I forced the child to play with heavy diapers. 

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‘Please, I hope he stays calm until Felix comes, but my prayers didn’t get answered. 


The kid, who was playing well, fell on the bed and started crying. 

The child constantly murmured as he looked at me, as if he read my mind, in which I asked him to say it himself if he had any complaints. 

Seeing that he refused to be hugged and food, it was obvious that it was because of the diaper. 

I felt sad looking at him. 

I’m always jealous of Felix’s magic skill, but today I felt more jealous. 

If I had born with magic talent like Felix, I would have solved this with magic. 

After a sigh, I took a new diaper that I had bought as a spare, but had never used thanks to Felix’s magic, and sat down on the floor. 

When I lied down the little boy and took his diaper, I frowned and grabbed my nose instinctively because of the strong odour. 


The little boy burst into laughter, forgetting that he was crying as if he found my expression funny. 

“Is this funny to you little boy.? Here you smell this.” 

I put the little boy’s diaper close to his nose. 

The little boy shook his head vigorously while twitching his nose. 

“You’re the one who made it. It’s your smell.” 

When I gently shook his diaper against the little boy’s nose.

The little boy started shaking his legs this time. 


At that moment, I regretted teasing the kid. 

“I’m sorry I made fun of you, so please stay still.” 

It smelled a lot worse than usual since he ate a lot of sweet potatoes and cheese yesterday. 

I couldn’t stand it, so I hurriedly blocked my nose. 

The laughter of the excited little boy followed. 


“Don’t laugh. I want to cry.” 

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I looked for a while as if I want to give him a smack, took a deep breath, and then I removed the diaper. 

And there it was………

The golden color product that proved that our little boy is healthy. 


The golden color product was not just on the diaper, but also all over his butt… 

“Let’s do this. You can do it Elena” 

After encouraging myself, I lifted the little boy and stretched my hands away from me as much as possible and entered the bathroom.

“You can’t run around until you’re done washed up. Got it.? I’m serious this time, kid.” 


The kid put his hand in his mouth and shook his feet, as if he didn’t understand any of my words. 

“ Stop. Stay still.” 

It didn’t work. 

So once again, I put the little boy down on the bathroom floor. 

As if he had expected, Felix heated the water to a temperature suitable for washing in a large bucket on one side of the bathtub.

When I was lifting the large bucket….

 “Hey…Where are you running away..” 

I saw the kid crawling hard towards the bathroom door. 

The moment I saw the plump butt shining in golden color, I hesitated a bit…, but made up mind and grabbed the kid who was running. 

“Aw….look what have you done. I can’t wear this dress anymore. Why don’t you listen to me… are really a bad baby.” 

I tapped on his chubby cheeks lightly.


The little one struggled throughout the bath. 

He didn’t let me wash him up, struggle a lot and finally my entire cloth got wet. 

” Auuuuuuuuuuu.” 

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I dried the little boy’s body by wiping him with a towel, while the little boy had a languid smile on his face as if he felt refreshed. 

I laid the kid back on the bed and dressed him in diapers and clothes one by one. 

I dried his wet hair with a towel as thoroughly as possible, so that he doesn’t catch a cold because of the cold weather. 

“I would have done this quickly if Felix was there…” 


I didn’t know when he was next to me, but I felt his absence more than I expected, when he wasn’t next to me. 

After that, I simply had breakfast with bread and soup that Felix had warmed up in advance, fed breakfast to the little boy, and then spent the time as usual. 

It was around lunch when Felix returned. 

“Pack your things.” 

As soon as he entered the room, he said those words without any hesitation. 

“Where have you been? Why pack all of a sudden?” 

“We’re going back to the academy.” 

Felix took a deep breath as if he had been running busy all day around. 

I placed the little boy down, who then went a little away from me and crawled around a doll the size of his body. 

Then I stood up and asked Felix.

“There are still two days left before the holiday is over. But suddenly why are you saying we should go back ?” 

Normally, it wouldn’t have mattered if we went back. 

Since I’ve already enjoyed the festival enough for a few days, it’s a good choice to go back to the academy and spend the rest of the time quietly, but there was a problem. 

“What about the little one?” 

“We’re going to take the kid, too.” 

“Then what about the little boy’s parents? Aren’t we going to find them for him ?” 

“I already told you. After waiting this long, if they didn’t show up, then….. that means his parents aren’t looking for him, so it’s better to go to the academy and get help from the professor.” 

That’s a fact I know. 

However, in the first place, we came here without staying at the academy was because Professor Deros, who would be helping us, was away. 

“Even if we go now, the professor won’t be there. Rather, wouldn’t it be better to stay here and keep asking the security guard?” 

“I’ll stop by the security guard every day, so why don’t you pack?” 

As soon as Felix finished saying that, he started putting his books and clothes in his bag. 

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From that, I could see that he had already firmly made up his mind to go back and has literally zero concern for any of my opinions. 

‘Isn’t it just yesterday that we were arguing that he was being inconsiderate?’ 

The problem was obviously different, but the root cause of the fight was because Felix didn’t take my thoughts into consideration.  

It hasn’t been a day since he said he won’t do it in the future. 

“What’s the reason?” 

“There’s no other reason. It’s because the accommodation was uncomfortable.” 

“No, there is other reason. Tell me what  it is.?” 

At my firm words, Felix looked at me, stretching out his bent back to pick up the little boy’s block that fell on the floor. 

‘There’s really is another reason.’ 

I crossed my arms to indicate that I wouldn’t let it go this time. 

“Okay. I’ll pack my things. Let’s go back to the academy. But before that, I need to know why.” 

“If you decided to go back, can’t we just go?” 

“No. I don’t think so.” 

Felix, who sighed for a long time, closed the full trunk and locked it. 

“ It’s the Anguis.” 

Why does that name come from here all of a sudden? 

I waited silently for his next words. 

“The man that got caught yesterday escaped.” 


Felix spoke in a calm tone, but I couldn’t hear his words calmly. 

The volume of my voice increased before I realized it. 

“I guess there was someone who helped him. The city is in a chaos to catch the man.” 

He began to pack my things on my behalf of, who was trembling and standing still. 

“We’re going back because he can be vindictive of you or kid and might try to harm both of you. At least the academy is safe.” 

Felix was worried about me and the kid, but I wasn’t concerned about me or the little boy. 

I was worried about Felix. 

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“Okay. I’ll go back.” 

I was looking at Felix’s eyes, which reminded me of the gray eyes that lost it’s life in my dreams. 

After quickly packing and leaving the accommodation, we headed straight to the academy by carriage. 

It was time for the nap, so the the little boy was dozing off in my arms, while Felix and I sat face to face with neither trying to make a conversation. 

“But Felix.” 

When I broke the silence and called him, Felix, who was staring out the window with a lost look, turned his head. 

“Anguis…., I mean the guy. Why did he come here?” 

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?” 

Felix made a frowned expression as if he had heard a ridiculous story. 

I was intimidated by the face, but I couldn’t stop talking. 

I was seriously curious, not just a simple curiosity. 

“Isn’t it weird? Trojan county is not a convenient place to go to the capital, and even more harder to got to other major cities. Why did he come to a place where transportation was so much inconvenient?” 

“I guess he came to hide.” 

Felix replied as if it was natural without thinking. 

But I couldn’t take it like that. 

“It’s weird to say that he came here to hide himself. Think about it. Trojan is in a remote place compared to other lands, but there is Berk Academy. Because of that, there are many guards and people. So won’t he get caught easily, if the news about him spreads? If it was some other place, it would have been able to hide himself with the help of magic.” 

Felix listened to me quite carefully this time. 

While maintaining a straight posture with his legs crossed even in the shaking carriage, he crossed his arms for a moment and pondered something. 

“It’s weird, but it’s nothing for you to care about. Leave it to the guards.” 

“Is it?” 

“Yeah. You just think about yourself and the kid now.” 

That’s true, too. 

I patted the trembling little boy on my back in his sleep.  

If a teenage girl who has no idea about outside world feels strange, then the security officers must have also been aware of it and would be investigating it. 

As Felix said, it wasn’t something I should care about. 

I looked at the little boy, who was sleeping with an angel-like expression and raised my head. 

Before I knew it, Felix was looking out of the window with a serious expression on his face.

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