Possessing Nothing

Chapter 324: 324

The dark black fog looked like a dark cloud. At the lead, Volanderer sat on top of the ghost.

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The ghost did not have a name. It’s been a while since I became a Death Knight, but it did not make me a horse.

The girdle that Volander rode in his days of human life had long since died long ago. The ghost who is burning him now is only part of the horn of Volandere, who became Death Knight.


Lee, Sung – Min. Volander recalled his name. When I had an accidental encounter on the top of the net. Volander believed that the inmate was a genocide predator wanted by Predator. That idea has not changed.

I was rather confident. Purple. Now he was more unstable and more violent than he had seen at sea.

I can see the oppressive force that I pressed. If any occasion arises, the violence that has been suppressed to the limit will shatter the spirit of humanity with a terrible liberation.

‘If you were the genocide that Jenny Ella wanted.’

Volander slowly lifted his right hand. The wide cloud of dark clouds behind him was the symbol of the faint death that the three hundred death knights wanted.

The legion of Death Knight gathered in one place was a visible blight itself. The existence alone pollutes the environment. Kim Jonghyun was breathing happily, and the aura of death made the surrounding land sinking and watering the plants. Just as Volandere is seeing Lee Seongmin, Lee Seongmin was also watching Bolandere.

A golden light glows down under a deeply pressed helmet. The expression can not be read. Still, the atmosphere is readable. Lee squeezed the window.

So far it was easy. Zombie, Stone Golem, Dylan, Banshee. They were not enemies to Lee Seong-min.

In this fight, Lee Seong – min has not yet experienced that it is a true meaning fight. He was too strong and his opponent was too weak.

[If it is Volandere, there is no shortage of opponents.]

Huhu muttered.

[Since this elder alive has been alive, Volanderer was arduous and strong. It was an article in the article that I could not find an opponent since I was a human being. Such a man was cursed and became a Death Knight.]

Lee Sung – min went slowly forward.

[The person who has a noble soul, who has been human, has more value to the devil. Volanders are the worst and strongest death knights of all time. He was cursed instead of corruption, but he became a Death Knight, but the Devil with his soul gave Volander a great deal of power. It was stronger than ever before. ”

Bolander reached out his hands.


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From Death Knights gathered behind Volanderer, the sound of hell crying soared.

[Besides, the guy now … … It was completely corrupted. It was Death Knight and I trampled on my own knight I had. It made him stronger. You can feel it on this street. He was stronger than when he was on the ghost ship last time.]


Lee Seong-min was also feeling. I can feel the unflattering speculation of Bolander. If you break your heart a little, it seems to be swallowed.

‘I have to go.’

Lee Sungmin greatly swallowed. Woo Woong! His body and his inner vents oscillated. My head has become clear and my vision has greatly expanded. In the widening view, Lee Seongmin only saw Volandar. Bolander’s Anhang was also heading to Lee Sung-min.

It is only Lee Seong-min who can devote himself to Volandere. Fraud is impossible for Abel. They have something else to do.


The Death Knights began their march. The ghost of the Volanders did not move. Three hundred Death Knights went past Volander and drove forward. Lee Seongmin walked without stopping. Behind his back, Theos with a hard look swarmed Lance.

“Wow ah!”

Paladins shouted and ran forward. As soon as Teos was passing by Lee Seongmin, Lee ‘s knees bent deeply.


I heard a popping sound. Lee Sung-min’s body became violent lightning. He ran forward faster than the Paladins’ dash. Volander, who was not moving, ran the ghost town a little later than the Death Knights that did not depart.

Death Knight’s army, which ran through the streets, was divided into two. They seemed reluctant to block the collision between Volanderer and the Lee Sung-min.

Lee Sung-min did not care about other Death Knights. It was too arrogant to confront Bolander against them.

I have to believe in paladins and armies. Paladins can not face Death Knight ‘s army if they see their abilities. The followers of the Volanders were names that had been worn since they were human beings, and other Death Knights were empowered as Volanders were empowered by the Fall.

Would Teresa be a variable?

Or the support of the priests? The thoughts about them stop. Now it was their problem, and it was not the problem of Lee Seong-min.

Volander was running slowly. He was holding his elongated sword only with his right hand. I held the reins with my left hand. Bolander was standing straight without lowering his posture. Lee did not slow down. The conflict is soon.

Lee Sung-min struck the window with his body blown, and Volandar wielded the Great Sword without breaking his posture. There was no collision. Immediately before the collision, Lee Sung – min wrestled his posture in the air and spread his confidence.

Wave, straight!

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With the sound being cut off, Lee Sung-min’s body disappears as a purple current. Volanders turned with a swinging Great Sword.

Screw it!

The ghost town he was burning fell into mist. The fog wraps around Bolanderer’s left hand and becomes a solid shield.


Now it was a clash. Lee Sung – min was a little surprised that the spear did not penetrate the shield of Volander.

It is a window that has been given sufficient power. The window with the dragon’s material is clogged with such a shield.

[If your window is made of dragon scales, bones, teeth. Bolander’s armor, sword, and shield are the soul crystals that have been refined by the magical powers of the Devil.]

Volander stepped back a little. It was not such a big shield, but there was no gap in the eyes of Lee Seongmin.

The inside of the shield shone black. A sharp blade was shot. The start was stab, but the trajectory changes. It seemed as if the swinging drew a long cicadas.

Lee Sung – min did not panic, but the window struck. Successive stabbing breaks the crescent moon. The moonlight was scattered.

All that was the volunteer sword of Volanderer.


There was a burst of light between Lee Seong – min and Volandar.


The surrounding buildings were torn down and collapsed.

‘It does not scratch.’

I dug a few times and went in. The armor that hit the window was not worn out. Volanders walked forward. It was a shield, not a sword. The strength in the shield that came in straight ahead was unbelievable. No, is it really a shield?


Lee Sung – min hastily deflected his body twisted sword. The shield instantly became a sword. Yes, it is made by refining the soul. That armor, shield, kendo. It is his own soul that Bolander deals with. There is no limit to the form of it. If you want a sword, you become a sword. If you want a shield, you become a shield.

Borlander, holding two swords in both hands, did not hesitate and narrowed the distance with Lee Sung – min. It is a non-0.1 second moment. At that moment, Volanderer ‘s black countless number of attendants. Kaga each! Lee turned a few rounds of the window and pulled out the inspection of Volandere. At that moment, Bolander became the black big ax. The ax falls. It should not be taken in front. In such an intuition, Lee Sung-min laid a gritty confidence.

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Fuck you!

The land in the direction of the ax was split in two. Building, castle wall. Everyone was in two ties. In it, dark darkness has risen. The death mask was crying in the rising shadows. Bolander’s ax turned into an elongated window.

The darkness that rose from the gap cleaved the window. Lee Sung – min fixed the posture in the air and finished preparing for the shelling. Lee Seong-min’s holding was not a window but a lightning bolt.

Kwachun no gwangchulchul, channel lightning.

At the same time as the collision, fragments of force were scattered in all directions. The space was vibrated and the collapsed building became powder.

In the sparkling world, Lee sung – min put on the air. Volander did not hold a window but a big sword. The heavy sword that swung heavily was big enough to cover the entire field of vision.

The big sword splits the space. It digs into the gap. Lower the body so that it touches the ground, and pull up the window. The window, Bolanderer, rising from the trajectory, did not escape.


The tip of the horn collided with Bolander’s breastbone. It is hard to touch. I did not break it. Even knowing Lee Sung-min has sprung the window to the end. His feet walked forward.

Two steps pushed the ball into the air. The room shook with a rumbling sound. The purple currents pounded Bolander ‘s armor without interruption. In the hands of Lee Sung – min, the window made a turn.

Kowloon killing bombardment.

The current burst and nine dragons swallowed the body of Volander. Though the lightning that popped up blinded his eyes, Lee Seong – min did not miss Volander ‘s body.

The Battle of Chuseok.

Again, the pierced window pierced through Bolanderer’s breastbone.

– Koo Woong!

The body of Volander, who flies back, was thrown into the debris of the building.

Lee Sung-min’s breathing was not disturbed at all. He poured generously into his labors and powers, but the size of the power he could handle was so huge that he could not see the end of it.

“… … Do not you ask anything? ”

In the wreckage, Volander slowly got up. His breastbone was crushed to the point where he could not recognize the original shape of his chest, but he fought as if he had just killed him. Volander’s voice was calm.

“Is the question meaningful?”

“It depends on what kind of question you ask.”

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“I do not get it.”

Lee shook his head and muttered. I know that his attack did not give Bolander a fatal blow. Behind the back was a variety of sounds. Screaming, swearing. I heard the sound of seeking God, and I heard a curse.

“Do you know what Kim Jonghyun is going to do?”

“I’m trying to connect this world with the magical world.”

“I know why you are following Jonghyun Kim. Probably because he promised to make you and Death Knight human. … … What does that mean? If we become human, if Kim Jonghyun succeeds, it will not mean anything. ”

“I do not want to live as a human being. I want to die as a human being. ”

Volanders then walked out of the wreckage.

“For us who have been cursed, death is not a rest. Our soul belongs to the devil. Even if I die in this world, I will endlessly suffer in the hands of the devil. … So, we want to be human. To celebrate a perfect rest. ”

Lee sung small tongue. I thought maybe I could persuade Volander, but in the beginning Volander wanted to die.

Lee Sung – min could not offer Vollander better than Kim Jong – hyun could give.

“You are a slaughter predator.”

Volander muttered.

“I think it must be. Even if you deny yourself. All the conditions say you’re a massacre. It’s called Jenny … … 큭큭. The woman saw the future of the massacre. If Jenny Ella is going what she wants, the massacre must occur. ”

Courrell … … .

Dark darkness rose from Volander. In the desert mask, the bolander ‘s ankwang gleamed.

“I will not stop you if Jenny Ella just as you wish. You’ll be finished with a massacre. ”

Bolander heard the sword.

“Maybe I might awaken you to a massacre.”

“… … gibberish.”

Lee Sung – min shook his head and denied it.

Ignoring the vibration of the vigorous force in my heart.

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