Possessing Nothing

Chapter 400: 400

Jenny did not hurry and walked through the forest. She had noticed from the beginning that the eyes of the observers and the ministers were watching her around the forest.

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He tried to hide himself, but Jenny was only plain to feel.

Despite the fact that he knew all his positions, he ignored the ministry and observations called Jenny. I had a heart to see it all.

The forest is shaking. She could feel everything without looking at her eyes.

The body was sensitive to horsepower. The boiling horsepower tells us what is happening in this forest.

As expected, Ritchie, the Ghost, and the Death Knights were dying without the power.

There was no surprise. There is no Volander and no enemy ear. There is neither Arves nor Jonghyun.

Jenny Ella is a group that has a lot of people but no stomach.

Gemini followed Jenniela’s back. She did not want to understand Jenniela’s behavior, but she had a good understanding of why Jenniella had been doing this “nonsense” and inefficient, thanks to her centuries of living together.

‘To give despair.’

It was always Jenny. I push my hopes up to my nose and grab it.

The opponent delights in hopes of hanging on to the hope that is right in front of them and seizes it and tramples it.

It was the same now. Jenny was giving hope to his opponent by putting his unyielding troops to death.

Maybe he’ll win. I am doing such a torture of hope. If you wanted a complete victory from the beginning, you do not have to move like this.

I pushed the ghost ship through the tunnel, released the troops, and Jenny Ella was leading the murder.

A great wizard? No matter how perfectly prepared they are, Jennifer is invincible under the full moon.

Their magic can destroy the body of Jenny Ella, but she can not die.

Unmanned beyond human limits? They are the same. In the end, it was a human, veteran vampire to kill a human named Jenny.

“What are you thinking?”

Jenny laughed and laughed.

“Chen and Kuhn will die. They are too strong for them to handle. ”


“Jusung will win. After all, the only thing that I have brought to victory is the Lord. The rest will die. ”

“But the queen is alive.”


Jenny laughed and grieved at Gemini ‘s mouth. Jenni knows that Chen and Kuhn will die.

Although she spent the long time together, Jenny does not feel sorrow and pity for the death of Chen and Kuhn.

Such feelings of Jenny Ela were worn out. She is the wind that destroys this world.

I saw the future of destruction, and I was deprived of the future. For hundreds of years, we have acted to create a future where the massacres will emerge.

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The future has disappeared, and the future is no longer visible. Jenny Ella’s wind does not change.

She still wants the destruction of the world.

“I want them to be sure of winning. I want to finish each fight and join the gag, and attack with me. ”

Jenniella ‘s eyes turned blue. She felt pleasure deep in the heart, imagining a future that would not happen yet.

I see Lee Seong-min’s face convinced of victory. If you see that face directly … … Oh, ah. Jenny shook her shoulder and shook her chest.

“I want to trample it.”

I do not want to kill Lee Seong – min.

But he is not his colleague.

Those in this forest.

Who will kill first? Is it also a jukebox, or, let’s delay her death as much as possible.

Red Sage? She is also a waste to kill first.

As far as possible, the one with the least friends is first. Kill neatly, let the jellyfish and the red sage give painful death.

Let’s tear up my limbs in front of Lee Seong-min. Or maybe you’ve broken the boat.

I thought it would be okay to make a vampire.

“Will you make him a vampire?”

“If he begs you.”

What will Lee Seong – min look like in front of the body dying from his limbs? When the confidence in victory disappears, what desperation will fill him up.

I want to beg you to beg for your life. At that time, Jenny will laugh and recommend. Would you be a vampire?

‘I … … . ‘

Prescane was breathing and following Jenny Ella. He was not interested in the conversation that the two vampires who walked ahead shared.

Prescahn believed that he was the only commoner among these groups.

It is a waste of time to understand the nonsensical story they share. Rather than rescue him first.

‘Why are you walking slowly?’

Jenniela and Gemini walked freely. At their pace, Prescane cut off the boiling.

But I could not yell at it quickly. I did not like it.

Prescann knew his subject well. If he goes away first, he will be destroyed by the divine power of the sister waiting in front of me.

Or the nephew, the goddamn heart thief and the kidnapper.

‘I … … Wait. ”

In the heart of Prescanne, the sisterhood was burned.

Iine’s body was hanging.

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She was already a dead body. There is no heart. Beside Lee Sung-min, who fell down on his knees, Osla stood with a stiff face.

I felt awkward in my heart. I felt a sense of heterogeneity that did not seem to be my body. The mutation succeeded.

From the beginning, Lee Sung-min’s body was a ghost. With the help of Osla, I sat up with Ai’s heart.

I have little power to take. It was only the heart that Lee took.

“Are you satisfied with the transaction?”

Neble asked. Lee put his hands on his chest and slowly nodded his head.

His sincerity did not awaken him, nor did he lead him to a new state of peace.

Instead, I decided to let my head blew out what I could write.

Erebrissa deals with everything.

So far, Lee Sungmin has only recognized Erebrisa as a convenience store.

I followed a long memory.

Memories in the mountains of Mesh.

Erebrisa had purchased from the Mashh to the ‘soul’.


The transaction was satisfactory.

Lee Sung-min sold Eine’s soul to Erebrisa. The soul was drawn and only the empty body remained.

It was not until he made it that Lee took his heart. It is not the power that Iseongmin wants to have.

Anyway, I was not able to handle this power with this body.

What Lee needed was a black heart that Iine had. By taking it I was going to add something that was lacking in this imperfect body.

Lee lifted his hand and touched his face. I pushed half-peeled keratin on my fingertips.

He looked down wet and wet.

‘Shocking … … . ‘

It was not a complete restructuring. But Nolimsu succeeded to some extent. The black heart evolves the owner to the situation.

Originally, the black heart of Lee Seongmin was completed, but Iine’s thing was added, and it was forced to evolve.

It is better than not doing it even if it is a half-shore reconstruction.

“It is the first time you have bought such a soul. What will you receive as a price? ”

“I am thinking of fighting a vampire queen.”

Lee Sung-min raised his sitting body and replied.

“What do you need to fight her?”

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“The courage to run away.”

Neble smiled and replied.

“If you really want to fight Queen, fix your thoughts now. Today is the full moon. ”

“I can not escape.”

“… … Unfortunately… … We do not have anything to help fight Queen. ”

“If so, I will get the price next time.”

In the reply of Lee Sungmin, Neble was worried for a moment.

But no matter how devised he was, it was impossible to give him useful advice for fighting the vampire queen. Neble sighed and nodded his head.

“I hope to see you again next time.”

“I have something I need to get, so I can meet again.”

“What do you intend to receive?”

“Please meet Laplace.”

At the end of Lee Sung-min, Neble’s face hardened slightly.

“It’s not my jurisdiction … … ”

“Let me discuss the problem next. Oh, I was just asking … … If you sell Queen’s soul, can you buy it? ”

“that’s… … If it becomes a situation, I can buy it. But in order to extract the soul, the queen must be in complete control. ”

“I’ll call you if you can.”

Listening to it, Neble bowed his head and disappeared into the shadow. Lee smashed the keratin covering his face by hand.

Oscar, who was watching by the side, sighed and fingered. A cool wind passed over the body of Lee Seongmin.

Lee Sung-min slipped his head slightly toward Osla with a cleansed face.

“Thank you.”

“I did not do a great job … … What do you think? Can you do it? ”

“You should know.”

“I’ll help you as well … … I’m not the queen’s opponent with simple power. The price is higher on my side … … Do not believe it too much. Did you say that? Jenniel is not a transcendent but stronger than transcendent. ”

“No matter where I fight in this wide world, I will not be in a position to take advantage of fighting in fairy forests.”

Jenny Ella is coming.

Even if you do not tell anyone, Lee Seong-min was sure to feel it.

Sensitive senses are perceiving the upcoming ominousness. The queen of monsters who have been living and living for hundreds of years is coming here.

[It was so big.]

Huhu muttered.

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[400 years ago Jennifer was stronger, but not so much.]

‘It’s a long time.’

[But it is not this older man. And to feel dim … … It would be like a good hit with your dead master. In fact, it’s something you know to fight.]

Listening to it, Lee smiled and laughed. Even though he had this kind of condition, he could not stand in the same place as the owner.

If it was not for the sake of being here. If the owner had not died, this would not have happened.

When you think about it, it was a great great person to buy. He made the end with the forger, and he could end the end.

“There is no Master.”

I do not say I am dead. He escaped this world and left a long way. If Master was alive … … Such a thought is meaningless.

No matter how much he wishes and misses, he does not come back. What is here now is that it was not a buyer, nor a witch, but a sister.

Lee grabbed the mask with his hand.

“I have to.”

[Is not it afraid?]

He asked. What are you asking? In the question of Haju, Lee Sung-min said that.

“You know best.”

Huhju and Lee Sung-min are connected by psychic. Even if Lee does not express his fear, he feels Lee’s fear. Haju said with a big sigh.

[I thought it would be all right if we extinguished the massacre.]

“So do i.”

Even when you opened your eyes 10 years later. I thought there would be no difficulties.]

“I am not always happy. I fight with those stronger than me. ”

[This is a little overkill.]

“I do not have any more fate.”

Lee Sung-min suddenly comes up and puts his hand into the space pocket.

[Hey you.]

Huhu heard what she was thinking, so she gave up her voice.

Lee grabbed the egg with one hand. And threw the eggs towards the largest rocks in the vicinity.

Pretty! The egg thrown in my mouth shattered the rock. Beyond the remnants of the sculptures and falling rocks, the eggs rolled over the ground.

“If you throw it well, eggs can also break the rock.”


Huhu muttered with a sneer.

When I heard a word to Frau, why did not I refute it this way?

Lee Sung-min felt a late regret.

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