Possessing Nothing

Chapter 272: 272

You are off the road.

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I could not escape.

I crossed the gate. It was Lee Seong-min’s plan to leave immediately and move to another area, and to return to Harare, where he had been looking for space.

But as he was worried about before. The situation did not seem like the wish of Lee Seong-min.

It happened in an instant. Something falling from the sky pierces the feet of Lee Seongmin.

It was an imperishable sword with no decoration.

Sword, the moment I saw. Lee Sung – min realized that his worries and worries about the owner were real.

‘Inspection … … ! ‘

Think and immediately move your body.

He repeatedly used the confidence of the windbreak of Bronze, and Lee Seung-min escaped from the space.

As far away from here as possible, it invites the fairy tale.

The last time you can use a fairy hemp. So if I could save it, it would be honest to save it, but now it was not.

You can not get out of here if you do not use fairy horses.

Repeated windsurfing pass through a huge space.

I can not use this glowing method of penetrating penetration through the gap of space unless it is a transcendent one, and I was not confident that it is possible to fully use the current one.

But I use it forcefully. I do not care about the physical burden.

The body of Lee, who is close to that of the monster, quickly heals and leads the body that is burdened by the excessive operation.

However, the black continued to pursue her.

It is a winner of the best team. Lee Seong – min moved through the space with the confidence of the gust of wind.

Even though we have put our confidence to the point of repetition, the black is still behind. Lee sangmin sucked this.

The warnings of the brewery caught my mind. Do not attack if you encounter a swordsman. Run unconditionally.

Even when the sword came up to the back of the sword, Lee remembered the words of such carelessness.

He continued to run away, trying to siphon out his glance. But it did not last long.

When it was no longer possible to spread the confidence of the gale, Lee Sung – min stopped his legs with this.

It was still behind Lee Seongmin. If you move a little, the distance to reach the point of the sword. Lee Sung-min did not move on the floor.

When Lee was not moving, the kendo did not move.

[Why is it still?]

The sword is shaking and shaking.

[Keep running, baby. It is also quite interesting to catch the tongue.]

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“… … Are you a prosecutor? ”

[Giggles! Who can handle this sword so well, not this old man? How are you? Is this old man’s jarring good?

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Lee Sung – min turned completely. The black that stopped in the air was aiming at the end of the Lee Seongmin.

[I saw this shameless guy. Baby. I do not know why this old man is doing this.

“I did nothing to the shaman.”

[Sweetheart. This old man has enemies on the surface of a shaman belonging to a faction. But have you not made a fuss in the land near the shaman? ”

“So you’re doing this to me?”

[Giggles! No, it’s just an excuse. I am very talented and funny. So I tried to play, and you played well. So this old man was also very good.]

“Is this a joke?”

Lee Sung – min stared at the sword. It was the first time I talked with my swordsman. He was not able to figure out what kind of character he was.

[I think I’m old, old man?]

Lee Sung-min had no choice but to sympathize with his murmur.

[Is this not a joke? I did not kill you, nor did I cut you properly. I just drove the swords and chased them. Did not you enjoy?]

“I am not happy at all.”

[This old man was happy. I think it seems a little short to be the successor of the one thousand. The winds are still awkward in trust! I’m short of one hundred years ago.]

“… … Will you kill me? ”

[Do not you say such a scary word? This old man is a teacher. It does not kill uselessly.]

The kender said in a strict voice.

[I would kill if I could kill him. Baby, you should tell yourself. Are you the one to kill?

“… … I do not think that much. ”

[I should judge that.]

The kender said in a laughing voice.

[Sweetheart. This old man also has an ear to listen to. I have heard all of the evil which you have done, called the ear.]

“Most of it is a misunderstanding.”

[Do you want to be innocent? Can you prove it?]

“If I could prove it, I would have done it.”


At the end of Lee Seongmin, the kendo laughed with a loud voice.

[I would like to meet you and talk directly with you. This old man will see you and lead you to Nogu and go there … … .]

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“Are you saying that I should come to the shaman? Do you think I will go? ”

[What if you do not come? If I said you would not come, I would kill you here?

“Did not you say that you do not have meaningless killing?”

[I do not think it is meaningless to kill you.]

The sword is shaking and shaking.

Lee Sung-min chewed his lower lip. Through the words of his swordsmith, he was guessing where he was. But it was not believed at all.

“… … Inspection. Are you in the Mudang Mountain now? ”


The samurai responded without hesitation. At that point Lee Sung-min laughed.

It is not a lie. Even though I set up my sense day and looked around, I do not feel the presence of my swordsmanship.

From the shaman to here. You’re spreading the giant sword over that huge street?

“What a wise sword … … ”

[This is a real winner. This old man has swung his sword for hundreds of years. It is this old man who has the best qualities of history in the sword, and has been swinging his sword with his qualities for hundreds of years. Do not you have to do this much to be called a sword?

exactly. Lee Sung – min remembers the exquisite and chews his lower lip. Surprised, too, was a monster that swung a sword for hundreds of years. Compared with the sword, it was like a child.

[Go on.]

After a few moments of trouble, the kender said so.

[I was pretty annoyed, but I do not think you’d better kill here.]

“… … Why? ”

[I can not say thank you for saving you.]

He did not say why he chose not to kill Lee Sung-min.

[What are you doing? Not running. Before this old man changes his mind, let him run away.

That’s what the kender said. At that point, Lee Sung-min did not hesitate to turn around. I’m glad I did not use the last chance to use the fairy horse.

Lee Sung-min was out of his position with all his might.

* * *

“Do you think the body is moving?”

I was standing in the middle of the room and closing my eyes, I heard a voice like that.

Kim looked back at the door with his eyes half closed. Kim did not ask the vampire queen who came in without knocking.

If you look at it, he came to you with a blunt ass,

“Thanks to your care.”

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“Would you please not say nasty words?”

Jenny replied as if she really hated Jenny in the ridiculous answer of Kim Jonghyun.

She filled her blood with a thick irritation in her eyes.

After the failure of the forest ceremony, Kim picked Jenniella ‘s mansion as a hiding place for himself.

Currently Predator lost a lot of power. Acrichein Arves was annihilated by Kim Jonghyun, and the enemy, the king of the monsters, was drawn to Yana of the Ahmuri (hero), where the heart was drawn.

Jowon faltered in the boredom that he had made for his long-suffering life and for his long life.

Volander, who leads Death Knight, is looking for a dragon to take off Death Knight’s curse.

And Jenny does nothing.

“If you completed the ceremony, it would have been pretty fun.”

Jenniel was wearing a colorful kimono. In the past, it was the clothes I wore to tempt the bloodless horseback radio. Ever since the death of Baekwi-do, Jenny used to wear kimono occasionally.

The reason was that it was gorgeous and the movement was inconvenient. I sometimes enjoyed the inconvenience of being called Jenny.

“You have become very ambiguous because of your failure. It’s only … … No, I can not stop. I think it’s stronger than Arves. ”

Kim Jonghyun laughed at the horse. It failed in a consciousness to complete it. The burden of Kim Jonghyun’s body became like a bomb when it could go off.

The rite of reversal is to turn the bell completely. Even if I went to the last stage of success, failure failed and I was in risk.

“What are you going to do in the future?”

Jenniella approached the bed and sat down. Her eyes were of interest instead of annoyance.

“Once again, it would be impossible to spread such rituals. But you still have a gremor, and you’ll be able to handle the magic of gremor with its incomplete body. ”

“That’s right.”

Kim Jonghyun replied without hesitation. I saw Grimore on the desk called Jenny.

Not all warlocks were dreams, but Jenniel was not interested in it at all.

“In the first place, what were you trying to do as a devil?”

“I was going to do a devilish act.”

In response to Jenny Ella’s question, Kim Jonghyun answered hesitantly.

“Like the devils in old stories. To destroy the world, to fight the mighty. ”

“The devil in such a story is always defeated by the warrior.”

“I did not plan to do that. I did not have much greed. Ah. To tell the truth, I have never thought deeply about exactly what to do when I became a devil. I wanted to be a devil because I could do it. ”

“But I was disappointed you were disappointed?”

“I am angry. I could do it, but I could not. I expected a lot, but I did not expect the Black Dragon to appear there. ”

“You should not have been a devil, I guess that kind of intervention.”

Jenny Ela laughed as he heard Kim Jonghyun’s murmur.

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“It is destiny. I am the destiny I should not be the devil. I have not become a devil. ”

“What a fate.”

In the reply of Kim Jonghyun, Jenny laughed and laughed.

At the end of Jenny Ella’s denying fate, Kim Jonghyun frowned at her eyebrows.

Jenniella of the bloodshed. She was a man with a lot of doubts about Kim Jonghyun.

“The vampire queen. I have a lot of questions for you. ”

“I know I chose this place as a hiding place because I want to ask.”

Jenny said that and stared at Kim Jonghyun.

“I do not know why I’m asking you now.”

“Is not there something like that?”

Kim Jonghyun said that and raised his body. Check your body condition. The body that is reversed to half-mad king is stronger than before.

I spent a few months adjusting this incomplete body. It is not as if it is not perfect, but when it fails the first reversal.

“The question I ask is. Vampire Queen, if it’s rude to you. You might try to kill me. ”

“If you worry about it, you do not have to ask questions.”

“I am a person I should know if I have any questions.”

Kim Jonghyun reveals and laughs.

“If you are the body now, even if you try to kill me heartily. It would be impossible to confront you … … You can do as much as you can. ”

“Do not you overdo yourself?”

At the end of Kim Jonghyun, Jenny Ella asked with a smile. Unlike that expression, her eyes were as cold as a serpent.

“Maybe it is. Vampire Queen, I have this … … I’m in the organization called Predator. I always questioned. You are a monster. You see, you will be the strongest in the Predator, the strongest man in the world, and you will not have much to compare it to a man who has a moral, a moral, a swordsman. ”


“You have that much strength. What the hell are you hoping for? … I’m curious. ”

Kim Jong Hyun laughed when he said so.

“You’ve lived for hundreds of years, and you’ve been playing here in the north from decades ago. And I have been quiet like a long time. It is relatively recent that you started to move. Blood chimahack wireless. Was he such a person as to make you wake up your silence? ”

“If he was a great person, he would be alive until now.”

Jenniela’s feelings did not look bad yet. However, Kim did not forget that he had to be careful of a word.

I was confident that I would survive to some extent, but I have to say that I am convinced.

“Vampire Queen.”

Kim greatly swallowed up.

“What promises have you made between you and the dragons?”

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