Chapter 63 The Lair

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Out of nowhere, she took out the four-leaf clover and quickly cleaned the ground with the invisible technique.


Lighting and cleaning, these two simple intangible methods almost cost thousands of euros —it was worth noting that euros were also the most "valuable" national currency in the world.


But Chris felt that this small amount of effort was precious.


Money itself made no sense, as long as it was spent in the right place. A point she understood after her years in business.


To put it another way, if I put several thousand euros in an envelope and stuffed it to Mr. Shen next to me, the other party might just think that I was vulgar and mediocre.


He might even be annoyed and feel insulted!


But the two times when she served him with insight, what she brought were completely different... Chris thought so, and felt that she should have made a profit.


“Thank you, little one.”


Shen Yi nodded slightly. Under the golden mask, he smiled at the deferential girl next to him.


Shen Yi, who was not low in EQ, could see that this girl was deliberately trying to please him.


He also thought it was very normal to have the idea of climbing up to the upper class, especially those who had been beaten by society.


Although he was not a high-class person, he still pretended to be quite like one.


Hearing his praise, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt much better ...... Although she wasn’t confirmed to be his sublime, she felt that her ingratiating behavior wasn’t in vain.


Likewise, they continued forward, and a low growl could be heard from time to time in the darkness ahead.


And following the low growl, a terrifying monster with a fish head would suddenly sprang out, frantically trying to launch an attack.


As each monster appeared, Shen Yi easily dealt with it, and several times Chris was affected by the killing atmosphere of the Colorless City, but she held on.


“So that's how it is.”


Shen Yi suddenly muttered to himself.


Chris on the side was slightly taken aback. Could it be that he had already grasped some key clues and secrets about the “Hidden Pupil”?


“I get it.” Shen Yi continued to speak to himself and nodded his head.


Chris on the sideline once again amazed at his wisdom. As expected of the mysterious owner of the coffee shop, he easily thought of a secret that she couldn't fathom at all.


But what she didn’t know was, at this moment, what Shen Yi really thought about was the power of the "colorless city", which is to strengthen the body's strength, defense become stronger, why would it sometimes work and sometime not.


After many trials and battles, he has come up with a general idea.


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“Maybe it does.”


At last, they descended the long stairs to a cavernous underground space.


It was a vast hall, with three of its four walls paved with gray stone bricks.


The staircase they used to get from the ground to below was on the eastern wall. The south wall was empty, just walls, and the west wall had an intersection leading to the dark depths.


And finally, the north side of the basement hall, facing the Thames.


It wasn’t a wall, but some sort of invisible "wall," like solid glass or something like that, completely transparent but cut off the Thames.


Shen Yi was slightly taken aback, a little shocked. He could even see fishes and shrimps swimming underwater, sand, stones and algae, some kind of invisible technique isolated all of these, creating a non-existent glass wall.


Chris was also a little surprised: “It seems like an aquarium, they actually made this with invisible art, it's amazing.”




Shen Yi frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and pointed out what was wrong.


“You said hidden pupils are extraordinary people who suddenly became superhumans. They were originally just lovers of the inner world, and they know little about the inner world?”


Chris was unsure, but still nodded: “Yes.”


“Beneath the Thames,” Shen Yi continued: “Creating such a vast stronghold, and using invisible techniques to block the influx of the river... It's not like a novice's approach at all.”


Chris was slightly stunned, and then understood the meaning of the other party's words.


Despite some new supernatural beings being gifted and gaining great power quickly, their mastery of intangible techniques was limited, and what they could accomplish was usually limited to one act, such as destruction.


Those who could create this kind of environment were obviously very proficient in using invisible techniques, with a lot of technical practice.


Chris nodded gently and asked, “Are you saying that there's another one in the hidden pupil, or part of it is originally from the inner world?”


Shen Yi nodded. “You have a good observation, that's what I'm trying to say.”


For two months, he used Yare's soul ball to make up lessons every day, and finally had the opportunity to pretend to be “experience”.


Yare had never given up studying for more than a hundred years, and his knowledge base could not even be described as “professor of the occult”, but an encyclopedia.


He has also taught many people knowledge and skills, even George was his student.


Even now, Shen Yi has only learned a small part of his knowledge -- to put it bluntly, the process of holding a soul ball and watching "video" again and again every day makes him feel like he's learning a programming language.


“Let's go on, ma'am.” He pointed to the entrance not far away with a threaded cane.


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There was nothing in the empty underground hall, and moving on was their only choice.


Entering the entrance on the west wall and exploring deeper into the lair.


Finally, they came to a new underground hall.


Chris's face changed as soon as she got here.


It's a cluttered research lab, dark, with almost no light.


Under the illumination of the light ball in Chris' hands, Shen Yi could clearly notice that the various fallen devices, as well as numerous books and materials scattered on the ground, and the tables and chairs scattered everywhere were all torn and crushed to pieces.


It's a total mess.


However, these things were not the point at the moment.


The most important problem was that a dozen monsters with fish-like heads were stimulated by the light emitted from the ball of light, and they all looked towards the two of them one by one.


“Get in the back.”


Shen Yi calmly issued an order. With a nod, Chris quickly hid behind him.


After a glance, he continued: “They seem to be attracted to the light, Chris, let it fly to my side.”


With no hesitation, she immediately let the scorching light ball in her hand fly to Shen Yi's side.


It illuminated the golden mask and the deep, serene eyes beneath it.


Even though they were surrounded by numerous monsters, Chris wasn’t worried or nervous at all. Because the situation was like a piece of cake for the cafe owner.


But on the other hand, Shen Yi was a little nervous and didn't make a move.


The monsters are all weak...Relax, you still have some strength...He repeatedly comforted himself in his heart and waited for them to make a move first. He had been in the mysterious field for nearly half a year, but he had not encountered many battles, and this was the first time that there were many enemies.


Having played Bloodborne in his previous life, he understood that even if one-on-one was easy, one-on-many might be much more difficult.


The monsters roared crazily on the spot, their alienation was already very deep.


Without hesitation, all the monsters rushed towards the light ball!


Shen Yi's free hand went towards his neck, cradling the old-colored cross, and calmly said, “I'll leave it to you.”


The old-colored cross provided an invisible protection. As soon as they touched Shen Yi, their sharp claws were torn up, and they were blocked by the close-fitting barrier.


Chris looked at the scene in astonishment.


It seemed to be an invisible force that prevented all the monsters from harming Shen Yi. He didn't move, but was in a nearly invincible state.

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“Truly powerful.” She couldn't help but say.


He gently waved the threaded cane in his hand, turning it into a whip, and without wasting any time he lashed out the on coming monsters.


The key lies in the ‘relaxation.’


Yes, he finally understood why every time he would fail when he concentrated on exercising the power of the “Colourless City.”


Perhaps the reason was that the "colorless city" was an extraterrestrial god whose consciousness is dormant.


So he must also relax to be able to exercise his power.








One after another, the monsters turned into brilliant blood flowers, and their bodies shattered on the spot, to an exaggerated bloodshed.


The tragic death of their companions did not affect the rest of the monsters in the slightest, and they continued to race towards Shen Yi.


It was like moths to a flame, it made little sense.


Under the lash of the whip, one monster after another was beaten to burst, and the flying black shadow could splatter flesh and blood with just a slight touch.


The battle ended quickly, and all the monsters were torn into pieces, but they still couldn't break through the defense.


Their only victory was to successfully disgust Shen Yi.


Under the golden mask, his face had turned completely pale... and he was on the verge of throwing up so that he could barely endure it.


The blood and flesh spilled all over the floor, the squirming internal organs, and the fragmented remains made people extremely physically uncomfortable.


This kind of monster had a very strong vitality. Despite being smashed to pieces, it did not die immediately, despite still squirming on the ground. It was quite disgusting, from this level…


Monsters are too strong!


Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, don't spit it out... If I spit it out here, I can't explain it to her... My career as an envoy will have the most disgraceful black spots.


~Whooa ......~


As he was meditating, Chris threw up.


The scene was so disgusting; it was really hard to hold on till now, that she couldn’t help but throw up her stomach and even had tears in her eyes.


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She looked at Shen Yi with tearful eyes.


“I'm sorry.”


Shen Yi waved his hands: “It's okay, Chris, let's clean it up.”


He sounded relaxed, showing that he didn't care ...... In fact, he himself wanted to throw up badly!




Like a real sidekick, Chris quickly used invisible techniques to clean up all the mess.


Seeing this, he couldn't help but fall into the deep thought, she was really too obedient…If she wasn't from the inner world, perhaps he could fool her into working as an employee in a cafe.


However, he would not hire a highly inspired person to work as a cafe employee.


Because he often experimented with the extra-worldly god, and every time their breath would be exposed, and people with high inspiration may go crazy when they were with him.


Just as he was dwelling into his thoughts, Chris had diligently scoured around and found a black notebook.


She handed it over as if offering a treasure and said. “This seems to be a very important note, hidden in a secret compartment behind the desk.”


As a Fnisher, deciphering mechanisms and finding things were her strong points.


“Very good, you did an excellent job.” Shen Yi immediately praised the other party and took the black notes.


Among the few women he knew, Aina seems to be a naïve deer. Su Ling was a willful and greedy black cat. Chris …a bit like... a dog?


He subconsciously stared at her blonde hair... Golden Retriever?


Cough cough, thinking about it with a dog is always a bit insulting to women, but using the metaphor of a deer and a black cat didn't seem to be an insult. Wait, this idea is not insulting to the dog again?


Shen Yi immediately shook his head and shook off the messy and ungentlemanly thoughts.


He opened the notebook and saw what was written on the first page.


“Thanks to Mr. Miracle White for giving us brand new guidance! If it weren't for his series of help, we enthusiasts might not set foot in the real world for the rest of our lives!”


“We have seen no one more noble and compassionate than Mr. White, half of whom was made of goodness and integrity, and the other half of incomparable wisdom.”


“Starting today, the Hidden Pupils has been officially established. Mr. 'Miracle' White has introduced us a lot of mysterious knowledge, the real one.”


“Just last night, Mr. White, who calls himself 'Miracle', showed us a true miracle!”


“With just a flick of his finger, he created a vast and huge underground palace, preventing the water of the Thames from flowing in because of gravity, and also giving us power beyond the mundane!”


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