Although Mikael himself did not know the reason, he could not simply ignore the word ‘our’ Changhyun’. It was so annoying that it was very uncomfortable.

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Whether Yuri said ‘our’ Changhyun or ‘my’ Changhyun in the end, it had nothing to do with him. If he thought about it rationally. The problem was that he knew it in his head, but he couldn’t think rationally.

“‘Our Changhyun’?”

“Ah, yes. He’s my friend…”

“You said that before.”

“Ahh, yes. I did…”

Then what’s wrong with it?

Yul forcibly swallowed the words that reached his throat and smiled awkwardly. That’s why the gwanggong was so troublesome. Their emotional ups and downs were so intense.

Well, that must be why the su1 was suffering because of the gwanggong.

Yul expressed his heartfelt condolences to everyone in the Beautiful Life world.

“Why do you call him that? Are you that close?”

“Uh… It’s just stuck like a habit. Of course we are close, but…”

“Your’e close?”

“That, yes… Because he’s a bff…”


“Yeah, that… It means that he’s a friend who has seen everything since we were young…”

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In response to Mikael’s increasingly curious questions, Yul faithfully answered the question even with a crawling voice.

He wondered why he should be questioned like this, even though he did nothing wrong, but he couldn’t resist the gwanggong’s intentions, so he couldn’t ignore his questions.

He did his best, in case Mikael didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘bff’, so he gave a complete answer, even explaining the meaning, but for some reason Mikael’s expression grew darker and darker.

“Because he’s seen everything…”

“T- that’s right.”

“Then, you can only be considered friends when you’ve seen everything that needs to be seen.”

“Is… that how it is?”

“You said he’s a close friend who has seen everything.”

“Yes, but…”

Something was strange. It was strange, very strange. Obviously, what he said was correct, but why was it that the words that came out of Mikael’s mouth were subtly different?

Yul licked his lips in a feeling of embarrassment, but he didn’t have anything else to say, so he couldn’t say anything.

“If it’s okay with you, can I get some sleep…?”

Seeing Mikael’s face, which was stiff to a scary extent, Yul turned around.

He said that to change the subject, but he was actually tired and was about to collapse right away.

Too many things happened today. Not only did he dress up fancy and attend the banquet of the Duke Esirene, he even suddenly became a person.

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Looking at it overall now, it seemed like nothing much that he felt a little embarrassed, but, from his point of view, it was true that a huge thing had happened to the extent that he felt like the heaven and earth were about to open up.

“… Let’s do that.”

Mikael still looked dissatisfied, but fortunately he didn’t seem to have any intention of stopping Yul from going to bed. Thanks to this, Yul’s heart became lighter, and he quickly ran to the bed.

With each step Yul took, the shower robe fluttered, revealing the skin inside. Mikael narrowed his brow in dissatisfaction as he watched his smooth skin repeatedly appearing and disappearing.

‘Seen everything.’

If so, did that prick named Changhyun see all of that?

When he thought about it up to this point, Mikael’s red eyes gleamed with life.

“Mikael, come. Mikael should sleep too.”

Mikael’s mind was complicated by Yul, who was dressed in a robe that could be taken off by one of his fingers and casually told him to sleep with him.

He was both surprised and concerned that Yul was so oblivious. It was an added bonus that he was getting angry because he wondered if he had done the same with that bastard named Changhyun.

Still, it was a whim that even himself could not understand for not being able to coldly rebuke Yul.

Mikael cleansed himself of his thoughts at Yul’s call. He wondered how confused he must have been, one way or another, that he suddenly became human. After he fell asleep, he went up to him.

Seeing Yul, who was wrapped in a blanket and with his eyes barely pulled out of the blanket, Mikael almost burst into laughter, forgetting the discomfort he had just felt.

He quelled the excitement that was barely pounding up, and laid down next to him. Then, Yul naturally adhered to Mikael’s side. His pink hair dug into Mikael’s arms.

The round crown of the head came up to his nose. Mikael was struck by a violent urge to stroke his hair. Yul would hate it, but today he suddenly became a man in Duke Esirene’s residence, causing him to be startled. As a result, his vengeance burned childishly.

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Mikael stroked Yul’s crown pleasantly. Then, Yul made a purring sound.

Fortunately, Yul was in Mikael’s arms, so he couldn’t see his expression. Mikael realized this and laughed quietly. Although the sound was silenced, Yul’s hair on the top of the head trembled softly because of his laughter.

Yul closed his eyes, feeling a pleasant sensation. At the end of a long and difficult day, the gentle breeze of the wind tickled his chest.


The gloomy morning light was seeping through the window. The red face of the sun in the distance was rising shyly. A profound color permeated the room.

A soft light fell on Yuri’s sleeping face. Mikael looked at his face silently. The long eyelashes cast shadows on her tightly closed eyes. As if he was having a pleasant dream, his lips drew a light arc.

Mikael, who was looking at it, also raised his lips at the same time. Even though he didn’t realize it.

His sleeping figure was unmistakably a man. Once again, the fact that Yuri became a human struck him. And uncomfortable curiosity tormented Mikael.

Was it really a good thing that he became a human? The man who used to be a doll suddenly became a human, was it really going to be okay?

The more he thought about it, the deeper the anxiety grew. In addition, Yuri even felt a severe headache before becoming a human. Even if he became a human without anything else happening, it would be strange and anxious, but if he felt terrible pain, it was a problem.

If there was a problem, it had to be addressed. For that, it was urgent to find out the cause.

However, no matter how powerful the Orlov family was and they had a lot of money, it was difficult to dig into such a mysterious thing beyond common sense.

Mikael was troubled. Because he had to find someone who could help with this.


A carriage pulled by a handsome steed rushed down the road.

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The shiny black carriage did not have jewels attached to it like the carriages of other noble families. However, since it was the most expensive wooden carriage in the Wydefia Empire, even people who did not know it could feel the unique elegance of the carriage.

This expensive and elegant carriage was one of the many carriages of the Orlov family. Inside was the head of the Orlov family, Mikael Orlov.

The carriage’s destination was the imperial Palace. He was faced with a situation he could never understand and was on his way to the Imperial Palace to seek help from Andrei.

The man’s forehead, like a well-made, beautiful doll, was wrinkled with dissatisfaction.

He looked around the wide carriage. It was even empty inside.

There was no one else in the carriage except the man. There was no Levi with him wherever he went, and no Caleb with whom he spends most of his schedule with.

Above all, there was no Yuri.

Levi and Caleb had been with him for quite some time on his schedules. However, it was okay without the two of them, but the absence of Yuri felt quite empty.

He knew well that emptiness was a feeling he wasn’t quite like him.

“It’s ridiculous.”

Mikael muttered to himself in an emotion he couldn’t understand himself. What the hell could Yuri mean that his feelings were so complicated? He was getting to know feelings one by one that he did not know before meeting him, and he was just unfamiliar with himself and did not understand.


“It was just a doll.”

Of course, it was now a human.

Yul’s face suddenly came to mind. He never dreamed that a doll that looked like a flat bread would become such a lovely human being. It was so bewildering and fascinating. So, even now, his appearance was showing up in his head. Yes, it must be so.

Mikael self-examined his feelings and gave every excuse he could think of. It was the only emotional option he could choose to pretend that nothing happened, even though he felt embarrassed by his own appearance.

Translator: misa


’gong’ is top, ‘su’ is bottom

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