As soon as I heard it, I thought, 

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‘Why me?’ 

I immediately refused.

“What. Why would I take it?” 

“Just take it.”

I squinted at him. 

“Why would I take the chocolate that other girls gave you to eat? No. Throw it away if you don’t want to eat it.” 


Felix murmured quietly. 

I couldn’t hear well. 


“I didn’t get it from anyone.” 


“I bought it.” 

“What? Why?” 

Felix glared at me and forced the box into my hand. | 

“It’s Valentine’s Day, and I thought you wouldn’t have received any chocolate. So I personally prepared it.” 

“Uh…Did you buy it for me? But…I got chocolate?” 

“Not that weird stuff.” 

Felix glared at what Ron Pesci had gave me. 

“I got one besides that.” 

Felix’s eyebrows got crooked. 

“From who?” 


“Why would he give it to you?” 

“You don’t know? They give chocolate to their friends on Valentine’s Day. As a gift of friendship. Aren’t you giving me chocolate, for that same reason?” 

Felix asked, instead of affirming. 

“Who said that?” 

“Alice and Cedric. Oh, by the way….” 

I took out the chocolate I had forgotten a moment ago because of the love potion uproar. 

I put it in my bag, but fortunately it didn’t melt. 

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“Come on, you take it.” 

Felix looked at the box of chocolates I had handed out as if it was poison. 

He frowned as much as he could. 

Of course I understand. 

In my opinion, the chocolate I made was a little…no, very suspicious. 

“What is this?”  

“Don’t look at it like that. It looks like this, but it tastes pretty good.” 

“So this…” 

“Yeah, I made it, so don’t ask me anything. And don’t get me wrong. I’m also giving it to you as a sign of friendship.” 

I forced Felix to hold the box as if we were having a snowball fight with a box of chocolates. 

“Then you look fine, so I’ll go. But just in case, go back to your room and rest.” 

I hurried out of the grass field without hearing Felix’s answer. 

It was anyway a left out chocolate.

And I gave it to many friends as a meaning of friendship. 

I didn’t give it to Felix because I had special feelings. 

But I don’t know why my face is burning. 

After Elena left, Felix had a small brainstorm.

“Damn it.” 

Elena said he didn’t remember, but he actually remembered what he said to her. 

‘Stay with me.’  

As Elena said, he seemed to be out of his mind after taking a medicine containing love or something. 

He didn’t mean to say that, but his mouth uttered it by itself. 

Fortunately, Elena did not take his words seriously, which would have been a big problem if she took it. 

Elena had a strange misunderstanding, even though he didn’t know why he said it himself. 

‘By the way…’ 

He felt a surge of anger towards the unknown boy. 

‘How dare he try to feed Elly something like that.’ 

He didn’t know who it was, but if he asked a little bit around, he thought he could quickly know who it was. 

But what was even more bizarre was that he was more angry with Cedric than the boy. 

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He didn’t know the reason this time either. 

Ever since he heard that Cedric gave Elena chocolate, he felt anger rising in his heart. 


Elena believes it’s friendship chocolate, but does Cedric think it’s friendship chocolate? 

He couldn’t have. . 

What’s even worse is that knowing Elena’s personality, she would have given Cedric chocolate, calling it a friendship chocolate. 

Even if it’s friendship chocolate, Elena gave Cedric chocolate. 

He couldn’t figure out why and what he is feeling right now. 

Felix, whose thoughts were so crazy, felt an unknown disillusionment. 

Lying still for a while and choosing his thoughts, he got up from his seat and came out of the grass field. 

Felix decided to set Cedric’s issue aside, and decided first to find the boy who got near Elena with bad intention. 


The love potion uproar heated up the Academy. 

Naturally, I threw away the chocolate I received from Ron Pesci without hesitation. 

It was the first chocolate I received from a boy, but I didn’t feel sorry. 

And I ate the chocolate Felix gave me. 

When I saw his brusque behavior, I felt like throwing it away, but the chocolate was innocent. 

In addition, it was delicious, and similarly, I ate the chocolate that Cedric gave me. 

I can’t believe the only chocolate I got from a boy during my academy life was friendship chocolate. 

I was sad, but what can I do? 

“But I’m glad it worked out well.” 

I heard later that Jonathan was punished. 

He got a penalty and was told to copy 20 ancient poems. 

Considering that the ancient poem was longer, it was quite a hard punishment. 

I’m glad the nurse kept it a secret about who made the accusation. 

Several other people who bought the medicine from him were also punished and were told to copy five ancient poems. 

Penny was one of them. 

“Oh, my arm hurts.” 

Penny said to Alice, turning her wrist and crying. 

“But I’m glad it ended like that.”  

This led Neville to learn that Penny had given him a love potion.  

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Penny was afraid he’d be mad, but fortunately that didn’t happen. 

He was rather pleased that Penny liked him that much.  

I don’t know why it’s concluded like that, but anyway it’s a happy ending. 

Oh, and Ron Pesci, who gave me a love potion mixed chocolate, was not punished….., not exactly punished. 

A few days ago, he broke his right arm while sparring with Felix. 

It’s said that his bone was attached with magic, but it seems the pain will remain for the time being. 

Of course, it was impossible to write five poems. 

“Elena, Alice. Can’t you help me?’ 

“No, Do it yourself.” 

“That’s mean.”  

Penny continued to copy the poem in tears. 

I smiled faintly at the two bickering girls. 

Maybe it’s because so many things have happened. 

This peaceful time of doing nothing felt precious. 

So like that my life as a seventh grader was coming to an end.  


After the tumultuous Valentine’s Day. 

It’s already March and I’ve been so busy. 

The long winter is over and spring, when everything wakes up, has come. 

We had good news, too. 

The month-long spring vacation has begun. 

“Come and see me when you have time, Elly.”

“Yes, okay. Say my regards to your parents.”  

“I’d rather you came and said hello in person. Mom and dad miss you a lot, too.” 

“Okay. I’ll Come when I have time.The train will depart. Get in.” 

I pushed Alice’s back. 

Alice looked sorry, but she left soon. 

She hurried onto the train at the station staff’s words.  

Alice opened the window and waved her hand. 

“Elly! Have a nice vacation! Don’t get sick! Make sure you eat well.” 

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She felt like a nagging mother. 

I burst out laughing and waved my hand. 

“Alright. Alice, have a safe trip!” 

The train horn rang and the train carrying Alice began to move. 

I waved until the train was completely off the platform. 

Then a sour voice came from behind.  

“How long are you going to say goodbye?” 

It was Felix. 

He came with me and Alice and was watching with his arms folded as I said goodbye. 

“We can’t see each other for a month.”

“What’s so great about being together for a month or so?” 

Before I could argue, he said, holding his bag and my bag in both hands. 

“Let’s go. We’re also leaving soon.” 

Felix and I took the same train. 

It took two full days by train from the estate where the Berk Academy was located to the Count of Christian, and two more hours from there to our estate. 

It’s a tough journey. 

I don’t know whether it was fortunate that Felix is here or vice versa? 

It’s good to have a companion to talk to because it would be boring if I went alone. 

But I don’t know if Felix will be a good companion.  

Anyway, we got on the train that was standing on the opposite platform. 

The first-class seats were available for students at the Berk Academy since they received special discounts. 

I thought about using the bedroom seat, so that I could take a rest while going home, which felt like a luxury. 

“Oh, I’m sleepy.” 

I yawned as soon as I loaded up and sat down. 

“Felix, I’m going to sleep.”


Felix answered back with his eyes fixed on the newspaper. 

Look, he’s not a nice talker. 

I pouted my lips and closed my eyes. 

Sleep soon poured in.

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