Chapter 12: Out of the mouth of babes

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 There was silence for a little while, the Yin Ting opened her mouth, ‘How did it go?’Zhengqing knew she was asking about the restaurant, ‘Nothing happened. Miss Shen saw us and joined us. We ate together.’‘Oh,’ was her reply. She looked at the children behind them, ‘Go back and say it,’ (Zuben: ?)Go back? Zhengqing became somewhat nervous, and say what?‘Love triangle?’He could take this opportunity to correct her wrong idea, since she insisted on discussing it with him. That being said, maybe it was better not to talk about it. Talking with a little girl about his values on marriage was very embarrassing, especially Yin Ting, this little girl and her quirky way of thinking.‘How old are you?’ he asked. Although, asking in a straightforward manner seemed very rude.'Twenty four,’ Yin Ting replied without hesitation, she gave him a smile.She certainly was a little girl. Most likely recently graduated from university. Zhengqing adjusted himself in his seat. He did not want to have to explain that his question had no hidden agenda behind it. She just seemed really young, younger than Qin Yufei.Yin Ting, not waiting for him to finish his mental deliberations, asked, ‘And you’re thirty-three?’Zhengqing nodded, feeling a bit strange, but he could not pin point the cause.‘I saw an article on you on the internet, that’s how I know.’ Yin Ting said with a grin,Zhengqing was very embarrassed, that financial magazine article was much exaggerated. But he felt satisfied that she had looked him up, but also embarrassed. (Zuben: I have written the word embarrassed so many times, in this last chapter, than I have ever written in my whole life!)’66 Dashun!’ Yin Tin said suddenly.‘What?’ Zhengqing did not understand.‘Your age. Three plus three is six, therefore life would be smooth,’

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What has this got to do with anything, but he asked, ‘How about when I become thirty four?’‘Looking forward to that year, where whimsy meets harmony and happiness,’Zhengqing smiled; whimsy, harmony and happiness?‘And thirty five?’ Although, this one would not be too hard, eight was an auspicious number.She really did not need to exert herself coming up with something, ‘You will get rich, and your enterprise is succeeding. You will be a father at that time.’Zhengqing laughed in spite of himself. His plan was to marry in two years, so being a father at thirty five wasn’t a stretch. The rest of the ages were very easy to collect auspicious tidings, so he asked, ‘How about forty?’‘Do you want to wait till then? Won’t you be too old?’‘…’ Zhengqing was unable to describe the feelings in his heart, but he suspected his expression was very splendid. It was a pity that he was concentrating on the road. Yin Ting could only see half his face. She could not see his shock.Old age!What is this ghost?! (Zuben: Chinese thing I am assuming)Zhengqing did not say anything, Yin Ting tried to placate him, ‘You’re attaching great importance to this matter. Forty is not old for a man. For a woman, it is different; you must consider your wife, when child birth would be very difficult.’Zhengqing could not bear to look at Yin Ting, ‘Sorry sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn’t speak of these things. I just thought of you like my older brother.’Zhengqing was silent, if her older brother heard this, he would jump out to call ‘One child is a ghost!’One can’t be too kind in life or you will always be sad an heartbrokenElderly…Zhengqing decided to talk to the children instead, ‘Kids, how was the postcard business today?’‘We sold well!’ the Xiao Shitou said nodding.The slightly older boy was also excited, ‘Ting Ting jie jie calculated, we got enough to feed five children for a week,’

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‘More than that,’ the other little girl said, ‘This is just what we have sold. The other children have gone out to sell as well; we certainly would get a lot.’‘Very good!’ Xiao Shitou said very happily, rounding up the speech.Zhengqing frowned, a bit worried and turned to Yin Ting to ask, ‘Is the orphanage short of funds?’‘Not us,’ the boy said, ‘We are not short of money,’ he said very proudly.‘We aren’t short of money!’ Xiao Shitou said,‘We are full every day. We have clothes, and can go to school.’‘Our homework is done.’‘There is sugar to eat,’ Xiao Shitou said, ‘Every child has, oh. Tingting jie jie said to be fair, everyone has,’‘We’re helping an orphanage in the rural area to raise funds,’ Yin Ting said, ‘we want to get the children to do something for other children, right?’ she asked the children.They all nodded.‘Others help us, we help others.’‘Xiao Han is right,’ Yin Tin said praising the little boy,He seemed a bit embarrassed, but he loudly declared, ‘I will study hard, get into university and get the ability to help more people.’Zhengqing clenched the wheel, thinking of his own lowly beginnings. His life hadn’t been as miserable as these children’s, at least he had a home and relatives. He also received many people’s encouragement and help. Though he regularly donated to the Yongkai charitable fund, he realised he needed to help someone directly, so he said, ‘Xiao Han, if you work hard and can get into university, Uncle would help you pay your fees till you finish.’ (Zuben: *Roll eyes* what about the girls…?)Xiao Han got excited, ‘I, I will work hard.’Zhengqing laughed and caught Yin Ting looking at him, her she was laughing and her expression was sweet. Zhengqing got nervous again, ‘I’m not just saying, I am serious.’‘Thank you,’ she said.

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They children in the back were cheering for each other. Zhengqing thought they were cute. Zhenqing looked at Yin Ting; there was still laughter in her eyes.Zhengqing was embarrassed (Zuben: again). He cleared his throat and kept his eyes on the road. He recalled that Yin Ting had told him that she spent time in an orphanage playing, it seemed she was very familiar.She directed him to the orphanage. When they arrived, there was much jollity and excitement.Behind them, Yin Ting and Zhengqing watched the melee, he turned to her retrieving his wallet and took out the rest of the cash he had, ‘Something for the rural orphanage,’Yin Ting winked and said, ‘You already donated. You bought two boxes of postcards,’Zhengqing nodded, ‘A little more wouldn’t hurt,’Yin Ting smiled at him, she suddenly stepped forward and gave him a big hug,‘You’re so kind,’Was the hug for two seconds or three? Zhengqing was unsure, only that she let go of him too soon. His body seemed to keep the warmth of her hug long after she had stepped back,‘Then I will take it,’ she said sweetly,‘Very good,’ he said as he handed her the money. She thanked him, and was about to leave but turned and asked, ‘Do you still have time?’‘I’m waiting for you,’ he replied. He had time, there was no problem getting her home. Yin Ting laughed waved at him and ran towards a small side building.Zhengqing watched her back as she ran off, thinking of it, that’s what, actually, uh, as if they were not on the way. (Zuben: This is how is came out of google translate. I couldn’t make head or tail of it. I assume he lost his train of thought watching her butt)He had time.He felt his clothes being pulled; he looked down to see Xiao Shitou standing near him. She smiled up at him and gave him a lollipop,‘Shushu, you’re not driving now, you can eat.’She actually remembered! Zhengqing was somewhat touched. He took the lollipop and tore open the wrapper and popped it into his mouth, Xiao Shitou gave a happy smile.Zhengqing though the sweet was really very good. It can make people happy.

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Why was a sweet sweet? Because, it will make you happy.Zhengqing ruffled Xiao Shitou’s head as thanks, and asked, ‘Xiao Shitou, do you have a name?’‘My name is Shi Liang. The others said my name is like a boy’s and laugh at me. But Tingting jie jie said that a gleaming stone is a gem. So everyone started calling me Xiao Shitou,’‘Shu Liang is a very good name,’ he said. His name was also very good, he could think of a happy meaning, but although he tried, he could only think of “Please be more serious”, he had certainly been brainwashed. This was not good, he must find an awe-inspiring meaning to his name.Xiao Shitou pulled at his trouser leg, and he squatted to listen to her. She looked about checking for eavesdroppers, before she said, ‘Xiao Han ge studies earnestly, and his results are good. He will certainly be admitted into university,’ Xiao Shitou did not know what university was, but she thought that is seemed very great.Zhengqing nodded, ‘This shushu will certainly help him,’Xiao Shitou nodded happily and declared, ‘Uncle is very kind,’ before giving him a hug.‘I am quite stupid and do not do well in my studies. I think that I will not be admitted into university, but I will also try hard. Tingting jie jie said that I do not have to be admitted to university. Do something else.’‘What do you want to do?’ he askedXiao Shitou blushed and looked somewhat shy, she looked around again before saying, ‘I like Xiao Han ge, I want to be his bride when I grow up,’Zhengqing was a dumbfounded. He thought that she would say something like starting a small scale business like opening a shop.But Xiao Shitou’s face was red but she was resolute, ‘Tin Ting jie-ie said that this goal is very good, but Xiao Han ge has to agree. When we grow up I will ask Xiao Han again.’Why is the sun so high and so bright? So we must have a goal.Zhengqing could not help but laugh and held Xiao Shitou, ‘This goal is good,’ he said assuring the child. But later on, he would try to encourage her to pursue an enterprise; girls should be independent. But she was only a little girl now.Zhengqing saw Yin Ting coming out of the building running over to him.Her ponytail swayed, gleaming in the sun. Her face had a sweet smile, her body full of sunshine (Zuben: cue romantic violins)


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