Possessing Nothing

Chapter 331: 331

“how… … What happened? ”

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Cain stuttered and asked. He still did not know what was going on.

Abel saw Cain in a hateful eye. It is useless. I do not know if I had the power of old. Cain now has lost most of his ability as a wizard.

Although she moved to the spirit world and barely took her life by the power of the Queen. Breaking a contract with Mana is fatal to a wizard.

“I can barely keep aging with that little force. like that… … So far. Did you want to live … … ! ”

Abel pounded in a squeaky voice.

“I do not care what the world was born of. like this… … In the queen ‘s house. While taking care of flowers and colorful gardens. Did you live like that … … ! ”

“Me, I am.”

Cain stuttered as Abel spoke.

“I tried to do anything. I too … … I have been busy trying to stop the end. But, now I am … … ”

“Shut up.”

Abel did not listen to Cain. There was no need to hear more. The effort Cain did? know. I do not want to ignore it.

But in the end, what he was trying to do was to avoid avoiding his own terrible deaths. Did not it finally bring this out?

“What would you do?”

Kim asked with a loud voice.

“It’s Lee Sungmin. It is a word to you. What you want to do has failed. The only way to avoid such anomalies is to connect the world to the world. ”

“Do not bark … … ! ”

Abel shouted at him.

“Even if the world is connected to the world, it is a ruin. Will you take care of human beings? I will protect this world from the hands of the Asmodians … … ! ”

“No, I do not think so. Is not it better than a perfect end? Even if the human placenta dies, this world will not be completely destroyed. ”


Lee Sung – min, again and again. I remembered it. What I heard a few times. Meshudo, the queen of the fairy also said. The time of choice will come.

Lee looked down at the window holding his hand. It should be a good match for your choice. Reflecting on what he had said.

He joins hands with Kim Jonghyun to connect this world with the great world.

First, you will have to kill hundreds of thousands of humans. No, tens of thousands will not be enough. Maybe we should kill millions.

Such a human soul must be given to connect this world with the great world. After that, death will continue endlessly. Eria connected with the kingdom will not be the former.

Since when did you care for the person’s life?

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I heard a voice in the corner of my head. Is not the most important thing your own? No matter what the world is like, you survive. If you have the power, you can save your life.

Do not be ridiculous. Maybe it is not it?

So, let’s try to stop Kim Jonghyun once and for all! How is Kim Jonghyun doing in the end to stop the end?

Stop the end? No, Kim Jonghyun is just doing what he wants to do. Think about what you wanted to do. It is unfair. I’m sorry. Do you deserve to be rewarded for living in a terrible world connected with the mystery?

‘Shut up.’

The voice in my head was my own. What is the answer? Either way, there is no answer.

It is also the end of a different meaning to be connected with the system. If Lee Seong-min is stronger than the monarch or drunkard of the monarchy, I do not know.

It was hard for him to defeat Kim Jonghyun, who was a defeated devil. If only this level of power is connected to the system, it will be difficult to preserve even Lee’s life.

Lee Seong – min will do the same.

What about the others? Remembers a distant memory. Those who received help from Gennevis. Hans and Jack, Lula. Ordinary people who do not have strength. Lou said you were married. What child did she have?

Sergerus? What about Scarlet? Back Sogo? Weiji … … What is your performance? Ambassador Ambassador, Namkung Heo Won, Geography, etc, etc, etc.

What do you care about them?

‘Shut up.’

Can not be done. Kim Jonghyun was wrong. I can not save this world in the way that he wants to.

How long has this world been so for you? When did you want to save the world?

You want to stop the ending because you have never felt happiness in this world. I have lived unhappily and busy, but now that I am so sorry for ruining the world, and I can not keep him still.

Or do you feel responsible for death? Listening to the sarcastic voice, Lee smiled and laughed.


I mutter to the rattling voice. Deep in the heart, ‘I’ was thinking so.

I remember Abel asked. Are you willing? I mean, honestly I do not know. The sincerity is … … little. Strangely.

I hate that the world will perish. So stop. It was a very natural flow, and I felt like I was put there.


This was indeed a fact.

“Do not you want to compromise?”

Lee Sung-min opened his mouth.

“We are connecting with a world other than the world.”

“how? No, where? Are you trying to connect with the spirit world again? haha… … Why should I do that. It’s what I want to be connected with the system. ”

Kim Jonghyun can not persuade.

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“There is no other way.”

He asks Abel. Abel could not answer. Way… … none. Kim Jonghyun wants to do that.

[What do you want to do?]

He asked.

[What Kim Jonghyun wants to do is ruin the world in many ways, but escape from the perfect ending.]


[If you stop Kim Jonghyun because you do not like it, there is no way to stop the end. Either way, it’s a shit choice.]

‘Can I afford it?’

Lee Sung-min muttered.

‘Even if it succeeds in stopping Kim Jonghyun here. I do not think the end will come right away. Someday the end of the … … How much time can you spare? ‘

[You are forgetting something.]


You went to the dungeon where you died in your previous life. I got something there. You still do not know how to use it.]

‘Could that key be the answer?’

[I do not know. But it’s something that makes sense to you.]

‘I may be part of the end. Such a key to me would help to avoid the end. ‘

You are not convinced of yourself. The choice is yours. What are you? What do you think of yourself?]

Lee, Sung – Min.

[Do you want to be the end?]

No further caveats were meaningful.

Lee Sung – min made a choice.

Kim Jong-hyun immediately responded to the sudden jump jump. He interrupted the Lee Sung-min, who leaped with both hands.


The eunuch that he has spoken is clearer and faster than before. It is thanks to the body of the devil who grows repeatedly in battle.

Strong deterrent grabs Lee Sung-min’s body. Lee ignored the power to hold on to the whole body, forced to move the window.


Joints under load are broken. I ignored it. I did not move the window. Instead he kicked the air into the ground.

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The two steps that I barely walked gave rise to a sudden boldness.


Kim Jong Hyun’s lament was lost with a big sound. Kim Jonghyun touched his tongue and moved his hands. Magical powers were strengthened as the spirit was strengthened.

It seemed to be addicted to this power. If you get a chance later, let’s find a way to be a complete devil. Kim Jong – hyun thought that way.

Hundreds of fireballs hit the mountain. Attack based on firepower without subtlety. Iobo Yuryeon has been unfolding.

The fireballs that have been attacking Lee Seong-min are bursting at once. In the meantime, Lee Sung-min became a lightning bolt and penetrated the street with Kim Jong-hyun.

“Stop it.”

The magic and defensive magic spread at the same time. Speed ​​up faster. In the speed that the spirit gets much better, it spreads the brainpower of the day of the chastity.


The defenses are broken. Lee Seong – min ‘s arms were also wrong.

I kill Kim Jonghyun here. Lee Sung-min decided to do it. Kim Jong Hyun is never persuaded by Lee Sung Min.

If he does not kill him here, Kim Jonghyun will repeat the massacre committed by Germud and connect the world to the world again.

So stop. Even if there is no clear way to stop the end. Lee Sung – min chose to stop Kim Jong – hyun. I know it’s irresponsible.

In any case, Kim Jonghyun’s work may be the only way to save this world from the end.

I thought I would stop. Yeah, maybe there’s another way. If you make a connection with the end or the marriage system or something else that is not different. rather… … I wanted to walk with a little hope.

At least, Lee Seong-min did not want to live in a world that was connected to the world.

The darkness around Kim Jonghyun became sharp.


The enormous power of magic has been fired with the spirit.

Lee Sung – min opened his eyes with his eyes. The scattered Chalassa Island and the blood stream collide with the awl.

Lee put forward his right hand holding the spear. The bloodthirst of the blood corpus, which is the forerun of the blood corporea, The flame of the river which covered a wide area hit Kim Jonghyun.

[The guy keeps getting stronger.]

Haju warned. Kim Jong Hyun is not comparable with the first time he fought. Growing up in this short period of time is impossible, no matter how you think.

‘Know. The magic that opened before. It’s got to do with it. ‘

[Not your freak. If it was magic, it would have a duration. Did you stay?]

“Do you want to kill me, not a potty?”

[Is it possible?

Huh-joo has been pounding. Lee smiled and laughed. In the wings of a raging blade. The sound of lightning bounces endlessly.

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Lee Sung-min moved his body little by little and was avoiding the blade of Kim Jonghyun.

‘no. It’s impossible. ‘

Then you should. Until the end of the magic spell.]

Lee Sung-min also judged it.

But. The situation was not good for Lee Seong-min. Repeated playback. The soup of the power. The base of the seal that Osla carved is shaking. Immediately after fighting Volander, he is fighting Kim Jonghyun immediately. It is too much.


The evasive action quickly allowed the attack in the end. Though he tried to pull up the monster, he threw his body back in the attack that hit the chest.

Kim looked down at Abel, with his outstretched hands down. Looking at Abel breathing his breath, Kim Jong Hyun laughed.

“You abused it.”

I do not know about Gryss. But now Abel was not a big concern for Kim Jonghyun.

Frau is nervous about it, but … … Well, maybe we should put it back a little later.

There was still plenty of time for the magic duration to end. Kim Jong – hyun accelerated after chasing Lee Seong – min.

Lee raised his body from the collapsed building wreckage. I have flew quite far. The breastplate with the scales of the dragon was distorted.

It will recover itself after time. Lee Sungmin walked out of the wreck as he spit out cold blood in his mouth.

“Lee, Sungmin … … ? ”

Palaces and armies around Theresa were seen. At the moment, Lee did not understand why they were here.

“place… … What about the snacks? ”

“During the battle, they gave up the battle. And escaped from the ghost village. ”

Theos replied. After all, when Volander eradicated, Death Knight corpses followed him.

“Wait, there’s a wound … … ! ”

Teresa came to the rush. Looking at the divine power stretching out into her hands, Lee Seungmin quickly retreated.


The divine power of Teresa was a prize for Lee Seong-min. It is poisonous to Lee Seong-min for her hand stretching to give treatment.

“This is true.”

That voice came from the sky.

“Volanderer is dead and runs away.”

Kim Jonghyun came down among the paladins while waving a black robe.

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