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Alex stopped using aura vision in the fear of going blind from the bright light of the pendant.

He was really curious as to how can a small thing such as pendant could have so much life in it.

" This is a pendant of life, we got from the excursion in Kalos region. It will help you heal from your injuries at about five times faster speed than your average and may even preserve your life "

Alex put on the pendant on his neck and felt a shockwave of life energy emitting from it into his body. It dissipates all the tiredness Alex felt and revitalize him with energy.

This energy seems to revive Alex's tired body. There aren't many pokemons out there which can do so. Alex summed up it is related to some fairy Pokemon, as they are the source of all the positivity and revitalization.

Another reason, why he had come to this conjecture was because both Swablu and Pikachu seemed to be attracted to it, and both of them could learn fairy type moves.

The two boxes gave Alex good things and increased his anticipation for the last two.

The third box was opened and inside it was had a scroll. He uncoiled the scroll and in it was the details about the way of raising the ghost pokemons, and what type of energy every ghost pokemons need to increase their strength.

It listed:

Gengar - ghost energy

Mismagius - Fear energy

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Dusknoir, drifblim - soul or energy of the dead

Banette - envy, jealousy or resentment

Although it wasn't as much helpful as the other two things to Alex, it was still useful and can increase his Pokemons power.

The final box was of the same size as that of the pendant. He pulled it and opened the box and inside it, was a small shrunk pokeball.

Alex took it out and looked at it curiously, wanting to see what Pokemon resided in it.

He told Pikachu and Swablu," we will be having a new friend. You two should greet this one enthusiastically. Wait Horsea too would like to befriend a new one. "

And he released Horsea. Whatever Alex expected from Horsea, a water gun to the face wasn't one of them. Horsea had puffed her chest and looked angrily at Alex. She did the same with Swablu and Pikachu.

The normally friendly Horsea attacking them was a bit over the top and asked," what Happened, girl? why are you like this?"

She just huffed and turned to other side. He tried, Pikachu tried and even Swablu trued but she wasn't willing to let go and start a conversation with her. Then Alex decided to try another trick.

He picked a certain sour berry that Horsea liked and said ," I thought of giving it to Horsea but since she didn't like it, I may as well give it to someone else. Swablu did you want it. " he took the berry towards Swablu when it was grabbed midway by Horsea and she ate it happily.

"So girl can you tell us what made you so angry?"he asked when running his hands through her back.

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Her anger had lessened after her offering and she narrated," Ssseeaa... Hooo.....rrrr sseaaaa..."( ' you.took everyone to fight but left me. You didn't include me. I can also fight. So why didn't you let me join you. Did you not like me or trust me to protect everyone.') she said while sobbing softly with tears falling from her eyes.

Alex picked her up and hugged her. He let her cry out and when she was calmed down enough, said" I did not take you with me to fight, because you cannot fight your full potential on land until you become a Kingdra. As a Horsea and seadra later, you are an easy target on land. You aren't fast enough to dodge the attacks and win the type of battle I just fought. You would be gravely injured in these attacks. "

But she won't yield easily and then said," Hhh.... Hooooo.. . Seeaaa .. "

(' but I defeated those trainers you made me fight when we were traveling so why can't you let me fight there?')

" You only fought one on one, but there they faced at least ten pokemons at the same time, you can even ask Pikachu and Swablu. Can you take on that many on land confidently?" Alex said to his dissatisfied Pokemon who looked at her other pokemons.

They nodded in agreement with Alex's words.

She understands what he says is true and forgave her trainer. " Now that you have forgiven me, let's meet out new member. Treat whoever it is well. He will be a part of our family now. "

After that, Alex enlarged the pokeball and released him.

The Pokemon that appeared was a serpentine Pokémon with a blue body and a white underside. It has white, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a white bump on its forehead. Above its round, white snout are oval, purple eyes.

It was the dragon Pokemon which is among the most rare of all pokemons in Kanto, Dratini.

On being released, his big eyes were looking around to find where he currently was until his gaze set on the occupants of the room.

The Pokemons awaited Alex to introduce himself before their introduction," Hello Dratini, I am Alex and I am your trainer from now on. Nice to meet you."

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Alex gave her one of the berries he heard dragon Pokemons liked. It was a bitter berry. He kept it on his hand and let Dratini take the first step in their new relationship.

Dratini continued to look forward until the sweet scent of the berry reached his nose, and he pounces at it. He happily ate it. Alex took this change and ran his hands softly through the scaled body of Dratini.

He first ran through his back and then rubbed his chin area and around his fin like ears which was enjoyed by him. He even moaned in content on the actions of Alex.

After that, Pikachu, Horsea and Swablu came forward to greet their newest addition to the team. After initial greeting, they became good friend and chatted along.

One of the reason Alex let Swablu and Pikachu meet the newly caught pokemons first was because of the fairy energy. According to Mew, fairy energy is similar to energy of life. They are amiable to all and can easily get together with other Pokemons.

Swablu, as a mega altaria had fairy type, showed that she possessed some innate fairy energy which could be used. Similarly, alolan Pikachu as a Raichu had fairy type. This makes them feel easier to get along with the pokemon family.

Alex looked at the dragon type in front of him. And his thought went to his larvitar. Larvitar was the first pseudo legendary Pokemon he got. And currently the astronomically diet of his had increased even more, if the reports of his grandpa was anything to go by.

He thought larvitar was going lazy, but Alex knew it was something else. He had procurred even more Earth gems through the underground channels he dominated in the Floral town in his last stay, and made sure he ate to his full content.

Currently the cost of the diet of larvitar was already in a few hundred million almost reaching a billion dollars. Had it not been for the money he got from the sale of ancient weapons and order free food supply from the league in the trade of that weapon, Alex would have declared his bankruptcy.

The honey only procurred him few million dollars and the current total profit per month doesn't exceed more than two hundred million dollars, but larvitar spent that much in a week time.

The reason he was willing to afford the spending of so much money was because of the power a pseudo legendary possessed.

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All fully evolved pseudo legendary become elite level even without any training, and so they are much appreciated.

This diet signifies that larvitar need a lot if energy which meant he was evolving to pupitar soon. In that stage he can't eat anything and his body movement are restricted.

The more energy he stores now, the quicker he evolves into tyranitar. With the amount of food he ate, he can complete this process in three months time, as compared to normal one year of dormancy.

Alex spent billion on raising one pseudo legendary, which he could barely sustain and now, another was well on the way.

He was happy to get another powerhouse in the team, but the cost if raising made him bleed. He had learned long ago, the profession of Pokemon trainer burns money much quicker than earning it.

He still have a few years, until his contract with the league ends and he had to buy the food on his own.

The mysterious book only stated the best recipe for Pokemons but the items required were too costly and he had only used some which he could afford now.

As he was in thoughts of how to raise money, the ringing of phone brought him out of his thoughts.

The answered the call and Mathew's voice cane," We are at the lobby of the pokemon center. come here quickly." After that the call was disconnected.

Alex mumbled to himself," let's face the storm, head on then. "

Alex will be facing the angry parents. How will this encounter go? Stay tuned.

To be continued....

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