Come to express gratitude.

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Ji Chen Ai got up very early the next day. Because Zhou Yaoyun had to go to school, Ji Chen Ai went around the neighborhood by himself after eating breakfast.

His disability made it inconvenient for him to do anything, but Ji Chen Ai insisted on going out. He knew that if he chose to stay at home like Zhou Yaoqin, he would end up not wanting to ever leave the house.

That morning, people living around Ji Chen Ai’s neighborhood saw a teenager in a wheelchair moving slowly along the sidewalk. With a wooden expression on his face, the teenager picked up trash and threw them into the garbage can.

Nearly everybody was moved by this teenager’s good characteristics–everybody except the teenager himself.

There is another teenager that like Ji Chen Ai and stalk behind him, chen ai didn’t know

Ji Chen Ai only blamed himself for forgetting to bring out a pair of gloves. As long as he passed through a garbage can and saw trash that hadn’t been thrown away, he would hear Xiao Qi’s sound beeping, tempting and seducing him to pick up the trash and obtain a little more positive energy. It was more cost-effective than posting on the internet…

In order to recover his legs as soon as possible, Ji Chen Ai could only collect garbage with a sullen face. He found that his most suitable occupations now were Internet Navy and Scavenger. The former could earn positive energy value without moving while the latter was slightly tiring but had a stable income.

From strolling around all morning, Ji Chen Ai gained more than 30 energy value before he went home. Once he reached home, Ji Chen Ai went directly to wash his hands. Then he received a call from Zhou Yaoyun, asking him what he wanted to eat at noon.

Ji Chen Ai was not a picky eater, so he told Zhou Yaoyun that anything was fine. When he heard that, Zhou Yaoyun murmured about the effects of not getting enough nutrients, his brother becoming thinner, and later on would result in his body not being able to stand. 

Love, yaoyun actually in love with his own brother [t/n: I should add incest tag, duh]

Listening to Zhou Yaoyun’s grumbling, Ji Chen Ai revealed a smile.

Many verbosities later, they finally decided on the meal for lunch. Ji Chen Ai turned on his computer, getting ready to continue increasing the energy value. Although he had saved the little girl yesterday and earned a hundred energy points, it was still a long way away from 10,000 points. If he didn’t take this seriously, he might not be able to walk until he was in his middle ages.

Just as soon as Ji Chen Ai moved his cursor to forward the pictures of cats and dogs, the house’s doorbell suddenly rang.

Ji Chen Ai wheeled himself to the door and asked, “Who is it?”

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From outside the door, he heard a man’s voice, “Is this Mr. Zhou?”

Due to Ji Chen Ai’s physical disability, he couldn’t see the guest using the cat’s eye. He had to lock the door chain and open the door to a gap. “Yes, who are you?”

When he saw the people outside the door, Ji Chen Ai instantly knew their purpose of coming here. Outside the door stood three people: a man in a police uniform, who was talking to him; a man holding a familiar little girl in his arms; and a well-dressed woman.

The policeman said, “Did you call the police yesterday? Today, this little girl’s father came to thank you.”

After a moment of silence, Ji Chen Ai said, “Come in.” Only then did he open the door.

The little girl’s father apparently didn’t expect Ji Chen Ai to be in a wheelchair, and his surprise flashed in his eyes. Soon, however, only gratitude remained in them. He said, “Mr. Zhou, we are really grateful to you.”

Actually, we wanted to go to heaven and smile at tenshi tachi, like lovers in the sun

Ji Chen Ai took these people into the living room and asked them to sit down. He said, “How do you know my address?”

Before the man even spoke, he was stunned by Chen Ai’s question.

Ji Chen Ai’s family was quite wealthy, so he could naturally see that the man in front of him was extraordinarily dressed. Looking at his watch alone, he knew that it was worth a good car. There was a saying that poor people played with cars while rich people played with watches[1]. This person’s identity was obviously not simple. 

[1] According to Google Search, the richer a person is, the more expensive things that he buys which totally shouldn’t be that expensive, like this man bought a watch that’s worth a car= filthy rich.

I had it enough with this fake paragraph I need to do each time I translate, is it fun?

The man did not say anything, but the woman next to him answered the question. She said, “Sorry, Lao[2] Yang really wanted to say thank you in person. He asked someone to check it hurriedly, and didn’t mean to offend you.”

[2] 老 [lǎo]: Old.

Both husband and wife were very modest, which was beyond Ji Chen Ai’s expectation. He looked at the girl in the man’s arms, and his eyes softened. Ji Chen Ai said, “That’s alright, but I hope that you had called me first.”

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When the woman saw that Ji Chen Ai was not angry, she sighed and spoke, “Mr. Zhou, if it weren’t for your call, I really wouldn’t know what to do.” Then she gave a rough account of the incident.

So, I’m gonna give riddle to those who can read this sentence, do you know the killer?

Actually, it wasn’t a rare story; the babysitter wasn’t careful with the child and, as a result, when the little girl went out to play, she was abducted. Her mom had not been in good health, and she almost lost her life after giving birth to the little girl, so it was impossible for her to give birth to another child. The couple tried their best to find their little girl, even offering a big reward, but there was no news almost a year later. When they were about to fall into despair, Ji Chen Ai’s phone call saved them.

Human traffickers were the worst. They were so organized that even the police didn’t have a good strategy for capturing them. The little girl, Yan Yuyi, was originally from the Northeastern side, but here she was now, thousands of miles away in the Southwestern side. 

From the little girl’s expression, it could be seen that she had suffered a lot.

Mr. Yang said, “Mr. Zhou, we are here today just to thank you.” After that, he took out a card and put it on Ji Chen Ai’s desk. He continued, “Here’s some of our gratitude. The password is six sixes. I hope you can accept it.”

Ji Chen Ai looked at Mr. Yang and said, “I wouldn’t be polite, then.” Ji Chen Ai knew that these kind of people weren’t short of money at all. The most frightening thing to Mr. Yang was Ji Chen Ai refusing to accept the money. It meant that he would owe Ji Chen Ai a great favor. If Ji Chen Ai wanted to make any excessive demands, he could not refuse it.

The killer is the guy who created Xiao Qi, hah~ spoiler alert, it was…

Although Mr. Yang could see that Ji Chen Ai did not lack any wealth, the latter still accepted his money. Seeing this situation, a more brilliant smile appear on Mr. Yang’s face.

Xiao Qi suddenly said, “Xiao Ai, you can’t do that.”

Ji Chen Ai, who didn’t expect Xiao Qi to say that, asked, “What’s wrong?”

Xiao Qi said, “Good deeds can’t be rewarded. How could you receive money from others?!”

Ji Chen Ai: “……” He used to suspect that the person who made Xiao Qi’s system wanted to retaliate against society. Now, he decided that the person who made Xiao Qi’s system really wanted to retaliate against society. 

Xiao Qi said, “It will be very difficult for me if you do that.”

Ji Chen Ai, “…How difficult is it?”

Xiao Qi: “I’ll be sad.”

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Ji Chen Ai: Will your sadness deduct my positive energy value?”

Xiao Qi: “No.”

Ji Chen Ai: “Oh, then you can continue to be sad.”

Xiao Qi: “…” Wu wu wu wu. 

My lover from the other space, I need some isekai bl story, need recommendation

After handling Xiao Qi, Ji Chen Ai continued to speak to the Yang couple. “Is she alright?” He asked about Xiao Yang Yuyi, who was now in her father’s arms.

Mrs. Yang looked at her daughter, eyes filled with anger and pain. She said, “We bought an afternoon ticket and are going back for a comprehensive check-up… If anything…”

Mr. Yang continued Mrs. Yang’s words, “Those people will eventually pay the price.” Especially the middle-aged woman who was caught begging with Yang Yuyi.

Yang Yuyi kept holding Mr. Yang in her arms and said nothing. Then she suddenly responded, turning her head to look at Ji Chen Ai sitting on the wheelchair. “Brother,” she whispered.

The voice was feeble and small with a tremor, causing Mrs. Yang’s eyes to turn red in an instant. Yang Yuyi finished calling her brother and crawled out of her father’s arms. Then, she carefully went to Ji Chen Ai’s side, holding his leg like on the day she was rescued. “Brother,” she said again. 

Awww, this sweetie has been hurt too much, and I’m sleepy, it’s freaking 3.11 am.

Ji Chen Ai touched the little girl’s head. He thought that if he could, he would like to hold the little girl, but…

Mrs. Yang suddenly said, “Mr. Zhou, may I take the liberty to ask if you leg is…”

Ji Chen Ai bowed his head and looked at Yang Yuyi. When he heard Mrs. Yang’s question, he didn’t feel offended. He said, “This happened when I was a child. It can’t be cured.”

Mrs. Yang’s eyes slipped some pity, and she said nothing more. She thought that if he could cure it, she would be willing to let Ji Chen Ai receive the best treatment possible. Perhaps his legs would be able to recover.

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Nahhh, of course it will heal, duh, that is the whole point of this novel. and I’m hungry

Several people talked about something else, then Mr. Yang left with his family. After Mr. Yang’s family left, the policeman told Ji Chen Ai in private that he was afraid people would retaliate against him. According to his words, the woman caught by Ji Chen Ai belonged to a relatively large human trafficking organization. There was even a possibility that there could be an insider in the police department. He told Ji Chen Ai to be careful, and if there was anything wrong, he must call the police.

In the face of such good intentions, Ji Chen Ai responded to each precaution warned by the policeman. Finally, when the police left, he helped him closed the door. 

When Ji Chen Ai returned to the living room, he picked up the bank card and put it in his drawer.

Do you guys wanna know how much mr yang gave to chen ai? let me tell you…its A lot.

Shortly after the three people left, Zhou Yaoyun came back with the newly bought dishes in his hand. When he entered the room, he saw Ji Chen Ai sitting in the living room watching TV. 

“Brother, do you like porridge?” Zhou Yaoyun asked.

“It’s okay,” Ji Chen Ai responded.

Zhou Yaoyun said, “Don’t say ‘it’s okay’… I’m asking you what you like.”

Ji Chen Ai said, “I’ll drink porridge then.”

Hearing Ji Chen Ai’s affirmation, Zhou Yaoyun was ready to cook the porridge happily. Then, Ji Chen Ai said, “Today, the little girl’s family came to visit.”

Zhou Yaoyun paused his footsteps. “Hmm? You opened the door for them?”

Ji Chen Ai made an ‘uh-huh’ sound.

Zhou Yaoyun frowned. “Brother, when this happens, ask them to call me. This kind of half-familiar person, even if they come to thank you, you should not open the door for them.”

Ji Chen Ai knew that Zhou Yaoyun was afraid of anything happening to him, so he responded casually.

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