Possessing Nothing

Chapter 414: 414

Jenny, a foolish face, looked up at her.

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Corner, Toot.

The neck bone, which turned like a pretzel, rotated in the reverse direction. The field turned round and round, and Jenny Ella’s head turned. I got hit.

Yes, slap. I?

The hungry moods cool down. The excitement became irritation and the pleasure became anger. This was not what I intended.

It was originally intended to fight against Lee Seongmin moderately, to excite his feelings, to take away the hopes he had given just before grasping and to give greater despair.

So far I did not intend to give too much hope. Jenniella’s face was distorted.

This should not be the case.

Lee Sung-min saw the force of Jenny Ela change with a gruesome face. Without needing water, Lee Seongmin knew what Jenny Ella was thinking.

She did not know what the situation is now. I was naturally familiar with the position of the overwhelming strong, and I could not understand the relationship that had been reversed.

That was good. Just as Jenny Ella wished for the desperation of Lee Seongmin, Lee Seongmin also hoped for Jenny Ela’s despair.

I want to see that arrogant vampire queen is frustrated by desperate situation and is despairing. It seemed to be okay to enjoy that much.

“only you.”

Lee Seongmin’s hand was heard. As he stood up, Jennifer recited the verse. Yongin and myth and nastiness spread at the same time.

Koo Woong!

A tremendous amount of pressure crushed Jenny Ella’s shoulder. The unbearable bones crumpled and the intestines compressed.

“If not.”

Jenniella ‘s body was put on the floor. She swallowed her breath and twisted her body. The spiked horsepower protected her body and pushed pressure back.

Space collapsed due to force and force collision. Why? Jenny swallowed her breath. The night was long, today was the full moon,

She was a vampire queen who lived for 700 years. Even just a few minutes ago, Jenny was overwhelmed by her son and was able to play like a toy.

But why now?

“only you… … If not … … ”

The emotion that was shaking under the surface of the water was boiling. I could not keep my temper in coldness.

I needed an object of resentment. I did not have to force it. It is true that it is because of Jenniela. Without Jenny Ella. If she did not want the end.

At least, it would not have vanished today. It would not have been the death of King Chang.

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It would not have been the destruction of the fairy forests or the suffering of others.


The twisted space was broken. The energies of Zenith and Neceness, Jenny Ella, were scattered all over the world.

At that moment, Jennifer broke down with a red fog and was freed from the redemption of her. Lee Sung-min left Jenny Ella back.

The scattered mist gathered again and formed the body of Jenny. She stared at her with a hard, firm face.

I did not want to admit it, but I had to admit it now.

Suhon, Sura Thousand balls, and a black bulb.

Lee Sung-min was handling everything perfectly.

The massacre … … Jenny muttered it with a small voice. Just as Lee himself admitted himself, Jenny had no choice but to admit it.

There, Jennifer underwent a small conflict.

What she hoped was the future of the massacre. If Lee Seong-min becomes a massacre, Jenny should not kill Lee Seong-min.

It was an act of denying herself the future she had hoped for for hundreds of years.

Of course, she knew that Lee Sung – min was different from the slaughter craze he wanted.

Even if Lee Seong – min is a slaughterer now, he will never kill and prey on everything in the world. if so.

‘I have to kill you.’

I set my mind.

I decided to kill myself completely. It was too late to crush Lee Seong-min and despair. I will spare you, and this will be eaten upside down.

Yes, Jenny acknowledged the power that Lee Seongmin made. I decided to satisfy myself with despair and a distorted expression of death.

The mindset has changed. Once he had decided to kill him, Jenny no longer had to worry about it in his hand. Infinite power was fleshy and furious.

“Be arrogant … … ”

Lee Sung – min muttered with a small voice.

Jennie’s body disappeared. She jumped out of the crushed space and waved her hand. Magical power followed his hand and filled the night with red.

Lee did not move. I decided that I did not have to move my awakened five.

He stood there and lightly turned the window. The fingernail that Jenny Ella banged against the intangible window.

The following magic power became the blade and the body of Lee Seongmin was laid.

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It does not break. It was too hard for him to overcome Lee Sung – min ‘s body with the power of Jenny Ella. The current spiked.

Blood blew out of Jenny Ella’s mouth. Before extracting the window through the chest, the intangible window exploded and tore the body of Jenniella.

Then Lee Seong – min took a step. Jenniella’s head was seen between the scattered pieces.

What kind of feelings the deleuch eyes have. Lee Seong – min confirmed him and lifted his right foot high.

The Courrerie!

The explosion of idol wisely blew Jenny Ella’s fragments completely. Jenniella’s body was reconstructed from a distance.

Lee Seong – min walked one more time before grasping the situation and improving the situation. A storm of triumphs erupted in front of Jenny Ella’s nose.

Lee Sung – min ‘s unclean divorce was no longer on the streets. As O Sung was fully expanded and succeeded to the herd of blood and slaughter, the unclean divorce far exceeded its original limit.

“큭 … … ! ”

Jenniella’s mouth burst into groaning. She grabbed the torn body and flipped magic backwards.

In the storm of Sambo’s death, the power of Jenniella was worsened. He barely changed his trajectory, but Lee was not far from Jenny.

He took his foot down one more time as he looked at it.

Sabo Frenzy. The leprosy jumps. Jenniella ‘s body shook like a fallen leaf in it.

She crashed her magic power with this. She ran over the high sky and ran away.

The body continues to burst. Today is a full moon, and there is no big problem in reproducing it.

“Tell me.”

I heard a voice behind my back.

Jenny was surprised and knocked her body back. The swinging wrist was caught in Lee’s hands. Lee smashed Jennie ‘s wrist and put her knee in her abdomen.

Jenny Ella’s body was bent over as a trainer, her back plate burst and her spine was reversed.

Blood blew out of Jenny Ella’s mouth. Lee Seong – min took Jenniella ‘s hair with the other hand.

“How do you feel?”

The words that Jenny Ella danced to Lee Seong-min, came back to her. Lee Seongmin grabbed Jenniella’s hair and stared at her eyes.

Jenny Ella’s eyes shook her head. I could not tell myself how Jenny felt at this moment. This feeling was so unfamiliar to her.

“… … Leave it! ”

Jenniella wrote evil. She waved her hands and tried to push her.

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At that moment, Lee Sung – min turned the head of Jeniella, who was holding it. Jenniella ‘s neckbone broke down and she turned half a turn.

The arm that I wielded scratched only the air that had nothing. The flesh sounded boiling.

Jenni himself cut off his neck. Jenny Ella ‘s body, which lost her head, fell down.

And her body popped up in the air as a giant red blood. A red wave swooped over the sky. Lee threw down the window in his hand.


There was a big hole in the sky covered in red. Lee Jae-min’s body was wrapped around the bustle.

He slowly fell down and bent his upper body. Lee Sung-min’s body turned around.

Guryeo Confidence Destruction.

Suddenly the color of the sky changed. The lightning bolt filled the red sky with lightning.

Lightning went off and magic was scattered. Jenny became bloody and crashed down.

Lee Seong-min had perfect control over the super-fast speed that could not be properly controlled.

Lee seized her head and lowered her head to the ground without slowing down.

The body of Jenny Ella, whose head was ‘scraped’, waved. Lee kicked her body with her feet.

Jenny Ella’s body flew away to the outside of the forest. There, Lee Sung – min shot a window on Jenniella ‘s chest.


The ground broke apart and the shattered floor sprang up. Jenny Ella, whose hair was regenerated, spewed blood and held the window with both hands and drowned.

“How are you feeling?”

Jenny did not answer. Only the distorted eyes were trying to raise the seeds with the terrible feelings.

“Is not enough?”

Let me know for sure. Lee smiled and grasped a new window in his hand. Very naturally.

Lee Sung-min put the irregularity at the end of the window. Jenny Ella, who was seeing it, tried to breathe and turn her body into a fog.

At that moment, Lee Seong – min ‘s monstrous nuns caught Jenny.

A window of apostasy penetrated the left arm of Jenie Ella. A scream broke out of Jenny Ella’s mouth.

It was more terrible than any pain she had ever suffered. Lee Sungmin twisted the penetrating window and cut off Jenniella ‘s arm completely.

“Try to play.”

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Lee Sung – min said while staring at the quivering Jenny. The blood did not flow from the cut surface of the arm.

Jenny was sweating and biting it.

It is the night of full moon.

The horsepower is infinite.

This night, Jenniel never dies, and any wounds are instantly regenerated.

But the truncated arm did not regenerate. Nonpolarity penetrates the source. A part of the centuries that mankind reached last time is dissolved in the crowd of apostate.

I saw her left arm with a quivering eye called Jenny. It was so unfamiliar to me that I felt pain and whiteness in my arms.

Now, her feelings were the same.

“Try to play.”

Lee Sung-min urged to a low voice.

Gemini was breathing and watching everything. It was annoying that he once died to Lee Sung-min, but the situation changed suddenly, and all the feelings about him were destroyed and Gemini became a conflict.

Gemini is embarrassed by Jenny. She hated the fact that her son, Jenny Ella, transformed into a vampire and then made her a vampire without asking for consent.

Not only that, but Jenny is stubbornly pushing for the destruction he wants.

Still, Gemini loves Jenny. The one who made himself a vampire at will.

Gemini had never questioned the love of Jenniela for hundreds of years. It made Gemini conflicted.

In fact it was a ridiculous conflict. Even if Gemini intervenes in that situation, she can not change anything.

Gemini’s power was certainly powerful, but even if she helped Jenny, it was not enough to change the situation.


Gemini has been looking for Lee Seong – min to overthrow Jenny. If it did, it would have been possible to get the freedom that we had hoped for hundreds of years.

However, this situation will become a reality, and the centuries that have been spent with Jenny Ella catch the ankle.

Before your eyes … … My sister, who lived for hundreds of years, dies. It was such a conflict. That’s what I wanted, but I feel like it’s going to happen.

You can not change the situation even if you keep your strength. still… … We can do enough to die together. Do not be lonely.

I could not catch my heart. Do you have to die like that? I’ve been wanting to be like this until now.

Because I can not do it myself, I tried to kill Jenny Ella with Lee Seong-min, who seemed to have a possibility.

When Gemini was in such trouble, Lee kicked her head once more.

Jenniella’s body fell on the floor. Gemini grinned in his appearance. And Jenniela’s panting eyes saw Gemini.

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