Chapter 25 "Partner"

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The wind blew along with heavy rain, and the cigarette in George's mouth that lit up just a moment went out in the blink of an eye.




Being unable to smoke made him uncomfortable all over, and he sighed.


After hearing his question, Su Ling was silent for a long time, the rain hitting against her delicate face.


She calmly replied, "We have to stop them, is the information accurate?"


"Absolutely accurate, the source of the information is the 'prophet' at the headquarters of the Anti-Magic Bureau, so far all the prophecies are absolutely correct, by the way, you haven’t seen her yet, right?"


Hearing the word "prophet" she was taken aback and asked: "The 'prophet' you’re saying is that poor woman lying in bed, physically disabled, unable to move?"


George nodded and said: "Yes, there's always a price to pay for having too much power. She is now in a poor mental state but if she is sober someday, you can go and talk with her too sometimes, maybe you can become good friends."


Su Ling asked a question. "If she wants to leave and wanted to live an ordinary life, will the Anti-Magic Bureau let her go?"


"She doesn't want to leave because there are so many friends in the Bureau who need her," George says meaningfully. "and it's the only place that is valuable and safest."


He narrowed his eyes and surveyed the seventeen-year-old girl in front of him.


She had long waist-length black hair, beneath the raincoat was a slender and thin body, a typical ethereal face of beauty with an expression that was not close to strangers, and the most important features were her black jewel-like eyes, which were always wary of the outside world.


A black cat? The girl's first impression of George was this.


Su Ling, the B-level investigator, joined the bureau three months ago with ten years of combat experience. A significant character flaw was a strong sense of justice. She was a member of the witcher family before joining the club, at the age of seven her parents died in a cult incident, and her home was burned down, since then she has lived alone in the slums.

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This was the information that George had before he came.


Later, the little girl was excavated and sponsored by the headquarters of the Anti-Magic Bureau. She was no longer displaced and had the opportunity to receive education, eventually, she enrolled at the world's top-ranked Beland Imperial College, which changed her life.


The price and condition she paid were that she had to join the Anti-Magic Bureau unconditionally when it recruited her.


Because of her character flaws, the Anti-Magic Bureau didn't want her to take up a full-time job, but recently, the investigators of the Anti-Magic Bureau suffered heavy losses and had to pull this wild way in.


On the surface, it seems so.


George turned around and stared at Beland under the rain on the observation deck.


~What are these executives thinking? Let me take this newcomer... are they trying to give me a stockpile of ammunition to release the first blade?... oh, what a disgusting bunch of jerks!


His mood was complicated and subtle. The "disaster-level" relic he owns must be released at a specific price, and he never wanted to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.


"Even if you want me to use it, find me a partner who is full of evil, ah."


George shook his head and took out a photo from his pocket.


It was the same photo of the little girl holding the burning blood walking alone on a rainy night.


Once it was taken away by Shen Yi, but this kind of photo had a large number of backups in the archives of the Anti-Magic Bureau, so he didn't show any unwillingness at all.


"The prophet's prophecy is flawed, she didn’t say anything in clear, sometimes the implementer is missing, sometimes the location is missing, in short, every time is incomplete."


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George turned around and handed the picture to the dark-haired girl behind him.


"However, there are two forces that are the most suspicious. The first is this one is the Chaos Remnant Order, these people seem to have successfully summoned an extraterrestrial god in recent months. The exact situation is unknown, but there have been no major casualties or changes yet."


"It's impossible to tell if the people who want to sacrifice Beland are from this Order."


Su Ling asked, "What about the other one?"


"The other suspicious order is the Quiet Word, an even more evil and arrogant order, and they even dared to initiate an attack on the Anti-Magic Bureau recently."


His tone became a little lower, this attack killed more than a dozen colleagues, and the injured were even more.


"There is something very wrong with the quiet world; they are completely fearless of death, it's like the most difficult kind of cults, and perhaps nothing is more important to them than peace of mind."


Su Ling tilted her head slightly and asked, "Quiet world, I don't know them very well... Can you explain in detail?"


"Well, I forgot that you are an amateur."


As soon as he finished, Su Ling wanted to retort, but he immediately waved his hand. "Don’t rebut, at least you are not as good as me in this area of knowledge, let me give you a little science."


"The quiet singer is an extraterrestrial god, representing the time two o'clock, and according to legend his image is an elegant gentleman wearing a white bones mask, who will sing for the departed in the non-existence world, letting them rest in eternal peace."


"And the Quiet Word is one of the largest cult groups in Nolan, serving the god the Quiet Singer, this group of cultists are crazy people who thirst for peace of mind and will do anything to please the Quiet Singer."


Su Ning was a bit puzzled, asked, "Peace of mind? I thought people in the world were pursuing happiness, what's the difference between happiness and peace of mind?"


"It's different."


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George shook his head and calmly explained, "Happiness is getting, peace of mind is letting go."


Looking at the little girl in the photo Su Ling thoughtfully asked once again, "Do you want to choose one of the two and investigate one of the orders first?"


George shook his head again and said: "Of course not, neither of us will work. ... Go straight to the clubs that the prophets said, the city of Beland is indeed big, but the number of clubs is limited."


"I know that there are a few clubs with a bad reputation, but we haven't been able to resolve them because we haven't had any evidence or because we're not allowed to do so on conditions, so we haven't dealt with them yet."


"But this time the prediction is very critical. It belongs to the fourth-level event, and no conclusive evidence is needed anymore."


The Nolan Anti-Magic Bureau had divided the list of "supernatural events" into five levels.


The First Level was harmless and basically safe; the Second Level was harmful to individuals and threatening; the Third Level was harmful to the group and serious threatening; the Fourth Level was a major event that would produce a major disaster to the group and serious threat, and the Fifth Level was a most significant level that could lead to the destruction of human civilization.


Once the fourth-level incident occurs, the senior management of the Nolan Anti-Magic Bureau will take the initiative to contact the senior management of the country and make every effort to ensure that the event must stop.


If there was a level 5 incident... The Nolan Bureau will be allowed to ask help from international authorities and, as well as, prepare the worst for in advance.


After explaining everything, George said, "The club is basically open at night, we don't have any work for time being, you can go back first."


Su Ling nodded, then she stared into his eyes and said, "I'm hungry, treat me to dinner."


George paused, a little surprised by her directness.




Su Ling stretched out her right hand's five fingers, then lowered them one-by-one while explaining seriously.


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"Because you are a senior, and I am a newcomer, naturally you are the one who has to buy dinner, your seniority and rank are higher than mine, wages, benefits, the year-end bonus are also higher, and even pension ......"


Couldn't stand her chatter he said, "All right, all right, all right! It's on me!"


George was speechless. This girl obviously had a cold and proud face. Why does she seem to be poor and stingy to a certain level? Was she afraid of being poor when she was a child?


If I have a daughter she is almost the same age as her, however, my daughter must be more understanding.


He sighed and said, "Well, I'll buy you a cup of coffee and I'll let you meet someone at that cafe."


Su Ling frowned slightly, and there was obvious disgust on his face.


"A café? Is there enough to eat here?"


"Forget it if you don't want to."




In the end, she no longer spoke and went to the stairway, leaving the observation deck.


George looked at her back and silently said to himself, "No matter how many sacrifices are made, we absolutely must stop this summoning ritual from happening."


Holding a black umbrella he followed the little girl's footsteps.


It seemed the rain was not going to stop anytime soon, it kept pouring on.


Not long after, the two had arrived near the destination and could already see the warm lights inside the café.


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