Ch13 - Movie Date

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Sunnyshies: Sorry for late update! hehehe

Sheng Xinghe booked a hotel near Shu Jin’s house, so it didn’t take long to go back and forth. 

Shu Jin saw him put on the slippers he picked, the size was still appropriate, making him feel relieved. His feeling was right, Sheng Xinghe really grew a bit taller than a few years ago.

Shu Jin wanted to ask how many days they could stay together, but it looked like there was no need to ask again.



Sheng Xinghe didn’t bring many clothes, he only had a change of clothes. He only took out a coat from his luggage and hung it on the closet, he didn’t even need to organize it.

One day passed quickly. 

In the evening, the two decided to go and see a movie. The movie that Shu Jin didn’t want to watch a second time had released a second part. After five years of sharpening the sword, the sequel of this movie has also changed directors. So he doesn’t know if it will suck to a new height.

“There happens to be a farther position in the 8th row. But I choose the position closer to the middle.” Shu Jin opened the app and said while looking at it.


“Yes.” Sheng Xinghe washed his hands in the kitchen.

Then he heard Shu Jin whisper “ah” and said to himself: “There are thirty coupons for new users, I’ll go get one first.”

Immediately afterwards, there was a “huh”: “How come the position I chose is no longer available?”

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him and was just staring at the phone solemnly, Sheng Xinghe wiped his hand and walked over: “Let me see.” 

Shu Jin brought the phone to him and wondered:  “I just clicked on the coupon and then clicked back on the position, but it was gone. Obviously, I could have chosen it all just now.”

Sheng Xinghe flipped through the page and rubbed his head smoothly: “You choose a bit later after you have decided the seats. The position has been booked by someone else, just choose another one.”

Shu Jin’s eyes widened: “So soon! Don’t they have anything to do on vacation?”

Shu Jin has almost never been to a movie theater in recent years, and the number of times he has watched movies is only a handful. It is the first time he bought tickets on the APP. He re-selected the position a little rusty, and after finding the right time, he actually discovered that the only empty seat left are on the second row. 

He said in frustration: “It’s too close, or let’s look elsewhere…”

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“It doesn’t matter, the second row is also fine.” Sheng Xinghe said, “My eyesight is 5.0, which is not that fragile.”

Shu Jin is worried that Sheng Xinghe’s only eye would become nearsighted. That’s why they only used to sit in the back row when watching movies.

This time, Shu Jin hesitated for a moment, but still obediently used the coupon to buy a seat in the second row. 

Not only are the shopping malls busy during the Spring Festival holidays, but the movie theaters are also crowded.

This film is equally bad, but compared with the first one, there are a few more funny stalks. From time to time you can hear small voices in the cinema, so Shu Jin guessed that this one would not be rated as 3.1.


They were sitting on the left side of the second row. While Shu Jin was amused by a joke, Sheng Xinghe took Shu Jin’s hand. He turned his head, and discovered that Sheng Xinghe was watching him smile.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Kkb tjcvr jcv afc olcufgr fcajcuifv, ufcais geyylcu abufatfg, yglculcu eq j rwjii fifmaglm meggfca. Vte Alc tjr cb lwqgfrrlbc bo ktja atf ijaafg qjga bo atf wbnlf lr jybea. 

Coafg kjamtlcu atf wbnlf atf akb kfca ab vlccfg.

Olxf jii mbeqifr ktb ralmx abufatfg bc tbilvjsr, atfs kfca atgbeut atf qgbmfrr bo vjalcu.

At ten o’clock in the evening, the two walked back to their residence along the street.

It doesn’t snow in Yuecheng, but on the snow-filled Star City road, Shu Jin still can’t help but remember the past. Things change as stars shift. Everything is similar to before, but completely different.

Sheng Xinghe felt the same way.

After coming out of the movie theater, Sheng Xinghe has been holding Shu Jin’s hand. Following his steps, he asked: “When did Puffs leave?”

They have grown up.

The dog, who circled them when they went for a walked in the past, has long been gone with the years.

Shu Jin said: “The second year after you left.” 

Sheng Xinghe’s palms were warm, and Shu Jin didn’t feel sad when he said this: “It left very peacefully and it was not uncomfortable. I stayed with it that day and talked to it, and I think it understood everything.”

Sheng Xinghe: “It’s in the pet cemetery?”

They had already discussed this issue when Puffs was getting older and older.

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But Shu Jin shook his head: “No, I was too busy at that time. So I could only bury it under a tree in the garden. I also planted a tree, so I could see the tree growing up from my window.” 

He paused, then said, “But now that the house has been sold, I can no longer see it.”

Sheng Xinghe frowned: “The house was sold?”


Shu Jin responded and suddenly said: “Brother, do you want to eat roasted sweet potatoes?”

There was a stall not far down the road, and Shu Jin pulled him that way, ending their conversation. 

Shu Jin bought roasted sweet potatoes and held them in his palms. His eyes were shining, and he looked very happy: “Last winter, I worked overtime to draw, Lin Wang would always come out to buy this. After eating, I will feel much better.”

It can be seen that Shu Jin likes his current job very much. Sheng Xinghe teased him: “Likes to be a designer, but doesn’t like to work overtime.”

“It’s not that bad!” Then Shu Jin said, “But if I were to draw my own plan, I would be even happier.”

Sheng Xinghe went along: “How many years of seniority does the lead artist need?” 

Shu Jin: “Two to three years, it also depends on the year-end evaluation.” He asked Sheng Xinghe, “I think my luck in my career is super good, maybe two years is enough, what do you think?”

“I think it’s okay.” Then Sheng Xinghe said, “After all, you are the one who can win the grand prize of a luxury trip for two in your first year of work.”

Speaking of that, Shu Jin’s face heated up a bit, but he didn’t continue to be complacent.

Because he really feels that it was his good luck. The awards in the annual meeting were nothing, the most important thing was that he actually managed to meet Sheng Xinghe again through this trip. 

He is willing to spend ten times of his luck in exchange for such an encounter.

After returning home, Shu Jin went to take a bath first. He felt that his whole body smelled of sweet potatoes.

Sheng Xinghe noticed that the shoes he had taken off in a mess were no longer some limited edition or something out of print. The clothes he wears are also ordinary brands, and in more durable styles. The game console at home looked somewhat old, and he rarely brought new cassette tape, and during the day, he would still look at which games were on sale. 

His family house was sold, the place he rented was not in a very good condition, and he also remembered that he used coupons to buy their movie tickets. None of these used to be Shu Jin’s daily life in the past.

But it can be seen that Shu Jin has adapted to this kind of life very well.

Sheng Xinghe knew that Shu Jin had something he hadn’t told him, but he was not in a hurry. He didn’t want to press the issue, and he will know it eventually.

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Then the phone rang one after another. 

It’s a text message to Shu Jin.

Sheng Xinghe found the phone on the sofa, and the main interface displayed several “You have received a new message.” He doesn’t know who sent it, or if it’s an urgent matter.


This person, Shu Jin, is very simple. Sheng Xinghe can guess that he must still be using the same password as before, but he didn’t bother to click on Shu Jin’s privacy.

“I’m done.” Shu Jin wiped his hair and came out of the bathroom. He pursed his lips and asked, “Brother, are you going?” 

“En.” Sheng Xinghe responded, then said to him, “You have a text message.”

Shu Jin soaked himself dizzy, so he just nodded.

When taking a bath, he kept wondering whether Sheng Xinghe would come in, so he kept paying attention to the movement outside. But no, Sheng Xinghe seems to be more calm than when he was young. On the contrary, their days in the hotel were somewhat unlike him.

In addition to the two daytime intervals in between, Shu Jin had been eaten clean from the inside out in those two nights, using every posture he could not think of and in every way he didn’t know… 

Compared to those, the few times they had been doing in the past are nothing.

Thinking that it might be the last time, and they will never see each other again, Shu Jin was a little crazy in those few days.

After coming back, Shu Jin deliberately didn’t think about those pictures, but now he really can’t do it.

When Shu Jin saw Sheng Xinghe pass by, for a moment he had this desire to pull his arm, and wanted to take initiative, only to back down the second before Sheng Xinghe passed by. 

Shu Jin is thin-skinned, even if he’s the only one who knows what he wants to do, he still can’t help blushing.

He closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing before taking a look at his phone.

In fact, Shu Jin had thought that it would be Shu Zhaoyuan, he didn’t contact him for a day, and he didn’t know where Shu Zhayuan and his friends had gone. But when he turned on his phone, he saw that it was a group text message sent by the company’s HR department. It said that the company cares for the left-behind employees, and organizes a dinner for the colleagues who stayed in Star City to participate consciously. Those who can make it, reply 1, those who can’t make it, reply 2.

Shu Jin couldn’t go, so he returned a 2. 

His colleague immediately replied to him: [Shu Jin, why don’t you come? 【angry】]

Shu Jin thought for a while, then replied: [I’m away.]

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His colleague was heartbroken: [How dare you lie, someone saw you just now! You and a handsome guy are in the lobby of XX cinema!]

Shu Jin: [It’s my brother. ] 

His colleague: [It’s just your brother, not your boyfriend! Come out tomorrow night!]

Shu Jin: “…”


Sheng Xinghe is here, and he doesn’t really want to participate in the dinner party. He plans to wait for the next day to find a reason to reject it.

Then there was a sound of water splashing in the bathroom. 

Shu Jin opened a game and started playing.

When loading the second cutscene, Sheng Xinghe came out, and Shu Jin heard him walking over, and then felt him hug his waist.

“You continue.” Sheng Xinghe’s voice was cold, speaking without any intimacy, but in fact it was not like that.

Shu Jin’s abdominal muscles tightened, his skin immediately sprang up goosebumps. 

He held his breath for a few seconds, and the game console unconsciously slid aside, then he suddenly regained his breathing, making his whole body burst into flames.

In the game screen, the protagonist falls off a cliff.


Sheng Xinghe said without emotion. 

Shu Jin grabbed his solid arm, and his fingertips almost embedded in his skin. The man tensed up like a bow and was blocked when he was about to make a sound. Sheng Xinghe pressed his index finger against his tongue.

“Should I save it?”

He heard Sheng Xinghe ask like this.

He breathed next to his ear and it felt so hot, followed by  a stinging pain in his earlobe. 

“No need…” He was vague and wanted to cry a little, “Turn it off!”

“It’s off.” Sheng Xinghe said. He really turned off the game console, and then he called his name, “Shu Jin.”

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