Chapter 28: Asking People

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Seeing Qi Yu’s confused face, General Qi grew even more furious, and he began to curse loudly.

“Stupid! Idiot! Ignorant! When you took the initiative last night to end the engagement, why did you not inform me? Your father told you before that there is no need for us to get any face from those pedantic civil officials when we are leading troops to war. If you had annulled the engagement early and married Princess Huaining, wouldn’t you have saved your face? If you want face, so be it. Now you have lost all your face! Now that things have come to this, will the Emperor allow you to marry Princess Huaining under such a big green hat?”

When Qi Yu heard this, he was finally enlightened.

What was worse than losing face was that he would miss the chance to marry into the royal family. He would lose Princess Huaining! He had always thought that Princess Huaining was his. He had never thought that things would turn out like this.

He was stunned.

“No matter what, this old man wants His Majesty to show some gratitude! Give that brat, Cheng Yifei, a big lesson! As for that despicable girl from the Gu Clan, she will never be able to live a good life! ”

With these words, General Qi stormed out of the door and headed straight for the palace. However, when he arrived at the Imperial study, he was told by Eunuch Mei that the Emperor was ill and will see no one.

Of course, General Qi knew that the Emperor was ill, but he thought that since Imperial Physician Su had the time to make a trip to the military camp, the Emperor shouldn’t be in any serious trouble. Since the Emperor didn’t see him, he must have known about the matter at Fortune Tower and purposely avoided him. General Qi did not say much to Eunuch Mei and just waited at the entrance of the royal study.

General Qi was waiting for nightfall. He didn’t wait for the Emperor but waited for Qi Yu to come. The father and son intended to wait overnight. Cheng Yifei and Gu Feiyan knew nothing about it.

… … …

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The duo arrived at the military camp in the middle of the night.

Nothing happened along the way, because as soon as Cheng Yifei got out of the city, he tied up Gu Feiyan and threw her into the carriage while he rode on his horse.

Upon arriving at the camp, Cheng Yifei hoisted Gu Feiyan on his shoulder once again and strode towards his big tent.

If Cheng Yifei could act so wildly outside, how would he possibly be in his territory?

He was like a bandit who had snatched back his wife. As he walked, he waved his hands at his brothers, and his soldiers also cooperated with him. Each one of them whistled. The silent military camp suddenly became lively.

As soon as they arrived at the tent, Cheng Yifei threw Gu Feiyan onto the bed. Gu Feiyan had been holding back her anger throughout the day, but now it was all in her eyes as she glared at him.

Cheng Yifei was about to leave when he saw her eyes. He couldn’t help but turn back and take off her gag. He asked with a smile, “What? You secretly put the prescription away?”

“I want to go to the latrine!”

Cheng Yifei laughed out loud. He did not let go of her and found a servant girl to serve her. When it was over, he pulled up a chair and sat down on the edge of the bed, examining Gu Feiyan with great interest. He had never seen such a stubborn girl. He didn’t believe that he couldn’t subdue her!

Gu Feiyan allowed him to size her up and closed her eyes to rest. After all, it was already very late.

She had always felt that Wen Yurou, Princess Huaining, and Qi Yu were the best at being arrogant. But now, it seemed that the best at being arrogant was this guy in front of her. Since she was already in the military camp, she wanted to see what Cheng Yifei could do to her!

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Her master had said that she was like a spring––it can’t be pressed down. The higher the pressure, the higher it bounces!

Gu Feiyan closed her eyes, and Cheng Yifei stared for a while. In the end, he could not keep his composure.

He stood up and shouted, “Someone come!”

Gu Feiyan despised him in her heart, but who would have thought that Cheng Yifei would say: “Send someone to the Imperial Pharmacy to find the Great Pharmacist. Tell him that this general will take this medicine woman! This girl will be staying here and serve in the army!”

Gu Feiyan suddenly opened her eyes. “I refuse!”

Cheng Yifei smiled. “This general wants to see if the Great Pharmacist dares to reject!”

Gu Feiyan was furious. “You…!”

Cheng Yifei was delighted as he laughed heartily. “Little medicine girl, you look so pretty when you’re angry!”

He bent down with great interest. Just as he was about to tease Gu Feiyan, Deputy General Zhou’s voice came from outside the door: “General, something happened at the kitchen camp!”

Cheng Yifei was annoyed by the interruption and asked, “What happened in the middle of the night?”

Deputy General Zhou answered, “There was a soldier in the kitchen camp who had a sudden asthma attack. It was very dangerous. The military doctor went over, surrounded by a group of soldiers, forcing him to give treatment. ”

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Hearing this, Cheng Yifei’s expression turned serious, stood up, and walked out.

“Is it treated well?”

“Doctor Guo has already given acupuncture three times, and it started acting up again soon after he recovered. The military doctor has been keeping watch, saying that he must take medicine as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will not be able to survive until noon tomorrow.”

“Then hurry up and take medicine!”

“General, there is one of the most important medicinal ingredients in the prescription that we don’t have any left in our warehouse! This lowly general had long since sent people to the city to look for it, but he would not be able to return by tomorrow noon because a return trip will need at least six hours. Doctor Guo said in private that he would not be able to save his life. All the soldiers in the kitchen camp were very agitated. This lowly general has already gone to calm them, but it’s useless. ”

When Gu Feiyan heard this, she fell silent. She had been studying medicine for ten years, and every single time she heard of medicinal herbs, she would pay more attention and become more sensitive than an ordinary person. She had forgotten her situation and was listening intently, her brow furrowed, hoping to hear more.

However, there was no sound coming from outside the door.

Could Cheng Yifei have left?

She panicked.” Cheng Yifei, are you still there? Come back! I have something to tell you! ”

What kind of quack was that military doctor!?

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As a pharmacist, she knew that up until the last moment, she absolutely could not give up on a patient. He actually gave up so easily as a doctor! What did he take fate for!?

Cheng Yifei thought Gu Feiyan was playing with him, so he ignored her and stood at the door talking to Deputy General Zhou.

Gu Feiyan panicked and shouted, “You want ephedra, right? I have it. I have it!”

Hearing this, Cheng Yifei and Deputy General Zhou rushed in, both of them very surprised. Deputy General Zhou asked anxiously, “Medicine Girl Gu, how did you know we needed ephedra? Do you have one? ”

The primary treatment for asthma is most likely ephedra.

Gu Feiyan ignored Deputy General Zhou. She looked at Cheng Yifei with incomparable seriousness. “Release me immediately and bring me there. I want to see the prescription! Faster!”

With a life at stake, Cheng Yifei untied Gu Feiyan as fast as he could and brought her to the kitchen camp.

In the kitchen camp, the soldier, Xu Bin, had just had another attack. The military doctor was in the middle of acupuncture. Xu Bin was breathing rapidly.

Doctor Guo did not lie. Acupuncture was not very useful. If he did not take medicine quickly, he would not be able to endure such frequent attacks.

When Doctor Guo saw Cheng Yifei, he used the last few needles and stood up to salute. Cheng Yifei waved his hand.

When Gu Feiyan saw that the last few needles from General Guo had relieved the patient, she quickly picked up the prescription from the table and looked at it…

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