Ch7 - “I am the one who ruined Sheng Xinghe’s eye.”

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Sunnyshies: The ch 5 & 6 were released in NU in advance. I schedule it like what I did in CG. I dunno what happened though. I just tried using it, I won’t try it again. hahaha…

Here’s chapter 7! 

Suddenly a warm body leaned behind his back.

Shu Jin’s hand shook, and the phone fell on the sofa.



Sheng Xinghe had just finished taking a shower. The cold water dropped from his hair and slid down onto Shu Jin’s neck to his neckline, then his voice rang in his ear: “Who are you messaging with?”

Feeling his face was touched, Shu Jin grabbed his hand and said: “It’s my colleague.” 

Sheng Xinghe answered casually, and gently squeezed Shi Jin’s face, then moved away to continue to wipe his hair with a towel.


Because of his low fever last time, the most excessive they had done these past two days was Sheng Xinghe holding him on his lap, kissing him twice, then ending it hastily.

But Shu Jin’s body was already hot.

He didn’t know why he was like this, why he was so disappointed, and he couldn’t control himself after being touched like this.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Shu Jin had heard Sheng Xingheng and his assistant talk about arranging his next itinerary. They will not immediately go back after their work here, but will go to another city for a few days.

Shu Jin’s annual leave was about to run out, but he had quietly asked his colleagues in the HR department if it was okay if he took a few more days off.

After graduating, Shu Jin accumulated experience elsewhere, and Shu Jin just officially joined the firm as an assistant designer only a year ago. 

He works hard and has his own ideas. He is also very popular in the office. He is not like a person who neglects work for the sake of pleasure, so his colleague from the HR department directly told him that the annual leave plus the leave of absence was too long, which may not be good, and it may affect his year-end evaluation, asking him to seriously consider it.

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Shu Jin verbally said yes, but in his heart he was already ready to ask for a leave.

Although he and Sheng Xinghe have been together all the time in the past two days, they have never talked about the future.

Sheng Xinghe didn’t even ask for his cell phone number. 

But if Sheng Xinghe intends to take him with him to another city, then it makes sense. They still had at least a few days to go.

“Brother, do you want to go for a walk?”

Shu Jin mustered up his courage and asked.

As twilight approaches, the sunset rays shine in, giving everything a golden glow. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Sheng Xinghe dried his hair and threw the towel aside: “No, I’m not going, I have a document I haven’t finished reading.”

Vte Alc rjlv: “Pr la nfgs egufca? Jjc sbe ibbx ja la jujlc joafg kf mbwf yjmx?” Lf fzqijlcfv, “P klii ifjnf abwbggbk, P xlcv bo kjca ab ub jgbecv jujlc.”


Vtfcu Wlcutf ibbxfv yjmx ja tlw, atfc aegcfv jgbecv ab olcv tlr K-rtlga: “Tbe’gf cba ecmbwobgajyif jcswbgf?”

Vte Alc mtbxfv: “Sc.” 

After his fever subsided, his bottom had been sore for two days, but he was better now.

Sheng Xinghe stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and put on his clothes. As he moves, his beautiful chest, abdominal muscles, and his mermaid line are bathed in the sunset, looking very warm, but the words coming out from his mouth are not warm: “Go ahead and take a round, don’t go too far.”

After speaking, he returned to his cup on the table, and sure enough, he picked up the document and walked away.

Shu Jin couldn’t hold back the soreness of his nose, and quickly looked out of the window to suppress his tear glands. 

Outside too, wasn’t in any better.

He doesn’t know if it’s just his illusion, Shu Jin saw that all the people in pairs, who came out for a walk on the beach that night, were all lovers.

He stayed outside until it got dark before returning to the hotel. Sheng Xinghe was not in the living room, nor did he find where the other party was. He just went back to his room and went to bed after taking a shower.

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He slept until midnight. 

Shu Jin felt that someone had grabbed his calf.

There was no light in the room, and Shu Jin felt a familiar scent and called out to his brother.

Sheng Xinghe said don’t move, and began to move gently.

Shu Jin worked hard to cooperate, wanting to hug Sheng Xinghe’s neck with his arms, but he couldn’t help but make a sound and had to bite the pillow, just like when he was hiding in his room on the second floor when he was just a teenager. 

Puffs slept in a ball under the bed, occasionally turning an ear to listen to the annoying noises the two teenagers were making.

Eighteen-year-old Shu Jin blushed and complained, “You won’t do it?”

Then move his body a bit to provoke him, “Still don’t dare?”

In a daze, Shu Jin heard Sheng Xinghe ask: “Why did you ask the front desk for my room number?” 

Shu Jin’s heart trembled, and did not dare to answer.

In the darkness, Sheng Xinghe asked: “Why did you cry when you saw me?”


With a “click”, Sheng Xinghe turned on the bedside switch.

Shu Jin turned his head in embarrassment. His face was full of tears, his nose and cheeks were red, biting his lip tightly. 

Sheng Xinghe finally got angry, and he couldn’t help but clamped Shu Jin’s chin with his hands, leaving him nowhere to hide and face him, and said solemnly: “Shu Jin, look at me.”

Shu Jin’s tears slipped from the corners of his eyes to the pillow, but he still tried to turn his face away and did not want to look at Sheng Xinghe.

With tears in his eyes, he saw Sheng Xinghe’s angry face and Sheng Xinghe’s equally reddened eyes. But in the end, his eyes fell on his gray eyeball, completely regaining his senses, and his back felt cold.

“If you speak, I will return.” Sheng Xinghe gritted his teeth, “Take back what you said before, and these five years will be nothing. Just say the word and I’ll give it.” 

A one long minute confrontation.

Sheng Xinghe’s voice trembled a little, then he said sharply: “Speak!”

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Shu Jin still couldn’t say any words.

Finally, Sheng Xinghe released his hand and looked at Shu Jin blankly. About ten seconds later, he turned Shu Jin over. 

When Shu Jin woke up in the morning, Sheng Xinghe had already left.

The front desk called and told him: “Mr. Sheng has renewed the room for you. You can stay as long as you want.”

Shu Jin, wrapped in a nightgown, sat at the table in the living room. Everything that belonged to Sheng Xinghe had disappeared. Only a thin flight ticket for the return trip at 2 o’clock in the afternoon was left on the table.

Looking at the light blue sea in the distance through the window, these two days seemed like a dream. 

Shu Jin dumbly mumbled: “No, I have to catch the flight as well.”

Back in Star City, Shu Jin took a day off and went to a diner with his colleagues the night before returning to work.

The temperature drops quickly in early winter. Shu Jin only wore a windbreaker when he left, and when he came back, he was already wearing winter clothes. 

Shu Jin found a woolen coat, but when he walked downstairs, he felt very cold, so he went back to put on a thin fleece jacket. But he still felt cold when he went out again. Only then did he realize that the cold itself is not physical.

In the first year after leaving home, Shu Jin often felt this way.


He also lived in the university dormitory, and his roommates often thought that the heating was too high, only he felt cold. When the dormitory became empty on holidays, he was shivering even when he was wrapped up in a blanket.

Later, after graduating from college and moving out of the dormitory, he changed two rental places in a row, thinking that the landlord’s house was leaking. 

Eventually he stopped moving.

Slowly, as he got to more people and more friends, the coldness quietly faded. He may be numb, or he has already adapted, Shu Jin rarely feels lonely anymore.

Sure enough, they chose a buffet for the gathering place.

More than a dozen colleagues in the department have arrived talking about all kinds of things. Lin Wang did what he said. In order to thank Shu Jin for inviting him to go out and see the luxury tour, he paid for everyone’s consumption that night.

Young people get together very lively, playing games and talking jokes while eating. 

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Shu Jin behaved quieter than usual, and everyone just assumed he was tired and still hadn’t gotten over it.

Lin Wang had already shared the photos and experiences of their trip this time with everyone. As soon as Shu Jin came back, everyone inevitably talked about Sheng Xinghe.

Shu Jin was mentally prepared. He didn’t act secretively either, rather he acted very naturally.

“I only heard that Sheng Xinghe was from Yuecheng.” 

A colleague said, “I know that Shu Jin is also from Yuecheng, but I never thought that they would actually know each other! This is the first time a famous person has a relationship with someone close to me. It feels so amazing!”

“It’s not just an acquaintance, didn’t Shu Jin say that Sheng Xinghe is his brother.” Someone said so.

Everyone was curious and asked Shu Jin what the relationship is between them.

“He is older than me. He lived in my house for a while before.” Shu Jin said, “That’s it. In fact, our relationship is not very close.” 

Someone asked: “Hey, that eye of his, was it already like that when you guys met?”

Shu Jin sat on the other end of the long table. A small hot pot with clear soup gurgling in front of him, and his chopsticks with hot vegetables paused: “En.”


Lin Wang got close to him, then touched his shoulder and said: “That said, Mr. Sheng was blinded by his playmate, is it true, ah?”

Shu Jin’s chopsticks loosened, and the vegetables fell into the pot and couldn’t be found anymore. 

Then he heard himself say: “I don’t know.”

Lin Wang shrugged and stopped talking about this topic.

After another round of conversation among colleagues, Lin Wang turned back to see Shu Jin still sitting there dazed and asked him what was wrong.

Shu Jin looked up, his face was very pale, and suddenly said to him, “It’s me.” 

It was very noisy, and Shu Jin’s voice was not loud enough for Lin Wang to hear clearly: “What?”

Shu Jin still kept the volume and murmured to Lin Wang: “I am the one who ruined Sheng Xinghe’s eye.”

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