I let off my pride and smiled at Felix. 

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“ Please Felix. Can’t you show me your notes?” 

“I can’t.” 

Felix pushed my forehead again. 

“Go inside.” 

Felix grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around. 

I came inside the room before I could say anything.  

The door was closed even before I could say good-bye. 

I opened the door again and went out, but Felix was already walking as far as I could see. 

I ended up returning to my room. 

When I was about to go back to bed, my foot hit something. 

I looked down and found my diary on the floor. 

I picked up my diary and sat down on. 

I don’t write a lot in diaries. 

The only time I wrote in my diary was when something special happened that I wanted to remember. 

Perhaps that’s why the diary looked almost new even after three years of writing. 

I opened the diary and looked at what I last wrote. 

It was the night Alice left, the day before Maxmas holiday began. 

“Did I write something like this?” 

It was an entry that I couldn’t remember. 

The letters were so crooked that it was hard to read even for me, the person who wrote the diary. 

It looked like I wrote it while I was dozing off. 

The diary was short. 

I envy Alice. I wish I could spend Maxmas holiday with my family

Alice’s family was completely different from mine. 

The family was close and harmonious. 

Once, I went to Alice’s house to celebrate Maxmas holiday. 

Alice was worried about being alone and invited me. 

But once I went there, I was jealous of Alice’s family, who treated me warmly, and did not want to go there any further. 

I kept reading the diary with a faint smile on my bitter memory. 

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I miss you mom. 

I wish I could spent Maxmas holiday with my family again… …

That’s how the short diary entry ended. 

I used to always say that I’m fine being alone, but looking back, I always feel lonely whenever it was Maxmas holidays. 

Felix was always by my side whenever I felt like that. 

There was the little boy this time. 

Although we were not family, I enjoyed the holiday as if we were family. 

It’s a pleasant memory. 

A faint smile formed on my mouth when I thought about it.

But soon I erased my smile and closed my diary. 

I shouldn’t keep thinking about the little boy who had disappeared forever. 

As Felix said, the little boy would have returned to his real family and might be doing well. 

I wanted to believe that. 

So it was time for me to move forward. 

Good-bye little boy. Thank you for the sweet memories. 

Hope you get along well with your parents.


It was that afternoon. 

Alice, who came from class, told me. 

“Elly, Professor Deros is calling you.” 


“Yes. He asked you to come to the professor’s lab.” 


I hurried to the professor’s lab, wondering if it was because of the little boy. 

When I knocked and went inside, I saw Felix who had already arrived. 

I thought he was also called him because of the little boy. 

“Here you are, Elena, I heard you’re sick. Are you okay?” 

Professor Deros greeted me warmly. 

The professor with brown hair and brown eyes had an image that anyone would know that he was a wizard. 

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He was tall, but his body was slightly thin, and he was wearing thick glasses due to poor eyesight. 

I answered professor, adjusting my expression. 

“I’m much better now. Thank you for your concern Professor.” 

“Okay. Sit down for now.” 

As I sat on the sofa, professor shook his hand in the air. 

Then the kettle and teacups that were neatly placed in the cupboard flew toward us as if they were walking in a row. 

When professor Deros beckoned once again, a teacup was placed in front of me. 

Water came out of the air and was put in a kettle. 

Soon the kettle began to steam. 

No matter how many times I look at it, I can’t get used to it. 

“Let’s have a cup of tea.” 

Professor Deros poured the tea himself, even though he could do it with magic. 

I drank the tea carefully with both hands. 

Felix didn’t drink and waited for the professor’s words. 

Professor Deros even took out a cookie for me and then  got to the point. 

“I’ve heard a little bit from Felix. I heard that a baby suddenly appeared in Elena’s room on Maxmas holiday right.?” 

“Yes Professor.” 

I replied gloomily. 

“Can I hear more about the situation at the time?” 

“I don’t think I can tell you much useful about the situation at the time. I just woke up because I heard a baby’s, and when I opened my eyes the little bo… no, the baby was next to me.” 

Professor seemed to want a more detailed explanation, but there was nothing I could provide him. 

“I was sleeping soundly, so I didn’t feel the Mana Wave or anyone else’s movement. So maybe the baby came alone or someone else came and left the baby behind.”

“I see. It’s okay. It’s rare case, so it’s natural that you don’t understand.” 

Unlike Felix, who looked at me pitifully, Professor Deroes smiled and soothed me. 

“Then shall we go to the room in question?” 

Three of us went to the room I originally used. 

The room was empty since all the things were moved. 

“It’s been a while, I’ll see if there’s any sign of magic left.” 

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In the middle of the room, professor closed his eyes. 

Soon a green beam of light spread around the professor. 

The earrings the professor was wearing on his right ear began to shine. 

Professor’s artifact seems to be an earring.

As the mana spread, I began to feel vibrations under my feet. 

I felt nauseous. 

I covered my mouth inadvertently. 

Looking at this, Felix asked with an expression of uncharacteristically puzzled expression. 

“Elly, what’s wrong?” 

“No, I’m a little nauseous.” 

Professor Deros, looked at me and exclaimed. 

“Ho. Elena seems to be more sensitive to magic than I thought.” 


“Have you ever been exposed to a strong magic before?” 

I fumbled my thoughts. 

“Oh, there was once…”  

A few days ago, when Felix used spatial movement magic, I felt similar symptoms. 

“Did you feel so sick back then?”” 

“Yes, I did.” 

“I guess Elena is more sensitive than others.” 

“By the way Professor, is there any sign of Magic? 

Felix interrupted our conversation and urged professor. 

Professor Deros pushed up his slightly drooping spectacles with his index finger. 

“There are traces of spatial movement magic.” 

“As expected…” 

“But there’s only one sign of magic…..That means there was no other intruders for now.” 

The most important thing was left unanswered. 

I asked without waiting for Professor to speak. 

“Professor. Then can you figure out where the little boy came from?” 

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Professor  Deros shook his head. 

“Unfortunately, I can’t track it. They might have cast a spell to prevent tracking Or I think the one who casted the spell was better than me.” 

I could be sure that it was not the later. 

Professor Deros could be said the master of spatial movement magic. 

There’s no one who would be better than that kind of professor? 

It was impossible. 

Then we went to Felix’s room, just in case. where the little boy was before he disappeared. 

Professor Deros performed the tracking magic once again, but failed again this time too. 

“I think I need to do more investigation.” 

In the end, even with the help of Professor Deros, we couldn’t find the little boy. 

Professor Deros went back to the Lab after telling us that he would let us know if anything comes up. 


I smiled as if everything was at the call of Felix, who seemed to have a lot to say. 

“I don’t think I’m well yet. I’m tired. I’m going to get going. Bye Felix.” 

Felix stopped me by catching my palm.

It was strange, whenever he tries to stop me, he always catches my arm.

Felix’s hands were rough rather than smooth. 

It might be because of calluses caused by sword practice. 

And it was cold. 

Is he nervous? 

“What’s going on?” 

I turned and asked him first since he didn’t talk. 

Felix carefully let go of my hand. 

“No nothing. Go and get some rest.” 

What’s wrong with him.

I waved to him and returned to my room. 

I couldn’t cry even though we couldn’t find the little boy. 

It was due to the belief that the little boy would be doing well somewhere. 

That’s how the long Maxmas holiday fuss, which I will never forget in my life, came to an end.

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