Chapter 33: Hateful, The Princess Is Robbing People

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Gu Feiyan closed her eyes and imagined the figure of the assassin as if she were standing right in front of him. Although she couldn’t see him clearly, his presence was more than enough to greatly embed itself into her memory. She didn’t feel sleepy at all. After thinking about it for a while, she finally couldn’t believe that this mysterious person had intentionally lured her to the ephedra. “Is he here to kill us all?”

At this thought, she suddenly sat up, filled with extreme ideas. No matter the intentions of that assassin, he will only bring great misfortune! She cannot believe that did not tell Cheng Yifei! She should have shouted for Cheng Yifei to follow and make his troops surround the entire forest! What had befallen her at that moment? Her reaction to the assassin’s presence is totally inexplicable!

After further pondering, Gu Feiyan could no longer fall asleep. Tired and insomniac, she soon began to have a headache. In the beginning, she played it off as an effect of restlessness and so she didn’t take it seriously, but she soon realized that something was wrong. When she touched her forehead, she realized that she had a fever. The body of the original owner was very weak and so she probably caught a cold whilst searching for the ephedra on the mountain late at night. For such a small matter, Gu Feiyan did not call her servant. She slapped the little medicine cauldron and saw that there was still no reaction from it, and so she got up to wash her face before preparing to drink some cold medicine.

Just as she was about to leave the tent, her servant girl came rushing in with bad news; the Imperial Pharmacy had sent two men that are now waiting for her at the camp!

Gu Feiyan finally remembered that Cheng Yifei had sent someone to the Imperial Pharmacy last night to look for the Great Pharmacist! Under normal circumstances, the Great Pharmacist wouldn’t reject the military’s request so this must mean that the Imperial Pharmacy might have sent someone to inform her of the Great Pharmacist’s decision.

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“That evil Cheng Yifei!” Gu Feiyan was so angry that she didn’t even care about her fever as she gloomily followed the maidservant to the camp. She intended to reason with Cheng Yifei and use his own words against him, and since he said he owed her two lives, she’s going to enforce that those two lives are equal to her freedom. She didn’t want to stay in the military camp and face a person who had no bottom line like him every day!

Gu Feiyan was full of resentment along the way, however, she immersed in a strange and intense atmosphere as soon as she arrived at the camp. This was not how she imagined it to be! She saw Cheng Yifei sitting with a domineering manner and a gloomy expression on his face. Standing in front of him were two people; one was Li Mama, the supervisor, and the other was a eunuch who didn’t seem to belong to the Imperial Dispensary. Could it be…the Great Pharmacist didn’t agree to Cheng Yifei’s request? They didn’t send someone to hand her over to the eastern military camp, but to refuse Cheng Yifei?

Gu Feiyan was overjoyed as she thought to herself, “As expected of the Great Medicinal Master of Tianyan Kingdom! His character is still very admirable!” She quickly strode in and called out with a laugh, “Li Mama!”

Li Mama turned to look at her and smiled as well. “Medicine Girl Gu, congratulations!”

Congratulations? Congratulations on what? Gu Feiyan stopped in her tracks and glanced at the displeased Cheng Yifei subconsciously.

At this moment, the eunuch walked towards Gu Feiyan and stopped right in front of her. “Under Princess Huaining’s orders, I have transferred the medicine girl Gu Feiyan to Fanghua Palace for a year’s time. Please take your belongings and follow me to the palace. Don’t let the princess wait for too long! ” After the eunuch finished speaking, he revealed a mocking smile. “Congratulations to Medicine Girl Gu for your promotion! Although it’s just a secondment, you still have to serve under Princess Huaining. Not everyone can go there!”

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These words were like a thunderbolt from a clear sky to Gu Feiyan. She finally understood why Cheng Yifei’s unbridled handsome face was so gloomy. At this moment, her mood was definitely a hundred times more in despair than his face was!

Li Mama seemed to be a little afraid of Cheng Yifei, so she quickly quipped, “Eunuch Xue is right. Medicine Girl Gu, you’ve been highly promoted. What luck have you had recently? Princess Huaining wants you and now General Cheng wants you. But if it wasn’t for Princess Huaining, I would never be able to see you again!”

Highly promoted? Promoted, my ass!

She was a miserable full-time medicine girl in the Imperial Pharmacy, but she would be demoted to a handyman if she went to Princess Huaining! Furthermore, based on the vicious looks on Princess Huaining’s face, Gu Feiyan is in for a real disaster the moment she steps in Princess Huaining’s palace!

Gu Feiyan frowned and her heart was blocked. She didn’t say anything for a long time.

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Cheng Yifei suddenly snorted lightly, “What Li Mama means to say is that Princess Huaining’s orders are more important than mine. Am I right?”

The Imperial Pharmacy was originally meant to serve the imperial harem before serving other royalty, civil, and military officials whilst every palace in the harem has the right to ask for help from the Imperial Pharmacy. Therefore, whether Cheng Yifei asked for help first or as the latter, as long as the great pharmacist had not personally made the decision, Cheng Yifei had to give it up to the imperial harem! Even if Gu Feiyan had already been transferred to the military camp, Princess Huaining could still come to the military camp and legally kidnap her.

The continent used to respect martial arts and status used to depend on one’s martial arts level. However, the unforeseen event that took place ten years ago had caused a great decline of martial arts, causing customs and courtesies to greatly shift. The establishment of the imperial power within the family group had completely changed the order of reverence and inferiority. No matter how capable Cheng Yifei was, he still had to respect Princess Huaining.

“That’s not what this old servant meant. This old servant made a slip of the tongue. Please forgive me, General!”

“A slip of the tongue?” Cheng Yifei smirked as he lazily said, “Men, give him twenty slaps on the mouth!”

Li Mama was shocked and quickly kneeled down and begged for mercy. However, Cheng Yifei was indifferent. The servant girl quickly came over and started hitting Li Mama with a “pa pa pa” sound, causing Li Mama to cry out and beg for mercy. Cheng Yifei remained indifferent as he glared at Eunuch Xue without a word.

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Gu Feiyan could see that Cheng Yifei was incomparably angry, but she could also see his helplessness. The person he really wanted to hit was Eunuch Xue, but he could only use Li Mama to express his anger and dissatisfaction. Civilians cannot fight with officials whilst officials cannot fight with the palace. Cheng Yifei could openly provoke the Qi family and he could challenge any of the dignitaries in the imperial court, but he could not directly challenge Princess Huaining. A blessing was not a curse and a curse cannot be avoided. A curse could only be dealt with. It’s part of life!

Gu Feiyan was not afraid! She took a deep breath and smiled as if a flower had bloomed on her face. She purposefully turned her body towards Cheng Yfei and said, “General Cheng, I’m really sorry, but have to take my leave.” She glanced at Eunuch Xue and then turned to leave.

“General Cheng, your servant will now take his leave!” Eunuch Xue was immensely pleased with himself. He ignored Li Mama and followed Gu Feiyan out of the tent.

However, just as they reached the door, Cheng Yifei immediately jumped up and chased after them. He pulled Gu Feiyan to the side and said in a low voice, “Little medicine girl, are you that dumb? You’re going to die! Listen up, as long as you admit that the prescription is fake, I can keep you in the army to investigate!”

Gu Feiyan was surprised, but before she could say anything, Cheng Yifei added, “I swear I won’t hold you accountable for changing the medicine without permission. If the justice courts want to investigate you, the entire Cheng Family Army will protect you! Believe me!”

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