in the security room. You have to change your clothes before going to the supermarket. Do you understand?”

Cao’er Niang nodded, “Then they sleep…”

The room she and Cao’er lived in had only two beds, and the room itself was not big, although the floor could sleep people, but at most four more could be squeezed.

What about the rest?

Ye Zhou: “Take them to the warehouse.”

Cao’erniang suddenly realized: “The warehouse is good! It’s big and has windows!”

The refugees went into the security room to take a bath under Cao’er Niang’s command.

The elderly, women and children go first, while the men wait outside.

Ye Zhou glanced at the group of men. He hoped that they were good people, but it was just hope.

If they had evil intentions, he would have to be cruel immediately.

He wants to go back alive, this is his first priority, and other people or things have to make concessions for this.

Ye Zhou quickly looked away, and he returned to the supermarket.

The men watched Ye Zhou’s back carefully. This was the first time they saw Ye Zhou’s face clearly.

“Immortal… No wonder that he’s immortal.” Wu Yan said foolishly, “It’s different from us.”

The people around him whispered: “I heard that those princes from aristocratic families are also white and clean.”

“It’s definitely not as good-looking as the immortal!”

They all looked down at their hands in unison, their fingers were short and thick, and their palms were also short, unlike the immortal with slender arms and hands, they were as dark as carbon, but immortal was fair as if glowing.

His face was also different from theirs.

Obviously they all have a pair of eyes and a nose, but the immortal’s face looks like it was made by Empress Nuwa herself, and they are the muddy ideas thrown by Empress Nuwa.

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What? Can’t the Empress felt tired? Did she has to made everything by herself?


“I didn’t expect us to have such luck.” The man with spots on his face said happily, “When I was young, a fortune teller told me that I was blessed in my life, and that there were noble people to help me when I was in poverty. I used to think he was a liar!”

The men were talking outside, and the women were talking inside.

They help each other shave their heads. Although the old saying is well-trained, the body and skin are subject to their parents, but how can these peasant women have so many rules to abide by?

If everyone obeyed the rules in the country, they would all die.

“It doesn’t matter if you shave it, the newly grown hair will be shiny.” The old woman sat on a small chair and let her daughter-in-law shave her head.

The daughter-in-law also showed a smile: “This blade is really easy to use. It is covered with something, so it won’t cut the skin.”

The young daughter-in-law said: “The things given by the immortals must be good. I heard from my mother that the immortals in the scriptures would shake the sky when they breathed in. This blade is nothing”

“Aiya, you’re talking big when you’re full.” The daughters-in-law laughed, “This blade is nothing, have you ever seen such blade in your hometown?”

The little daughter-in-law laughed and said, “From now on, if you follow the immortal, you can see everything.”

After they were all packed, Cao’er Niang took them to the warehouse.

The warehouse was just behind the supermarket, larger than any house they had ever seen, empty and able to hold hundreds of people.

What surprised them the most was that a bed had already been laid on the ground.

Even if you haven’t touched it with your hands, you can tell that the materials used to make the bed are good things, and the materials they wear are also good materials. The stitches are thin and the fabric is soft, which is a good material that they have never seen before.

Country people always wear the cheapest linen for their clothes, which are hard and scratchy when they are first put on, and they need to be worn or worn out to be considered comfortable.

But the clothes they are wearing now are new, sticking to the flesh, but not scratching at all.

It’s just that the clothes look a little weird, they all show their arms and legs. The men are okay, but the women can only wear a long-sleeved coat because the clothes are too close to the body.

But they don’t complain.

Immortal is not someone from the mundane world, so naturally they don’t have to abide by the rules of the world.

“Perhaps all immortals dress like this.” Someone whispered.

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“Exactly. Don’t say something about the skin is exposed, Immortals don’t care if the skin is exposed or not.”

They quickly selected their own beds, and the number was just right. Wu Yan took his wife to choose the two inner beds , When I sat down, I realized that the bed was very soft. Wu Yan’s wife lowered her head and lifted the sheet, only to find that the bottom was a brown mat, on which there were also two layers of wadding.

“Use such a good wadding to make a bed…” Wife Wu said blankly as she stroked the bed.

Wu Yan has already relaxed a lot, not to mention that there are only refugees like them in the warehouse at this time, he said with a smile: “Things that immortal can get with a breath, in our eyes, are violent things, but in the eyes of immortals, maybe it’s just to make the best use of everything.”

Wife Wu nodded, she sat on the bedside with the child in her arms, no matter how hot it was outside, it was still cold inside.

It’s so nice here…

This is the paradise that my father-in-law once said.

She used to live so well. Even though she was a village girl, her family also provided a scholar. Although she could not pass the exam, she could read and write. Although the whole family has also tightened their belts, there is hope anyway.

It is precisely because she has an elder brother who can read and write that the Wu family has taken a fancy to her.

Her husband’s family has constant property. Although he is not a big landlord, he runs a small oil workshop. The family has a simple population and can afford him to study.

Although Wu Yan is not suitable for studying and after so many years he still didn’t even pass the entrance examination for Tongsheng, he would help out when the oil shop was busy, and in her opinion, her husband was the best man in the world.

When fleeing, he didn’t abandon her, nor did he ask her to abandon her daughter like other men.

If he had a sip of food, she would have a sip; if he had a sip of water, she would also have a sip of water.

On such a difficult day, her daughter did not die.

Wu’s wife finally couldn’t help crying: “Husband! Husband!”

Wu Yan hugged her, and Wu’s wife beat her husband’s chest feebly, crying incoherently.

When Mrs. Wu cried, the refugees who were originally smiling were also affected by her crying and couldn’t help crying.

They didn’t cry when they were fleeing, but now that they’re saved, they can’t stop crying.

When Cao’er Niang came in, what she saw was a group of people hugging their heads and crying, looking crazy as if they wanted to grab the ground with their heads.

She was concerned, but she refused to show it on her face. She said loudly, “You don’t need to work today. The immortal said that you will take care of yourself for two days. You can work after your body recovers.”

“Don’t think the immortal saved you, and you can enjoy a treatment like a rich master and madam, there is no such cheap thing in the world.”

“If I see anyone who is lazy, I will tell the immortal and drive you out!”

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Cao’er Niang let out a cold snort and softened again: “We have suffered hardships before, but now we have paid off all the hardships. Don’t think about too many things, just work hard and live a good life. ”

Cao’er Niang herself was born in a farming family, and she knew it well in her heart that, as long as there is a way out , those who dare to move their minds are a most likely minority.

No matter how heavy the rent the landlords charge, as long as they don’t starve to death, they can bear it.

Even if you really want to starve to death, you can only endure it.

The refugees shook their heads again and again, wanting to swear to the sky, and said in one voice, “Don’t dare, we will be struck by lightning if we deceive the immortals. We will never dare.”

Cao’er Niang was satisfied, she reminded them all the way here and now she’s tired, she took a sip of water and said: “You guys rest, go to the lounge to find me if you have anything to do, don’t blame me for being troublesome, I am also for the good of everyone, don’t make mistakes alone and make a group of people suffer.”

“Now you know what’s going on outside. There are a lot of Dian’er prostitutes. It’s not uncommon to see Yizi Ershi. When we come here, there is no shortage of food and clothing. The immortals have a cold personality, and they will not kill us at will. Live an honest life.”

The refugees were talking, while Ye Zhou was studying the cash register.

He held a piece of cloth in his hand—it was cut from the refugees’ clothes, which he had cleaned and disinfected before bringing in.

Previously, it was written in small print that the cash register can automatically exchange currency. What currency does this refer to? Package does not include cloth?

After all, in ancient times, cloth could also be used as currency.

Moreover, when the value of currency is unstable, barter is still more popular among the people.

Ye Zhou researched for a while, but couldn’t find a way to exchange it, so he could only point the code scanning gun at the cloth, using a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

The cashier’s screen suddenly lit up, and Ye Zhou rushed to look at it.

Linen X1

Income: 0.5 yuan.

Ye Zhou: “…”

Is it worth 5 cents?

Forget it, it’s better to get paid than not to get paid.

If he had known that earlier, Cao’er mother and daughter’s clothes should not have been thrown away at the time, they would still have an income of less than ten yuan.

After solving the employee problem, Ye Zhou faced a new problem — where should he go to attract customers?

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