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Alex at early morning has left the village and headed for the sky town. After an hour trek he was at a considerable distance from the sprout village and now he was looking for a big clearing so the next possible battle didn't escalate to an even bigger battle for Alex.

He after some search found a big enough clearing and then released the pokemons for battle. He had released electabuzz, piloswine, Snorlax and Slowking to deal with the parents who would probably be even more angry now.

Among the three ghosts he faced earlier it was only Gengar who was least aggressive among them and he was just playing with Haunter the entire time. So Alex thought he should begin with Gengar in case he would listen and not go in blood rampage like the other two did.

He mentioned the sequence of release of ghost Pokemon to his fighters and all of them agreed in leaving the female Mismagius for the last as no one wants to face an angry mother.

Alex then had his pokemons station around him in a C shaped formation with himself in the middle. He once more asked his pokemons," Are you ready for it?"

They all replied in agreement.

" Buzzzz"


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" Laxxxx" while scratching his stomach

" Pilossss"

And after final confirmation, he released the Gengar.

On his arrival all the pokemons had serious expression along with their battle ready stance. They were ready to fight at first sign of aggression from the ghost type.

After seeing himself being surrounded by pokemons Gengar didn't seem bothered at all. He just glanced at them once and then looked around searching for someone.

His behavior puzzled them but seeing he was in a peaceful mood so Alex decided to ask him directly. ," Are you searching for someone?"

Gengar stopped looking around and just nodded and then asked him," Geenn gennnggaa genngar?"

Alex just remained confused while his pokemons on hearing him became more vigilant so he asked Slowking who told him,' He was looking for Haunter?'

Alex was still confused and thought about the earlier battle. In that Gengar only used moves unlike how his other companions who used ghostly energy and he even guided Haunter on how to use his powers.

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That time he didn't attack Haunter heavily, just enough to knock you out. But Alex wasn't going to believe that he won't harm his Haunter.

Gengar wanted to meet with the Haunter once more but Alex wasn't willing, So he told him," Sorry I don't trust you enough to show you my injured pokemon. How can I believe you won't hurt him?" Alex denied his request resolutely.

Hearing him say something like that Gengar just sighed and closed his eyes. Alex and his other pokemons thought he agreed with them and was a little saddened on not meeting him but it was a completely different case.

As Gengar slowly opened his eyes the entire place began to undergo some changes. The clear sky turned cloudy with purple clouds and cold eerie wind begin to blow. The original calm and happy Gengar seemed to have turned into a terrible nightmare from a horror dream.

The light of the sun couldn't penetrate the clouds and hence the entire place turned dark. Only the slight burning bonfire Alex burned for cooking food was the only source of light.

It was only the surrounding changes but the greatest change happened to the Pokemons. Every pokemon within a kilometer radius was running away from them. Even Alex's pokemons were deeply affected by it.

Slowking and Piloswine were breathing heavily and their vision was blurred under the presence of Gengar. It can be said if Snorlax wasn't sitting he would have fallen on the ground and Piloswine having four limbs for movement was helpful in this situation.

For the bipedal Pokemons like Slowking and electabuzz it was more troublesome but Slowking and electabuzz because of continuously fighting opponent stronger than themselves under Alex in their younger years weren't as affected as the others but this doesn't mean they were well.

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Although not breathing as heavily as them they still have trouble breathing and still strained themselves while mobilising their elements to shield under the enormous ghost energy released from Gengar.

At the center of all this storm was gengar surrounded by great ghost energy he released. It gave Gengar a much scarier image. Noone wouldn't be scared by this.

Alex felt the power in the Gengar and cane to a very interesting conclusion. " You are the leader of all the ghosts in the Pokemon tower. The pseudo champion level Pokemon guardian of the tower." He managed to breathe out the words.

Professor oak Ninetails was of similar level and he asked Professor to show him what powers different levels of Pokemon could wield.

He told him that pseudo king level can influence a few hundred metre area , king level can affect a town or city completely by their power, a psuedo champion could control a forest and a champion level can control a few cities environment when they go all out.

He has heard from Daniel that the tower is guarded by a pseudo champion level guardian so even the most heinous criminals , poachers and thieves don't cause trouble or bigger trouble in the pokemon tower.

This was another reason why he was afraid of being followed or tracked by them. Now it seemed the most calm and cool one of the trio turned out to be the most dangerous of them all.

Under the influence of Gengar's power Alex doesn't stand a chance and he even felt his will to fight leaving him but when he was going to yell that he admit defeat, electabuzz under the simulation of great pressure from Gengar broke the barrier of the elite pokemons and entered the pseudo king stage.

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His electabuzz has been at peak elite stage for almost an year and now the thundergem blessed by a Raikou which he bought at an auction in the Cerulean city while he stayed at his home played it's role.

Electabuzz has evolved into an even stronger form. Although he hasn't evolved into an Electrivire his final form but His height and power increased.

Electabuzz earlier was 1.2 metres tall but now he is 1.5 metres tall. Alex on seeing this once again remembered a scene similar to this when facing Charizard and Espeon trained his will.

Now electabuzz did the same thing. Many can say they won't admit defeat in face of adversely but under these situations and adversaries if one managed to stand strong hi inner will is trained.

The strong man aren't created in a day but have to undergo day to day transformation to reach their level.

Under the simulation of the transformation, the original electabuzz who looked like a warrior was now transformed to a real warrior of thunder.

Electabuzz could only control his thunder in his arms but now he can even manipulate them outside his body too.

Gengar powerful pressure quickened the pace of transformation of electabuzz from peak elite to pseudo king level. What will happen next? Stay tuned

To be continued

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