Please Lock Me In, Male Lead

Chapter Prologue

Jayna Blake opened her eyes.

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She felt something cool weigh against her right foot. She lifted it slightly, only to discover that it was bound by a heavy metal ball. She moved her legs and heard the clanking sound of chains clattering against each other.

What is this place?

The sheets she was lying on seemed to be freshly washed. The thick curtains on the other side of the room only allowed faint rays of sunlight to seep through. The room seemed familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.  Jayna felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

“Jay, this is the room I prepared for you.” 

Jayna sneered, recalling the expression he had made while showing her this room. His eyes were misty and his face was like that of a puppy’s, waiting to be praised.

I think I understand the situation, more or less, she thought to herself. 

Wanting to know the time, she painstakingly made her way toward the window, amidst the clinking and clattering of her restraints. 

It had to be around midday, judging from the bright sunshine that seeped in despite the thick curtains. She could not confirm her theory, however, because of the short chain tugging her backward. Although there was only a little distance left to cover, she found herself retracing her steps back to the bed.

It’s uncomfortable, she complained inwardly. 

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She realized something as she climbed onto the bed. The shackles were loose around her skinny ankles. From the fact that they were wrapped in multiple layers of cloth to prevent bruises, she deduced that it was possible to widen them further.

Jayna, who was forced to go back to bed, suddenly noticed that the shackles on her ankles were more loose than expected. The shackles, which were wound with several layers of soft cloth to prevent the ankle from being swept, were too wide compared to Reina’s thin ankles.

I think I can manage to break free if I do it right… Sure enough, the shackles came off easily after only a few attempts to wriggle her feet out.

“Success!” she cried in excitement. She felt as if she were the main performer of a great escape stunt in a magic show.

She put her feet on the ground and made fast strides toward the window again. Jayna scowled at the strong sunlight that poured in as she pulled the curtain aside. 

A moment later, she tried her luck at the window and hesitated, thinking, No matter how careless my captors were, they wouldn’t have been sloppy enough to leave the window unbarred, right?

To her astonishment, the window gave in at the slightest push and opened. The cool breeze from outside ruffled through her light-pink hair.

How nice. Jayna leaned over the edge of the window, basking in the calming scent emanating from the lush green stretch of forest ahead. She enjoyed the pleasant feeling up until a certain noise interrupted her.  

The door clicked open with a loud creak and a voice called, “Jayna!”

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“Oh, Theo, h—” She couldn’t complete her greeting. As she was raising her hand to wave at the familiar intruder called Theo, her body swayed and she lost her balance. 

Her body leaned dangerously out of the window frame. Like a drowning man, she flailed her arms in an attempt to regain her balance but to no avail. She screamed, inwardly scolding herself for not vying to cultivate some muscle strength through exercise.

Jayna closed her eyes tightly shut and reasoned with the voice inside her head.

This room is only three stories high so I wouldn’t die even if I fell down, right? But wouldn’t I fall on my head at this rate? In that case, there is no way I’ll survive. I don’t want to die! 

A strong arm wrapped around her back to pull her from imminent danger. Theo’s fast arm steadily supported her back to safety. He couldn’t hide his shock as he stared at her with an ashen face.

“Thank you, Theo,” Jayna said, smiling.

Theo disappointed her by turning away instead of answering. He dragged her along and threw her onto the bed. Rather, he only pretended to roughly shove her, when in fact, he gently placed her on the mattress, no doubt afraid that she would be hurt. It was befitting of Theo’s personality.

What a cute fellow, thinking so, Jayna raised her hand to pat his head just like how she usually did but Theo dodged her touch.

 “Theo?” beckoned Jayna.

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Theo wordlessly collected the chains off the floor without sparing her a look. “I was too careless,” he said.

“Hm? About what?” By the time she finished her question, her ankles were already captured inside the shackles again, only this time, they held her ankles more tight and secure than before.

Theo raised his head, his silver eyes glistening like luminous beads of glass. “I did expect you to try and escape.”

“No, Theo, I-” She protested but was interrupted mid-sentence.

“I tried to respect your nature but I just couldn’t continue watching you put others’ safety before your own.”

This sounded wrong. He must have mistaken her intentions. She cared a lot about her body and was afraid of getting hurt more than anything else.

“It’s okay even if you hate me,” he said ominously.

Hold up.

“Receiving your hatred would be a small price to pay in order to prevent losing you.”

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“Theo, why don’t you first calm down so we can slowly talk about it?”

“No, I don’t want to converse with you anymore.”

Why wouldn’t he listen?

“Jayna Blake, if you try to escape like this again, I won’t let you go. You will never get out of here,” Theo said with a frigid expression. However, Jayna’s lips twitched at the sight of his reddened ears, which betrayed the deep feelings he had for her.

“I won’t lose you to anyone from now on,” he proclaimed, staring at Jayna with moist eyes. 

He picked himself up and exited the room. Only then could Jayna allow her laughter to burst out.

He’s so cute that it’s driving me crazy. Look at that happy expression of his…

She lay flat on the bed.

Her dream had finally come true. The dream of creating the perfect happy ending… No, a bad ending.

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