Chapter 09: Johanna's resentment

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In fact, Johanna hadn't yet been able to distinguish the Petranian maidservants very well.

They were all uniformly uncharacteristically dressed, with their hair pulled back into a similar hairstyle and their expressions did not move much.
They are unusually loyal to their masters, and they behave as if they were soldiers in the army obeying their superiors, serving Queen Berta.

It's hard to get used to them, but she's sure she'll soon be able to.
The principle of their actions is simple, everything they do is for the Princess of Kasha.

"Johanna. When Berta is awake, try to keep the prince close to her. Berta seems to be calmer that way."

Johanna nodded at the maidservant's words.

Their master, Johanna's new employer, Her Royal Highness, seemed to be showing some signs of depression lately.
No wonder the maidservants were being extraordinarily cautious, even though it was not unusual for expectant mothers to do so.

(Yes, it's understandable.... after what happened)

Johanna herself felt the same way as the maidservants.
Everyone in the palace had an idea what the cause of Princess Kasha's depression is.

It all started some days ago.


Ever since the healthy birth of the Prince, the palace had been in a positive mood.


Although there were concerns about Queen Kasha's health condition, the atmosphere of the palace was cheerful, as it was clear from the doctor's examination that she was on the road to recovery.


It had been a little more than a month since the Queen and her increased number of palace's residents, led by Prince Louis, started a life in their new surroundings, and the great national event, finally was turning into a routine for those closest to them.


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Suddenly, Queen Margarita, who didn't move until then, approached Queen Kasha.

The messenger speech was lengthy, but in summary, a royal prince was born, so she will raise him and Berta have to give him to her.


"It is only natural that Margarita, the first wife, raises him as the King's eldest son. It is a duty of the rightful wife, Margarita, to raise him."



As expected, Queen Kasha did not give a second thought to the message brought by the queen's maidservant, but the same was true for Johanna and the other new maidservants.


(Up until now, she didn't move. Now she does this but it is not an official order)


About the request, it's obvious that the environment around her isn't good to raise a child, much less a Petranian child.

Even Johanna knows about it. 


From the moment she knew of her pregnancy, Berta started to move, looking for a nanny, and preparing everything.

The Kasha's clan did too, since before the baby was born, they took great care in preparing everything for the raising of the child, from the servants, to the room for the child, to the maternity clothes and even diapers.


The First Queen didn't recruit a nanny yet, but is asking for them to hand over the baby, it's clear what her idea is.


Johanna didn't expect it from happening, the unprepared Queen coming out of nowhere to reclaim the baby, but even a low-ranking noblewoman like her knows about who is the First Queen, and the beliefs of her faction.

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No matter if the Queen, herself, is just a wife who wants to raise her husband's child good.

It is unlikely to happen, since everybody around her would treat Prince Louis as a danger to her faction, the legitimate heir to the throne.


Margarita is the backbone of the aristocracy's faction, which clings to the belief of the traditional bloodline's supremacy.


Queen Margarita, the daughter of one of the most prestigious lords on the continent, has a blood more "pure" than the king.

On the other hand, Queen Kasha is far from the royal linage bloodline, what is considered noble in aristocratic society. 


The Kasha family is very wealthy, but didn't care about politics for a long time, so now she's nothing more than the daughter of provincial house with a lot of money.


They can't even be ranked among the nobles. 

Of course, Queen Berta knows that very well and has avoided any open confrontation, but there is no way she would accept this.


After long and fruitless debates between the factions and their messengers, everyone in the palace has grown tired of it, but it was none other than His Majesty the King who made it worse.



"Why don't you give Louis to the Queen? My mother who gave birth to me left me in the former Queen's hands to make me my father's legitimate son. Wouldn't you be more pleased to have a child of your own blood placed in a position where he can be recognized as a prince more easily?"


The Queen Kasha had always been reserved and submissive in the palace, especially in the presence of His Majesty.

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It was the first time she had ever been seen to raise her voice without caring what the world would say.


"Why doesn't Your Majesty notice that the relationship between the Queen Mother and her birth mother is very different from our current relationship?!! If I were the handmaiden trusted by the Queen, I might offer her my child. If Louis was a son like you, with white skin and translucent eyes, and with only royal blood, he would have been adored!! But, sadly, he's my son"



Queen Kasha took Prince Louis from Johanna's hand and held him tightly in a protective embrace.


"Look at this child. You can tell at a glance that he has black hair and a face different from that of a royal linage nobleman. He is a prince with distinctly Petranian blood. If I don't serve as his shield, I don't know what he will have to go through, when growing up in this royal palace. This child is not guilty! Even if they blame him for his bloodline."


"I know that."


His Majesty averted his gaze from the pressure of the queen Kasha's eyes, but he folded his arms as if it didn't matter.


"His Majesty's first child is the son of a Petranian because he took me as his wife. Will His Majesty turn away from that fact and let the prince grow up despised by the nobles to redeem himself?"


There was no one in the palace, at least not in this palace, that would condemn Queen Kasha for talking like that to her husband, the supreme authority of the state.


"Why you don't believe in Margarita?"


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Everybody, even Johanna felt that she couldn't say anything more to a king this blind.

She thought that if she was feeling so angry, Berta's maidservants were probably more, but they had turned pale with fear for the health and mental state of their master, their dear princess.


"Marguarita is a saintly person, but Louis is just a child of a different race to Marguerite.... I'm sure, she will take pity on this child and have compassion for the dirty blood that flows through his veins."


"You're not... no, no, no!"


In the end, His Majesty suddenly left without making any definite statement.


At least Queen Kasha's best efforts at resistance may have been minimally successful. 

There was no subsequent official order from His Majesty to hand over the prince to the rightful Queen.


(What is unforgivable, however, is that this incident has forced the Queen Kasha, still with her body suffering the postpartum, to start planning countermeasures against the queen's faction!!)


The maids clung to her to stop her from actually moving around, but for her even staying up was a burden, for worst, staying until late worrying and writing letters to her clan with a pale face, being lost in thought and unable to sleep.


(Although she didn't look like it, she's a young woman of 20, gave birth to his child just days ago, but they have done this to her!!)

Everyone here, even if it wasn't Johanna, would have felt pity for her. 

Her resentment against the First Queen, started after seeing the suffering of her Master.

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