After spending a month in this wretched room, I stopped pointless rebellion and realized a few things from observing the daily activities in the room.

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First, the maids change every week.

It seemed like they were passing the responsibility of taking care of me like bathroom duty.

Secondly, most of the maids don't pay attention to me.

I don't really like it here. It's also hard to concentrate because there's never any noise from the maids talking amongst themselves when they come in alone.

Thirdly, for some reason, I had to bite on that old and dirty pacifier to get my head rolling.

If I didn't bite on it, I kept falling asleep. I realized this after three attempts.

Fourth, the personalities of the maids are different, but usually they don't come back in for four to five hours after delivering my food.

Fifth, I have no idea who I am.

It's been around 10 months since I arrived, and while I'm not of low status, I'm not exactly welcomed either.

Sometimes, I overhear discussions about a half-breed or someone related to the Sharente Clown, and it seems like there may be some connection.

Sixth, this place seems to be the Clown duchy of the Hairen Empire.

With a probability of approximately 97.8%.

Seventh, putting together the above stories, I must be related to the clown family in some way, maybe as the child of a Sharente clown.

Since I'm called a "half-breed," I don't think I'm Sharente's child. At most, I might be an illegitimate child.

Eighth, wait, then I'm not the child of that crazy, cold-blooded Sharente clown, right? Maybe the owner of this place, Dechar Clown, had an affair. He was a late bloomer.

Ninth, in conclusion, I don't like Sharente Clown.

Tenth, just in case it's not Sharente Clown, but Dechar Clown who had an affair, then could it be that Sharente and I are siblings...

No, let's stop here.

And now, I have decided to finish this observation diary splendidly.

Thinking about it more would only lead to dreadful thoughts.

Anyway, my treatment here is the worst, and leaving this house is the top priority.

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After that, I need to find an orphanage that won't restrain me.

But to do that, I need to become capable of using magic.

I have lost most of my magical power and now only have a small amount of power that my body generates on its own.

However, I can only use simple levitation magic with this amount.

Actually, it might be faster to find someone who will take care of me, but looking for new parents is just too troublesome.

An orphanage is perfect for me.

I won't be a burden or a weakness to anyone.

Family is only a weakness.


I don't want to live with this powder-like family and keep the secret of my birth.

Through one month of experience, I realized that I am being ignored.

They do wash me, but not thoroughly, and they dry me with a wet towel.

They even give me meals without any consideration.

Sometimes there were days when we only had one meal. Fortunately, I was a baby who just lay there, so I could endure it.

But even I, who have been fairly well-treated lately, haven't gotten used to it.

So, starting today, I think I'll have to go out and explore a bit.

The Duke of Heyrun Empire, a clown noble with silver eyes, was a family known for their unique silver eyes.

Thanks to that fact, it wasn't difficult to guess my existence as someone with silver eyes in the Heyrun Empire.

There are many legends in the Heyrun Empire, and one of them is about a family with mysterious silver eyes.

One day, a beautiful celestial being with silver eyes who had descended from the sky fell in love with a human.

After sharing love with a beautiful woman whose skin was covered in silver scales, they had a child.

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Surprisingly, the child was born with silver eyes that did not exist in the human world.

Since then, it was said that the descendants of that family with thick celestial bloodline were born with silver eyes for generations.

And one of those descendants played a significant role in founding the Heyrun Empire.

The first emperor greatly appreciated his loyalty and regarded him as a friend, granting him various privileges, including the title of Duke of Clown.

Although it is unclear whether this celestial being really exists or not, it was easy to find out my identity thanks to them.

The Duke of Clown had clashed with Sillophia in various ways, and every time we met, we had a battle.

It was a family that could not be defeated with a sword, and there were cases where they defeated magicians even while using a sword.

Anyway, since many military secrets of the empire go through the Duke of Clown's underground, we might be able to get away with stealing a few things if we're careful.

It would be great if we could steal some confidential documents before fleeing.

"Now, don't cry because it's loud. Let's just play quietly and go to sleep."


The fourth maid flicked my cheek with her finger and turned away.

The common-looking porridge in front of me looked like it would cause indigestion no matter how you looked at it.

It was clear how fragile a baby was.

"I'll wipe it myself."

I couldn't bring myself to suck on something so unclean and dirty.

But if I didn't suck on it, I wouldn't be able to think.

I shook my hand, telling her to leave, and used magic with ease.

I clutched my hands tightly and put all my strength into my legs and body, making a groaning sound...!

My body floated up.

It was embarrassing, but this was the most efficient way to use my magic.

It's a bit embarrassing.

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As I got closer to the ground, I blushed and waved my hands.

Yeah, I know I'm embarrassing.

I tried to comfort myself, but in the end, my face turned red with shame.

I struggled to stand on my own two feet, though I could stand unsteadily. Of course, my posture was quite unstable.

In many ways, it's easy to crawl when you're a baby.

Thanks to the fact that the door wasn't properly closed, I was able to crawl out easily.


My expression brightened as I breathed in the fresh air outside that I hadn't smelled in a month.

Even outside, there are long strips of red carpet, so my knees don't hurt.

I moved my legs around and looked around.

It seemed like it was on the second floor, so I carefully made my way down the first floor stairs without being noticed.

I looked back, took one step down, lifted my foot while wobbling my hips, and went down the next step.

'My body is small, so it's uncomfortable, but I have to remember the layout of the house to get information.'

I couldn't help imagining the sight of the clown duke who would be devastated if his information was stolen.

Step by step, I sucked in my pacifier and made it down the arched staircase unscathed.

Standing on all fours on the ground, I looked around once again.

'Should I hide behind the pillar for now?'

Unlike when I was crawling around the narrow room made of granite, there were carpets spread out here and there, making it much more comfortable.

That's why my speed was twice as fast as usual.

'It's like I've used some kind of speed-enhancing spell.'

I moved my arms and legs vigorously and hid behind the pillar.

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'That's the exit over there.'

First, let's go out and take a look around.

The pacifier was sticking to my lips like glue.

It seems to provide some kind of emotional stability. I never thought I'd feel emotionally stable thanks to a pacifier at this age...

'It's a little too tough though.'

Instead of this, if we add a few more ingredients to the slime liquid, it would be much cleaner and better.

One of the properties of slime is its self-purification ability, which would make it much easier to maintain.

'Should I try to develop it later?'

I suddenly raised my head while lost in thought.

What am I thinking when by the time I develop that, I'll either be an adult or won't need a pacifier? Am I getting tired? Maybe I'm going crazy.

I let out a deep sigh as I looked at my skinny arms and legs.

Perhaps because of my hunger, my mouth watered.

'Let's go.'

The path to the exit became quiet.

I looked around nervously and then stretched my arms and legs again.

The path to the exit was made of marble, so it was a little painful.

'Ah, finally... fresh air.'

I almost shed tears of sadness.

The maids never seem to ventilate the room. I'm honestly healthy because I purify my body with my magic.

'I don't know if it's purification, but...'

Anyway, I need to figure out what to do about this dirty and smelly pacifier.

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