Possessing Nothing

Chapter 364: 364

“Is there a problem?”

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Lee Sung-min approached King Chang and asked. When he looked down at the terrible bottom of the blood on his back, he spoke out loud.

Then he staggered and raised himself, and looked down at the two windows that he barely grasped.

“My legs are torn.”

“… … what?”

“The tortoise tore his leg because he wanted to follow the stork. I thought it would be … … Again, it’s not good because I want to do what I was trying to do in my head. ”

“Now you know that?”

The black dragon who had been watching so far has flourished.

The black dragon who had come to the height of his fortune tried to bring up Chang-king, who was breathing away. Then Chang-king glanced and pushed the hands of the Black Dragon.

“Not enough to support.”

“Ignoring good will.”

Black Dragonfly grumbled and reapped his hand. Your legs are torn? Lee Sung-min looked down at the window held in his hand.

The thing that happened a while ago became a video and went over my head. Two scenes come to mind.

Even though he lost most of his powers, he looks like a man-made cauldron, which rips off his arm and evaporates the attack of the martial art once.

The appearance of King Chang, who tore his attack slowly into a window shed.

Resembles. But it is not the same. It was the same at first … … It changed after that.

The window broke down in the middle, and I could not push the river that I had erased completely. After that, King Chang sank with blood.


Through ten years of practice, King Chang succeeded in reaching the edge of the oblivion.

However, when King Chang was unfolding, the techniques that he showed before the death of the owner were too strong.

It was unexpectedly unfolded, but it was not maintained, and I was put on the inside.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay.”


King Chang scraped the blood left in his throat and spit on the floor.

“I thought it would be. I have been suffering for 10 years, but it is so enthusiastic that it is only this amount. ”

“… … How about stopping at this point? I do not look so light on the inside. ”

“끙 … … ”

I expected that King Kong would not resist, but King Chang was only reproached, not satisfied.

It was a form of intense intuition rather than looks. Heeonggong broke his head with his fingers.

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“I mean, why do you fight so hard?”

“I just wanted to see the work of the company.”

“So, were you satisfied?”

Chang Sang gagged at the question of Lee Sung-min.

“I imitate it very soon.”

“I have not yet reached Him.”

“That would be obvious.”

Changwon sat on the floor. And I was pondering. It was like repelling a fight a little before.

After a while, the king, who had arranged his thoughts, opened his mouth.

“Your flesh is above me. The power to deal is even more than me. But the script itself did not improve much compared to a decade ago. ”

“I did not do like you for 10 years.”

“But there is a mixture of interesting things. It is not necessary to … … It certainly adds to the lack of vulgarity. Your body is a ridiculous level. That’s awkward. I would not have been your opponent if your exorcism was superior to anything else. ”

Changwon admitted the fact that it was nothing.

“You can not overpower me because you are not exalted. Even if I was greedy at the end and did not try to spread the impossible technique at my level. You could not have overpowered me. ”

“Then, can you overthrow me?”

“I do not know … … I am confident not to die. CKK, the unfortunate thing is the logo. I swallowed a window for hundreds of years, and I can not guarantee to kill you. ”

King Chang smiled out loud, but there was no displeasure or self-help in the laugh. Rather, he was feeling pleasure.

“What do you think compared to the masturbation?”

“you? Or me? ”


“I think I am better than the ten thousand years ago. Killing a martyr is another thing I do not know … … Ten years later, I do not know. If the masturbation is not a moron, I would have done it for 10 years because of the humiliation I experienced ten years ago. ”

Chang’s words were surprising. Ten years ago, I was not able to stand up to the dignity of the Black Dragon, but after a decade I was at least equal to the spirit of those days.

And that means that Lee Seong-min is equal to or more than the ten thousand years ago. Even though Lee Seong – min did not show his power against.

“Then, what will you do?”

Lee Seong-min looked at King Chang and asked.

“I have not heard the answer yet. I need your strength. ”

“Let me hear some. What do you want to do? Will you be stupid or will you hit the Predator? ”


“Even if the will of the stance to stop the end is true? Is not it because of the spirit that this guy is doing? ”

“Leaving him. Mushin is the enemy of the Master. ”

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Lee Sung-min’s voice sank coldly. At that point, King Chang-hee laughed.

“I will pay you back from my enemies. good.”

Chang king nodded his head.

“I’ll help you.”

King Chang said, looking at the Black Dragon.

“Come on, let’s go.”

“Do I go?”

Black Dragonfly waved his eyebrows. Then Chang Wang looked rather strange.

“Then what were you going to do?”

“… … let’s go.”

Heelyong answered with a sigh. It was the same not to want the end.

I can not go back to Moojin, a puppet of spirit spirit. Do you understand if I explain the situation?

‘… … I am glad you do not want to kill me as soon as you see me. ”

But it is not something you can do alone. In fact, it was best to act with Lee Seong-min for the purpose of blocking the end.

Even if your opponent is a vampire queen who does not know the end of the power.

“Oh, I see you.”

Lee Seong – min had a sudden thought and saw the Black Dragon.

“A wound that was hit by a man ten years ago. Still not good? ”

“I will stay for 10 years.”

The Heilongjiang responded with a frown. I did not want to recall that memory.

Had I not devoured all the humiliation and flee to power, I would have died in the forest in the north.

“But the pain does not come to be conscious of it. I have suffered so much from this mountain. ”

“But is not inconvenient compared to when it was fine?”

“What… … That’s right. ”

When I told him that he would cure the wound, the look of Mr. No matter how familiar you are, there is no reason for you to feel uncomfortable about the side where the endless pain is coming up.

‘I must go twice.’

First, after taking Yana and Baekgo in the forest of Fairy, he decided to return to the mountain of Mishu.

After that, we spend the day in the mountains of Mt. If you return to the mountain of Mesh, you will ride the fairy horse three times.

In that state, returning to the fairy forest after burning the King and the Black Dragon is risky.

It was a speculation to repeat the experience of eating the last time the fourth leap.

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He took Yana and White Sogo to the fairy forest, and Lee Sung-min returned to the mountain of Mesh.

Chang Wang was having a breakfast at a fortune-telling ceremony in the Heilongjiang area. It was in order to restore my inner self.

Lee Seong-min, who was breathed evenly, looked down at Chang-Wang, and sat down not far from the Heilong Ridge.

“There was something I wanted to ask you.”


“Why did you do that ten years ago?”

It was a long question.

At that time, the Heilongjiang had no agreement with the owner. There was no reason why the Heilongrang would go out for Lee Seongmin in that situation, but to prevent Lee Seong-min from running away.

Rather, in that situation, the choice for himself that the Black Dragon can do is to go back to the side of the martyr and kill him.

“I asked what was great.”

The black dragon smiled as he laughed and swallowed the jerky jerky.

“I wanted to do that. The situation is … … I was absurd. It was a funny thing that the buyer was able to defeat the army of Yoon and Moon. In the first place, the situation of meeting was irrational. ”


“I did not like it so much. He was arrogant and selfish. But… … It was strong. In fact, it’s all for the uninitiated. If you are arrogant and selfish, and have that much strength, you look confident. ”

As Chang Wang had once seen, he seemed desperate for his inundation, through the fight for compassion.

“When I saw my mind, I was attracted to the bureaucracy. he is… … I did not want your death. In that situation, I had the power to let you run. So I did that. The reason why the moon has fallen on the moon is big. I do not mean to blame the martyr who was a puppet. ”

Heelyong said that he laughed.

“Chang Wang. I was drawn by this madman into this mountain, but it was because of the insincerity that gave me a deep impression that I had forged ten years. All the uninhabited people who have learned to do nothing. In that battle, the unrestrained state of mind … … I fascinated everyone who was there. maybe… … I would have been silent. ”



The name was abandoned long ago.

The distinction of Manshin was more glorious than his first name.

No one laughed at the notion that he was a ” He was well equipped to be called a martyr, and he knew him well.

I was not arrogant. For him, the distinction of being a man was his own, not his name.

Until ten years ago, I had no doubt. Of all the people who have mastered the arts, I am the only one to be called the highest, the strongest, and the dead.

I had a terrible defeat for Ma Zhang, who thought he was a good man.

After the war, Ma Zhang said that it was such a force because it was the disaster of the end.

I thought so. I could not bear it without thinking so. On such a topic.

Muthin was looking at the state of the company.

For ten years endlessly, continually, without rest. I recalled that I had fought with a man who lived in a snowy field ten years ago.

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How did the owner move? In what way did the master buy, attack, avoid, and block him?

I continued to struggle with the dead man who died in meditation by making it all in one place and making the same situation in my head.

But it was always blocked at the end.

When the helpless builder stretches his hand slowly.

When all the attacks that cover your body evaporate with one hand gesture.

Then, when I pulled out the left arm of the manse.

I could hardly understand the technique. For the most part of the decade, Mushin worried about how it was possible.

How could that be possible in that situation? Once again, if I were in that situation, would I have been able to kill the bastard by destroying it?


Was it the first time you bought it?

I do not know.

Things that happened on that day. I can not understand what happened at the end. Anxieties gave birth to anxieties.

In the ten years of meditation, Mushin sought answers to his questions.

And today.

Mushin, who came out of the mud dong, did not feel any blindness even after 10 years of sunshine.

A psychic was waiting outside the cancer. Today, at this time, the martial arts seemed to know that it would come to an end.

“Are you?”

Mushin looked at the psychic laughing and asked. The first woman standing by the psychic was standing.

It was an elf with long ears. When the mussen saw her in the water, the elf leaned over her head. The psychic introduced Elf in his place.

“This is my sister.”

“… … After the month? ”

“It’s been a long time, stupid.”

The elf answered and opened his mouth. The month was not dead. I thought it was ridiculous when I listened to a psychic 10 years ago. The energy felt by the elf was unbelievable after the month. Mushin nodded his head after the moonlight.


It was an unintelligible thing, but the martyr understood. It is a strange thing, but it can not be comprehended if it is a spiritual activity.

“Did you find the answer?”

The psychic asked, smiling. At that end, Mushin saw the sky again.

He replied, looking at the sun that was not snowing.

“In my own way.”

Mushin glanced up at the left sleeve, which was stretched. The last wound left by the owner. For a decade, he has felt pain in his torn arm.

But now I had no pain.

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