Ch10 - Back Together in a New Relationship

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Shu Jin’s heartbeat gradually accelerated, and could not help but stop in his tracks to see more clearly.

Even though he couldn’t see the other person’s face, but that tall figure, there was no way he could possibly be mistaken. After confirming who that person was, he knew rationally that such development should not continue, but the other party was like a magnet, attracting him to approach uncontrollably. 

Sheng Xinghe did not bring any luggage, and hands were placed in the pockets of his coat. His hair was a little messy after being blown by the wind, and a few small snowflakes were still stained on his shoulders.

“Brother.” Shu Jin called out timidly.



“Where did you go?” Sheng Xinghe asked flatly.

He hasn’t seen him for more than half a month; from the scorching heat of the seaside city to the icy north. 

Sheng Xinghe put on a thick, neatly tailored woolen men’s coat, which instantly suppressed the whole person’s temperament to be more calm. If the white shirt Shu Jin saw Sheng Xinghe wore last time, still have a trace of his college years, then now, he can’t find it at all. The Sheng Xinghe in front of him is much closer to the legendary nouveau riche that Shu Jin saw on People Encyclopedia, making him feel strange and distant.


There are no other people downstairs. Except for the trees and grass in the neighborhood, the whole building is silent.

The cold wind blows slowly, making Shu Jin cold all over, and his eyelashes quivered: “Went shopping.”

Sheng Xinghe said: “Where are the things you bought?”


Shu Jin, who was empty handed, was stunned by the question: “I didn’t buy what I wanted to buy.”

Sheng Xinghe just asked casually, so turned around and went upstairs with him.

The two entered the elevator, and Shu Jin pressed the button.

He subconsciously stood on Sheng Xinghe’s right side, and turned his head to glance at Sheng Xinghe, then he lowered his head and did not dare to speak. His face was already red. 

From the time the elevator rose to the time he opened the door of his house, he was thinking about why Sheng Xinghe came.

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How did this happen? He mentioned the name of his company once, did Sheng Xinghe remember it? Moreover, Sheng Xinghe came to Star City at least two hours flight. Did he come to him on his way to his business trip or…

Shu Jin knows that last time, they actually didn’t have a pleasant goodbye. Sheng Xinghe was very angry that he couldn’t give an answer, so what was the point of going on like this?

Shu Jin was so nervous that the key was inserted several times, but he still failed to insert the key into the keyhole. 

Sheng Xinghe said “I’ll do it” and took the key from his hand, he felt Sheng Xinghe’s hand was cold. He didn’t know how long he had been waiting downstairs.

The living room is brightly lit, Shu Jin forgot to turn off the lights when he left the house just now.

Shu Jin casually kicked off his wet shoes from the snow, then gave his slippers to Sheng Xinghe, and walked in with only his socks: “Brother, come in.”

The house is warm, but Sheng Xinghe grabbed his arm: “Put it on.” 

Shu Jin said: “There are no other slippers.”

Sheng Xinghe raised his eyebrows slightly: “You think I can wear it?”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf tfluta vloofgfcmf yfakffc atf akb lr tjio j tfjv, jcv bo mbegrf, atflg rtbfr jgf mfgajlcis cba atf rjwf rlhf.

Vte Alc jkxkjgvis qea bc tlr rilqqfgr, jcv kjixfv jkjs reiifcis: “Qbeiv sbe ilxf rbwf kjafg?” 

Vtfcu Wlcutf abbx boo tlr mbja jcv ragfamtfv bea tlr tjcv ab tjcu la bc atf qbgmt. Zjsyf la mjc’a yf mjiifv j qbgmt, yfmjerf rajcvlcu tfgf sbe mjc jigfjvs mjc ufa jc ecbyragemafv nlfk bo atf fcalgf ilnlcu gbbw, klat bcis j ibk rtbf mjylcfa jr j qjgalalbc.

The house is very old and poorly decorated. At first glance, you’ll know that it was rented, and the area is pitifully small.

A fabric sofa and a TV set. If the person sitting on the sofa is watching TV, just reaching out, and you can already touch the dining table on the other side. And if you want to eat at the dining table, then you can not enter the room, because the chair will occupy the aisle to the room.

Overall, the entire living room is not as big as Shu Jin’s previous bedroom. 

Shu Jin looks very used to this kind of environment.

He just saw him skillfully plugged in the kettle, took out the cup from the cupboard, and washed it clean, and then finally found the tea bag and put it into the cup. His timing is just right, when he turned around, the water was already boiling.

From nineteen to twenty-four, no longer the bluffing, spoiled teenager of the past.

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“Why do you live here?” Sheng Xinghe asked. 

“It’s cheaper and close to my work, so I can sleep a little longer in the morning.” Shu Jin handed him the water, “Be careful, and warm your hands first.”

Sheng Xinghe frowned.

He glanced over to the coffee table and said, “Did you just have a guest?”

There are still two cups on the coffee table. It was used by Shu Zhaoyuan when he came, and Shu Jin didn’t have time to put them away and subconsciously said: “It’s a colleague.” 

Sheng Xinghe: “The one who went on a trip with you last time?”

Shu Jin bit the bullet and let Lin Wang take the pot, he nodded.

He never dreamed that it would be so lively today, and he reminded himself that he must remember to reply back to his colleagues later, lest they get worried and really come looking for him.

Sheng Xinghe didn’t sit down, so Shu Jin asked: “Brother, haven’t you eaten yet?” 

The house is so big that Shu Jin cannot avoid Sheng Xinghe’s eyes at all times, and said: “I only have simple food here, dumplings, noodles or whatever, I can’t make anything complicated. If you’re hungry, I’ll go ahead and prepare some food for you.”

Just as he was about to hide in the kitchen again, Shu Jin’s wrist was caught by Sheng Xinghe.


He shuddered as he heard the sound of Sheng Xinghe behind him placing the cup on the table, and then a hug wrapped him completely from behind.

Sheng Xinghe wrapped his arms around Shu Jin’s thin body, and buried his head between Shu Jin’s warm neck. 

This hug is very tight and has a strong possessiveness.

Shu Jin’s nose was sour, and his whole person began to tremble.

Both of them haven’t spoken for a long time.

“You don’t need to cook.” Sheng Xinghe’s voice was deep, and a little hoarse as if he was suppressing a certain strong emotion, “I’ve already eaten.” 

“Oh.” Shu Jin stammered in response, “Okay, okay.”

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“Shu Jin.”

Sheng Xinghe suddenly called his name.

Shu Jin seemed to have a premonition, knowing what Sheng Xinghe was going to say, his trembling became even more pronounced. 

Sheng Xinghe still held him in a tight embrace, his broad chest firmly against his back, and then he said with a mute voice: “You don’t want me, but you don’t reject me. How can there be such a good thing in the world?”

“…forget it if you can’t say it, I won’t ask you again.”

“No matter what I want to do in the future, you are not allowed to have any opinion. You are no longer alone, and I am no longer alone. We’re back together in a new relationship.” 

Shu Jin couldn’t answer, not even a simple shake or nodding his head.

So Sheng Xinghe made a conclusion on this matter: “If you still feel sorry for me, then from now on, think of it as you are atoning for your sins, think of it as I forced you.”

After Sheng Xinghe finished speaking, he turned Shu Jin around to face him.

Shu Jin’s eyes are so red, and Sheng Xinghe, who is used to being proud, is not much better. 

Shu Jin wanted to say something, but he looked at Sheng Xinghe several times and failed to speak.

Sheng Xinghe reached out and covered his eyes, and whispered “don’t look”, then took his lips and kissed him gently, and then it slowly intensified and deepened. Shu Jin was kissed and took a step back, and he touched the door frame of the kitchen. He was a little out of breath and had to raise his head to bear it.


Shu Jin sobbed, wu wu.

However, his hand gripped Sheng Xinghe’s sweater very tightly. 

As Sheng Xinghe said, he dare not want Sheng Xinghe, nor can he refuse him, he can only numb himself in this moment of joy, and be a coward who did not have to choose nor give promises.

On this night, the two men once again lay in the same bed.

Sheng Xinghe wrapped his arms around Shu Jin and pressed him into his arms, as if to completely make up for the authority he gave up more than half a month ago.

They didn’t do it.

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When taking a bath, Shu Jin forgot to take the bath towel——he had already put it away in his suitcase before, Sheng Xinghe helped him find it according to the instructions, then knocked on the door and handed it to him.

The bathroom is filled with steam. Half of Shu Jin’s exposed face flushed with steam, his eyes were brimming with water, and he thanked Sheng Xinghe. 

Sheng Xinghe glanced at him, his Adam’s apple rolled: “Where are you going?”

Shu Jin said: “I was going to my mother’s place.”

Sheng Xinghe stood in the doorway, his expression did not fluctuate much.

Shu Jin immediately added: “I won’t go now!” 

Sheng Xinghe “En” with satisfaction and closed the door for him.

After drying his body, Shu Jin put on his pants and faced the dilemma of not being able to get it down. His mind was full of Sheng Xinghe’s extreme sexy adam’s apple, and he couldn’t help but recall the feeling of biting on it.

At this time, he was lying on the bed. Shu Jin also opened his eyes and did not sleep, his eyelashes swept Sheng Xinghe’s side face again and again in the dark.

Sheng Xinghe asked: “What are you thinking about?” 

Before he could answer, Sheng Xinghe stepped back a bit, pinched his chin and asked again: “Shu Jin, what are you thinking about?”

Shu Jin gently held Sheng Xinghe’s hand and said: “Brother, I actually remembered a little bit of my childhood.”


“It was a few years ago.” He told Sheng Xinghe, “At that time, I had just graduated, and once went to the construction site to do research and write environmental reports.”

“There were a few children playing near the construction site that day. They were divided into two factions, pretending to compete with a broom or something.” 

“I vaguely remembered that I seem to have played that kind of game before. I found a branch on the ground…the first one was too thick for me to hold, and after a few steps, I found another thin one and took it. It’s just right in hand.”

While speaking, Shu Jin felt a burst of chill on his body.

He couldn’t help but gritted his teeth shut: “Everyone was shouting, and I rejoined the game, then I seemed to have stabbed something.”

The room has been quiet for a long time. 

Finally, Sheng Xinghe hugged him back into his arms, and said lightly: “Maybe, I don’t remember.”

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