"The library has 15 minutes left to close, students are asked to leave before it closes."

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The sound of an announcement came to his ears, and only then did he come back to his senses from the book.


He froze for half a second and turned his head to look out the window.


It was still raining heavily, and even though it was July with the longest days in the month, it was getting dark quickly due to the weather.

"My feet...are a little numb.”


In general, Shen Yi rarely had time to focus on anything aside from making coffee.


Through an afternoon of reading, he supplemented a lot of basic occult knowledge, and also found records about 'Chaos Embers' and 'Quiet Words' in a few books.


The records about the Chaos Remnant Order basically focus on a thousand years ago.


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It was said that they once succeeded in summoning the great Lord of Ashes, who sent down a boundless natural disaster that boiled the sea, burned through the cloud curtain, and scorched the earth.


While reading this he shook his head and whispered to himself, "This level of performance is something I can't play at all."


At that time, the Chaos Embers Religion was so powerful that it even openly seized a kingdom, slaughtered the army, killed the king, and possessed the wealth and wives and daughters of all the nobles, which was definitely an evil disease of the Second Continent.


But their glory was only brief for a while, devastated by the Corona Church, and now almost extinguished.


"So it turned out to be the case, the ancestors were rich, but now it is a disgraceful, fallen church."


As for the Quiet Word, it was an order with the same long history as the Chaos Remnant Order for a thousand years, but its heritage had not weakened it; rather, it had spread across Noland over time.


He held a copy of "The Language of Silence" in his hand, which wrote about the quiet word.


"The Language of Silence" was written at the front of this book.

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"If it is an ordinary person who has not really touched the inner world, I am afraid they will only think that what is recorded in this book is all nonsense, and treat it as a story like a vampire-werewolf or something like that."


(This novel is publishing on otaku translation site if you are reading on some other site please come to otaku to support us, Thank You!!)


"Only the true mystery seekers know that what described in this book is not historical fiction."


With 15 minutes to go, he took a seat and continued reading instead of putting the book back.


"In my opinion, the Quiet Word has been able to develop and grow to this day only because of a huge advantage, that is, the extraterrestrials they believe in have easily solved the problem of "where to go after death"."


"Many religious groups rely on the rewards of gods to exist, but in the final analysis, most of the church members can't share the illusory rewards, after all, there is no way to absorb more people."


"Only by solving the problem of the afterlife can lead a large number of the living to be tirelessly devoted themselves to their faith."


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"Many people think quiet words are dreadful to ordinary people, and their custom of offering is different from those of other orders, and the extraterrestrial god whose nature is 'winter', and winter is the code of silence, closure, and the unending loss of things."


"At the beginning of the sacrificial ritual, the Silent Word kills the prepared sacrifices first, giving them eternal silence and peace of mind, which the world fears ...... But what is wrong with offering one's soul?"


Upon reading the last line, Shen Yi's heart skipped a beat and shook violently, he always felt that the author of this book was not quite right, so he turned to the front of the book and looked at the author's name.


“Yare Willard ......”


He remembered the name, but "The Language of Silence" was written more than a hundred years ago, the author of the book should reasonably have passed away long ago.


"They are going to sacrifice entire cities...and before the sacrifices began, Quiet Words will kill the sacrifices first, so that it can get eternal silence and peace of mind."


Now he fully understood how bad the "dire situation" that George said before.


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"I should go now."


He got up and put the book back on the shelf, and just about to leave a voice suddenly interrupted him.


"Arthur, aren't you on sick leave? Why are you in the... library?"


He was taken aback, the ordinary college student he transformed into was called "Arthur".


It seems he bumped into an acquaintance by accident.


With a smile, he turned around bit by bit to look at the person ...just to his heart sank straight down.


Standing there was Byron, who wore a silver-gray coat even in the middle of summer. He held a book in one hand and a steaming coffee cup in the other.


With a kind smile he looked at the motionless "Arthur".


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