Chapter 75 I saw the Sun

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Yin Ting looked at Zhengqing and was filled with warmth.He had changed the ring. Just a small matter; but it was unexpectedly touching.His confession had been special too. It wasn’t the photo that was special, but that he carefully pondered on every statement he had made. It wasn’t just “I like you, let’s be together” but I like you, why I like you, what I will do when I like you, what I can do for you. If you do like me, how to we live?“I love you” is an emotion. “What to do?” is life. He put his feelings for her into his life.The framed slideshow had not been for romance, she understood. Because this man didn’t know what romance was. He was only expressing his promise to her.His proposal wasn’t ostentatious nor was it an elaborate surprise. Just a phone call, go out to eat a meal and stroll down the street to buy the ring. No sweet words, no tears; just a bag to mention and go home.He did not understand romance, but he gave her candy and told her to eat it and be happy. He quietly changed the ring to a better one. He picked her up when she was down and encouraged her.She looked at Zhengqing and felt like he was the most handsome man in the world. He was her sunshine; warm, bright, illuminating her life.She leaned forward and kissed him, ‘I will refuel well.’Her kiss was so sweet, her smile was so cute. Zhengqing was fascinated and dazed, he asked, ‘What am I to do?’Yin Ting cocked her head and said, ‘You’re talking yellow again.’‘…’ Zhengqing frowned, ‘Which sentence?’Yin Ting laughed and pounced on him, ‘”What am I to do?” That sentence.’Zhengqing was caught off guard and was almost knocked down but he managed to stabilise the two of them. Yin Ting did not care; she sat astride Zhengqing and perfomed a “strong” pose, full of gas, ‘I have the sun! Let them see! I will never give in!’Zhengqing grinned, wanting to laugh, ‘I almost forgot.’ He said.‘What have you forgotten?’‘I had forgotten that you have “I am very sprited everyday” medicine.’She laughed and winked as she said, ‘Well it’s not “I’m very nervous everyday”, so your evaluation is fair.’Zhengwing laughed, ‘To me, these two are the same medicine.’Yin Ting pouted and swatted him, Zhengqing smiled at her expression and said, ‘I also have a medicine,’‘What is it? “I am very serious everyday”?’He gave wide smile and his eyes were very gentle, ‘No, it’s “I love you everyday” medicine.’

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Yin Ting stared at him.‘I love you very much, whether you’re spirited or nervous.’Yin Ting was touched again. It wasn’t good to be so easily moved. But what about it? Although her serious gentleman husband’s love quotient wasn’t very high, she liked him because she knew what he said was true. She hugged him tightly and said, ‘You cannot stop taking that medicine, Mr Qiu.’‘Hao, I won’t stop. You should be happy. Don’t worry about those people. It is important you live your life well. I will be with you and watch you become a happy boss, and then a happy old woman. And we will tell our grandchildren the stories of your travels.’Yin Ting smiled as she looked up at him, ‘Then you will be a serious uncle and then a serious boss?’‘Yes.’Yin Ting laughed happily and buried her head in his arms. She was so happy; a happy old woman and serious boss lord. She couldn’t help but kiss the enemy’s lips. Zhengqing retreated backwards, but she clung to the collar of his pyjamas and kissed him deeply.‘You know, I don’t wear pyjamas when I sleep alone.’ He said.‘So?’ Yin Ting asked as she licked his lips, she felt very happy to see him nervous and shy.‘Because you were dressed before me, I was afraid you would be impulsive.’‘…’ Yin Ting swiftly retreated. She hadn’t thought about it at all.‘You wearing my t-shirt is making me impulsive.’‘um…’‘And now you’re so passionate…’ he didn’t finished.Yin Ting tried to retreat. Seeing his heated gaze made her blush.Zhengqing sighed, dressed in his t-shirt, being so passionate about him. He reached out and fished her back to him. He only wanted to kiss her, but some things you can’t control.He frowned like he was very upset, ‘We will get married when the event is done.’ He couldn’t wait.Yin Ting laughed and blushed, ‘It doesn’t matter. In any case, you can’t get too old to have children.’‘Who is old?’It was too much, ‘Who is old?’ A man can not be insulted, the man’s dignity cannot be deceived. (Zuben: hmm okay)Yin Tin laughed, turned him over and overwhelmed him. Zhengqing decided he really could not wait and turned her over. The two were panting and hot when Zhengqing jumped up.Almost forgot the little guy!He grabbed the cat and threw it outside the bedroom and shut the door.Yin Ting laughed.

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At the window, the sun still shone through the gap. (Zuben: Out of focus, fade to black) ❀Zhengqing was late to work for the first time in many years.It wasn’t just a few minutes, it was a full two hours late.When he entered his offive, his face was very serious and stony. When the colleagues saw him, they did not dare say anything so the atmosphere in the office was solemn. Zhengqing entered his office with narrow eyes and large strides and did not come out again.It looked like the situation was a bit bad; was Tingting Yuli413’s situation on the internet getting worse? Everyone quietly gossiped amongst themselves.They all went on Tingting Yuli’s blog to check; there had been no updates but the abuse and support camps were still adhereing to their positions. Although, it was a lot more then yesterday. Because of the Xiu statement, there were no more of the so-called “absolutely true inside scoop” news. Despite that, it would not block malicious speculation, there were people waiting for it.But, the situation did not seem worse. Could Tingting Yuli not bear it and Qiu zong was feeling the burden of unbearable pressure?As everyone speculated outside, in his office, Zhengqing was on the phone to Yin Ting.‘Are you at work?’‘Yes.’‘Did you walk in with your super serious face?’‘No.’‘Hmm, but you are particularly serious when you are shy.’Zhengqing coughed twice. Miss Angel, you must take care of your boyfriend’s face.Yin Ting laughed.‘Have you seen your dad?’ he asked.After their sweet time in the morning, he took her out for breakfast and took her home to change then took her to the hospital. Even though he knew he was late, he did not want to leave her. This morning had been very special, very important and significant to him and Yin Ting. They really didn’t want to separate. However, he still had to work and she still had her battle.‘Yeah, he’s fine. He can be discharged at noon.’‘You must be standing outside the door giggling.’ He said‘I’m not.’‘Then you must be in a quiet place where no one can see you.’

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‘hmmm…’ that was true.‘Although it’s been less than half an hour apart, you must have missed me.’‘Not true,’ she pouted. Why was he so mean and expose her? Still this was Serious, he let his future wife save face,‘I miss you too.’Fine. She felt like she had kept her face.‘I showed my ring to dad.’‘And?’ he asked nervous.‘He said it is pretty.’‘Oh,’ he replied with a sigh of relief.‘I told him you picked it. He said you have a good eye.’Zhengqing chuckled and Yin Ting laughed, then she added, ‘My dad said to tell Aunt make two more dishes, you should come for dinner.’‘Alright,’ he replied happily.‘I told him about yesterday and how unhappy I was. He told me how bad could it be, I should fight.’Zhengqing smiled imagining Yin Guohao’s tone of voice‘So when I get home later, I will issue an announcement.’‘Hao,’ Zhengqing did not trust her not to, so he reminded her, ‘Remember what we discussed; don’t look at the comments, do not control forwarding, just stick to your post and leave. This is your current attitude to life.’‘Yeah,’ she replied nodding hard. Regardless of what others say, she should only care about people who love her.That afternoon, the event page was afire again because Tingting Yuli413 had posted: Thank you for your concern, I have something to say.First, which is most important, there is no black box activity for this event. I did know about the event in advance and actively prepared. But the methods I have participated in the event is the same as other participants. I did not think too much when I posted my stories because there was nothing to cover up or lie about. I was frank and just recorded my life and shared my joy. It is no different from the last five years I have been blogging. This has been called into question and I deeply apologise to the Xiu management, my family and friends who have been supporting me. I am here to say I'm sorry, everyone.But I will not withdraw from the event because I have done nothing wrong.I believe my posts are very good and l like them very much. This is my voice; my friends who read it think it is very good. So I shall continue to write and post.In addition, I am not strong enough and will be influenced be the negative comments, so I will not be reading the comments in the short term. My supportive friends; I know your hearts, thank you, but I am sorry I can’t interact with you at the moement. I will not delete the comments bad or good, the internet is a public forum; I have presented my views and you are also presenting yours.Yesterday was a difficult day for me, I had never imagined such a thing would happen to me. But it has come, and I will cherish the harvest. Yesterday, I thought of quitting, but someone told me that it wasn’t a question of participating in the event; it was a question of my life. Did I want to give up on enjoying life?

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I do not want to give up.I like to share my happiness with others. This is what I want to do and it is part of my life, so I will continue.When I woke up this morning, I saw the sun through the turned corner of black out curtains. I thought it was very beautiful and I felt very encouraged. This airless protection is safe, the perfection is respectable. However, through the imperfection, I saw the sun!She also put up the picture of the dense curtains with the turned corner letting the sun in through the window.The post was quickly shared and many people still mocked.Some people were saying: Now the brain’s remnants said the wrong thing to expose the truth! Using frankness to cover up her mistakes.There were also people cursing her, calling her arrogant and disgusting.Someone also said: You wrote such a long post without a sense of shame, still don’t want to quit in the end?On the supportive side, there were replies of: Very good, we must not withdraw and bow to the evil forces.There were comments of eternal support.Someone also said: There is no cost in questioning or name calling, but there is a huge loss in quitting. Do not give up on the other side of the screen.Yin Ting had no knowledge of all these good or bad. She logged off the moment she posted.Zhengqing watched and did not say much. He only shared the post and commented with: Love you! Jiāyóu!Soon there were messages: Dogs, men and women, wishing you all the best in a hundred years.Zhengqing was not angry about it. It was like trash and the comments were deleted and the posters black listed.Others saw Yin Ting’s post and Zhengqing’s stance.Qi Yufei also wrote: Love you! Jiāyóu!Mao Huizhu also wrote: Love you! Jiāyóu!Her fans followed suit: Love you! Jiāyóu!They no longer confronted people and just chanted: Love you! Jiāyóu!Was it a swear? Love you! Jiāyóu!Irony? Love you! Jiāyóu!Call us a bunch of psychos? Love you! Jiāyóu!Anyway, “Love you! Jiāyóu!”The event page was filled with comments of “Love you! Jiāyóu!”

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