Goodbye, Shen Shuya.

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Ji Chen’ai didn’t know where Zhou Yaoyun was going. Zhou Yaoyun didn’t tell him and he didn’t bother asking.

However, after knowing the news, Wang Zhixiu seemed relieved. She gave many instructions to Ji Chen’ai through the phone, and then told him that she would pick him up in two days.

Listening to Wang Zhixiu rambling on and on, Ji Chen’ai did not feel impatient at all.

Near the end of the call, Wang Zhixiu said, “Xiao Qin, don’t blame Xiao Yun, our family doesn’t owe him and neither does he owe our family.”

Ji Chen’ai was stunned when he heard that, vaguely understanding the implied meaning of Wang Zhixiu’s words.

Wang Zhixiu continued, “If you want to blame someone, blame mom and dad. It’s because of  our inability…”

After Ji Chen’ai and Wang Zhixiu ended their phone call, Xiao Qi told him that another part of his memory was unlocked.

Ji Chen’ai looked at Zhou Yaoqin’s forgotten memory and finally understood why the memory was overloaded with negative energy and was forcibly locked up by Xiao Qi.

Zhou Yaoyun was not biologically related to their family. His true identity was a mystery, but both Wang Zhixiu and Zhou Yuming still loved him like their biological son, otherwise they would not have had the dilemma of choosing between Zhou Yaoyun’s life and Ji Chen’ai’s legs. They eventually chose Zhou Yaoyun.

After knowing that Zhou Yaoyun wasn’t the biological son of the Zhou family, Zhou Yaoqin’s personality became even stranger. He didn’t talk to anyone and spent his days isolating himself in the house, as if he hated the world. 

Wang Zhixiu and Zhou Yuming couldn’t bring themselves to treat Zhou Yaoqin cruelly, so they let him be.

But no one expected that Zhou Yaoqin would choose to commit suicide. Although he was jealous of Zhou Yaoyun, the person he hated most was himself.

Zhou Yaoqin was disgusted with himself. He was selfish, extreme [1], sensitive, so incompatible with living in this world.

[1] 偏激 piān jī extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances)

Adding on Liu Ziming harassing Zhou Yaoqin, he completely lost hope in being able to live happily in this world. A bottle of sleeping pills helped him enter another world, while giving Ji Chen’ai a new life.

Zhou Yaoyun’s departure time was scheduled for a week later, and Ji Chen’ai would be leaving soon. Zhou Yaoyun was no longer going to school so there was no meaning in him continuing to stay here.

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Before leaving, Ji Chen’ai had one last thing he wanted to do. In his bedroom, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Shuya’s phone number. The phone rang twice and connected. Shen Shuya’s voice came from the phone, saying, “Hello, who is calling?”

Ji chen was momentarily silent before asking, “Is this Ms. Shen?”


“I’m Ji Chen’ai’s friend…”

Shen Shuya gasped, and her voice became hoarse: “What do you want from me?”

Ji Chen’ai said, “Well…… I wanted to ask if you’re doing all right.”

Shen Shuya heard the question, and snorted coldly with a hoarse voice: “Are you really Ji Chen’ai’s friend? When he had his funeral, why didn’t you come?”

Ji Chen’ai froze, not understanding why Shen Shuya would ask that.

Shen Shuya said, “After my Chen’ai died, only two friends came. This friend, I don’t know why you’re suddenly appearing?”

Ji Chen’ai could hardly imagine such aggressive words coming from his mother’s mouth. That gentle conflict-avoidant woman actually became so sharp.

Ji Chen’ai wanted to say goodbye to what he had lost in his past life, but surprisingly, he accidentally gained a new understanding.

Ji Chen’ai asked, “Do you have any free time in the next few days? I would like to meet you.”

Shen Shuya said, “Sure, I’ve been very free recently.”

After agreeing on a time and place, Ji Chen’ai and Shen Shuya hung up.

Zhou Yaoyun had been standing at the door, listening to Ji Chen’ai’s conversation. When he hung up, Zhou Yaoyun asked, “Shall I send you there?”

Ji Chen’ai put the phone in his pocket, “How do you know the name, Ji Chen’ai?”

Zhou Yaoyun leaned against the doorframe, and looked at Ji Chen’ai with a smile, “Do you remember the day we went out together to order a cake?”

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“On your birthday?”

Zhou Yaoyun said, “You stared at a man for quite some time in the mall.”

Ji Chen’ai, “…” Why does the sentence feel so ambiguous?

“Zhou Yaoqin would never stare at others, nor would he accompany me to buy cakes…To be exact, from the very day you became him, I felt like something was wrong.”

Ji Chen’ai always knew that Zhou Yaoyun was very sensitive to details, but he didn’t expect Zhou Yaoyun’s senses could even pick up on minute details that ordinary people would easily overlook.

Zhou Yaoyun continued, “At first, I felt that it was impossible, and even thought that I was overthinking it, but I looked into the man you had been staring at – he’s Ji Suming, correct?”

Ji Chen’ai said, “Mhm…”

Zhou Yaoyun smiled: “Then I noticed similarities between Ji Chen’ai and Zhou Yaoqin. Plus you exposed some flaws, which left one last possibility.”

Ji Chen’ai sighed, “What flaws did I show?”

Zhou Yaoyun glanced at Ji Chen’ai, then turned and walked into the living room. Soon, he brought in a strawberry cake, saying, “I bought it for you at noon, eat it while it’s still fresh.”

Ji Chen’ai didn’t know why Zhou Yaoyun was tiptoeing around the truth and pretending to not know anything, but he picked it up and began to eat the cake with a spoon.

After Ji Chen’ai ate a piece of fresh strawberry, Zhou Yaoyun laughed, “Did no one tell you that Zhou Yaoqin doesn’t eat fresh strawberries?”

Ji Chen’ai clenched his spoon, pausing. He clearly remembered on the first day he arrived in this body, Zhou Yaoyun bought him a cute panda cake, with panda ears made of strawberries.

Surprisingly, on the first day he arrived, he revealed his horse’s foot [2].

[2] 露出马脚 [lù chū mǎ jiǎo]: show the cloven foot;   betrayed by a slip;   give oneself away;   let the cat out of the bag;

Zhou Yaoyun added, “But you don’t have to worry. Mom and the others don’t really spend much time with you, and they don’t care about little things like these. So if you just take note of little details like this, you’ll naturally won’t be exposed.” 

Ji Chen’ai frowned, “You… don’t intend to tell Wang Zhixiu and the others the truth?”

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Zhou Yaoyun looked down and carelessly commented, “If you knew what kind of person Zhou Yaoqin was, you probably wouldn’t think that his disappearance was such a bad thing, and as I told you before – I, Zhou Yaoyun, have never been an altruistic person [3].”

[3] having or showing an unselfish concern for the welfare of others or selflessness

He was indeed very selfish, and Zhou Yaoqin, who was not biologically related to him, had long exhausted his last bit of patience.

If it wasn’t for Ji Chen’ai’s sudden occupying the magpie’s nest [4], Zhou Yaoyun didn’t know how long he would have endured.

[4] 鸠占鹊巢 [jiū zhàn què cháo]: The turtledove occupies the magpie’s nest. —seize another person’s home,

Ji Chen’ai sighed, “Forget it, let’s not talk about this, I have an appointment with Shen Shuya tomorrow morning. Please send me there.”

Zhou Yaoyun hummed and left to cook dinner.

Ji Chen’ai stared at the empty space before deciding to go to bed early. He felt kind of tired today.

I know it! ML is weird chenaii! run, u need to run, now!

The next day, Zhou Yaoyun dropped Ji Chen’ai off at the place where he agreed to meet with Shen Shuya.

When he got there, he saw Shen Shuya already sitting at the tea table drinking tea. She was wearing a very plain jacket, and she looked the exact same as the last time he saw her at the hospital.

After carrying Ji Chen’ai to the table, Zhou Yaoyun left.

At first, Shen Shuya’s eyes contained some hostility but when she saw Ji Chen’ai’s legs, the hostility in her eyes dissipated and instead transformed into shallow sorrow.

Ji Chen’ai greeted Shen Shuya: “Hello, I am Zhou Yaoqin.”

Shen Shuya said, “You should already know who I am…”

Ji Chen’ai nodded, he said, “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for Ji Chen’ai’s funeral, I was out of town at the time and couldn’t make it back in time.”

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“Oh, I understand.” She paused for a moment, “When did you… meet Chen’ai?”

Ji Chen’ai casually lied, “I met Ji Chen’ai on the Internet. Could I take the liberty to ask, are you now…”

Shen Shuya knew what Ji Chen’ai wanted to ask; she smiled sarcastically, “I have already divorced Ji Zhongming.”

Ji Chen’ai showed a surprised expression.

“Humans, only after being taught a lesson understand what is right and what is wrong. I’ve been hiding all my life, nevertheless, it’s time I ought to face it.” When she said this, her smile had a hint of bitterness, “It’s just, I’ve wronged my Chen’ai…”

Ji Chen’ai never thought that he would hear these words from Shen Shuya. His impression of his mother was that she has always been good-tempered, to the point of being weak. He never thought that one day Shen Shuya would choose to divorce Ji Zhongming.

Shen Shuya was already over 40 years old. Although she was well groomed, she was also a woman close to being middle-aged. She had been raised by others all her life and didn’t know how to live independently in this society.

Looking at her now, although she was rather haggard compared to before, she no longer cowered, which Ji Chen’ai used to hate.

Shen Shuya said: “During Chen’ai’s funeral, very few people came. Ji Mingzhong didn’t even come. I can now see clearly, what kind of person he really is and the foolish person I used to be.”

Ji Chen’ai saw Shen Shuya’s indifference as she spoke, seemingly no longer shaken by these things.

At first, Ji Chen’ai only wanted to come and see how Shen Shuya was doing, and did not expect to hear such words from her.

Shen Shuya said, “When Chen’ai’s leg was injured, I was always very, very afraid. I didn’t even dare to talk to him at all. I was afraid that he would ask me: Mom, didn’t you always teach me to do good things? But why after doing good deeds, there are no good results?”

Ji Chen’ai had also once thought about this question, but the current him no longer thought about things like that.

Shen Shuya softly sighed, “I have no answer to his question because all I taught him was wrong. In this world, why would you need good people?”

Ji Chen’ai had never thought he would hear Shen Shuya say something like this.

Shen Shuya took a sip of tea, her eyes light and gentle. She looked at Zhou Yaoqin sitting in front of her. In this young man with the same mobility disability, she seemed to see the shadow of her son who passed early, and she smiled, “In my life, the person I have wronged the most is Chen’ai. I didn’t fight for a good name [T/N], with Ji Mingzhong – that thing – I didn’t fight to give them to Chen’ai. But when I finally wanted to fight, he no longer needed it.”

[T/N]: You guys remember that when they first named him as Chen’ai meaning dust or dirt, the mom didn’t do anything and accepted it. Haaaa…poor MC…. it was too late for her to fight for him…

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