In just a short while, the sky turned completely dark.

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One thing that Shen Yi was acutely aware of was that they were the only ones on the college main road.


"Arthur, why did you suddenly run to the library at this time?"


Shen Yi was silent for a long time: "I told you the reason because a girl asked me out."




Byron still looked ahead and nodded his head lightly, as if he had heard him but as if he didn’t hear his answer.


"Just now, what was the last book you read?"


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He had the impression that Byron had been staring at the bookshelf when he put the book down and almost knew what he was reading.


~Here is no way to lie.


He said calmly. "I just read a few mystery novels, and the last one was, well, it seems to be called 'The Language of Silence,' and it's full of sterile stuff."




Byron just nodded, and did not pry anything further.


With that they silently walked towards the entrance of Beland Imperial College together.


There was a huge artificial lake beside the main road, its surface was rippled by the violent rain.

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With each step, Byron's face grew colder.


The original gentle temperament had changed little by little, as a soft burning of water, just a dozen steps away from the lake, the man’s both aristocratic arrogance and wizard madness had completely come back. 


Noticing his changes, Shen Yi first halted in his tracks, knowing that there was no need to conceal his identity anymore.


~Since the disguise has been blown, I have to find a way out fast.


Byron took a few more steps before stopping, and he just happened to maintain a distance of ten steps from Shen Yi.


Perhaps, he thought, this was the best possible distance between both the offense and defense.


Byron turned and stared at "Arthur" not far away, and the two men stared at each other in the dark curtain of rain.

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Byron pulled out a piece of paper from his coat, like the ones you could normally see everywhere in school.


"I've just checked in the activity room, Arthur's still at home."


On this piece of paper, there was a line of black text wriggling like a living worm, as it got wet, it let out a squeaky whine before getting washed away, leaving only blank and wet white paper.


Shen Yi didn't know exactly what the words on the paper meant, but he had a guess that it was "Where is Arthur?" he didn't expect that Byron had such an intangible skill that was quite convenient to locate.


"I use a very convenient invisible art, but unfortunately, it can only be used on the completely powerless and more familiar human being, both conditions are qualified but I can’t get one out of it," Byron says in the limit.


Holding the black umbrella, Byron gently released his other hand, and the damp paper blew away instantly in the violent wind and rain, disappearing into the darkness.

"I already expelled others, and no one will disturb us for the time being."

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His voice could still be heard clearly in the rainstorm as if it was right next to Shen Yi's ear.


"Answer me two questions ...... Who are you? What are you doing here?"


He stretched out his hand that did not hold an umbrella.


With the snap of his finger.


An invisible force swept across the vast artificial lake, sending out huge splashes of water, which did not retreat, instead churning on the water surface against the laws of physics. In the artificial lake, the swirls of turbulent splashes formed a complex pattern, creating a large and bizarre spell in the darkness.


Due to the strong wind, Byron lowered his umbrella and exposed only half of his face.


"You can either answer immediately or choose to wait for the corpse to speak."

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