Yul hurriedly swung his short limbs back and forth. However, his limbs were so short that he did not move much, let alone move in the direction he wanted. As he struggled in the water, only his stamina dropped terribly. He also seemed to be getting heavier and heavier as the cotton absorbed water.

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Before long, Yul let his body limp. Fortunately, his petite body floated up and down. But he couldn’t stay afloat forever.

Yul gazed vaguely at the end of the bathtub, which seemed as far away as the horizon.

“Mikael! Mikael! Save me!”

All he could do was call him anxiously.

You better come and pick me up. If not for you, I will die.

“Kael! Kael-aaaaagh!”

Yul’s anxious voice resounded in the bathtub. The voice itself was not very loud, but fortunately it was quite loud in the bathtub. He longed for Mikael to hear this and save him.

“Kael-ahhhh! I’m dying!”


“Why isn’t he coming out?”

Mikael glared at the bathroom door. In the meantime, he became anxious that Yul might have run away somewhere.

Like this, he was nervous and anxious about someone, and even though he was unfamiliar with himself, he had no choice but to admit it.

That was what liking Yul was like. He was happy, but he was just as anxious.

Originally, he wondered if this was the feeling of liking someone. He had never liked anyone else, so he had no comparison. All he had to do was fight the anxiety that plagued him alone.

“Let’s wait, let’s wait a little longer.”

Mikael struggled to suppress the urge to run to the bathroom right away. Even so, his footsteps continued to wander in front of the bathroom. With every step he took, the desire to open the door and check with his own two eyes to see if Yuri was there overflowed.

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It was then.

“Kael-ahhhh! I’m dying!”

Hearing Yul’s voice coming from beyond the door, Mikael hurriedly opened the bathroom door. It was faintly audible, but it was definitely Yul’s voice.

However, Yul, who should be in the bathroom, was nowhere to be seen. Bewildered, Mikael’s eyes looked around the bathroom.

Then, Mikael’s red eyes stopped at one point.

“Yuri… ?”

“… Save me.”

Seeing a small figure floating on the water, Mikael called his name. Then, the cotton doll muttered in a half-hoarse voice.

“Why are you like that again?”

He was dumbfounded that he became a doll again, but Yul didn’t run away anyway, so it’s all well.

“This is what I want to say, but please get me out for now.”

Mikael pulled out the mumbling Yul with a husky voice. His little body was quite heavy from being drenched in water.

Fortunately, it was Mikael who got used to wet dolls through the experience of washing Yul. He quickly took out a towel and carefully wrapped it around the damp Yul.

He didn’t press too hard, but water oozes out of Yul’s body like juice from a soft peach.

“Uhhh? Uh? Don’t press!”

“So who told you to drink water like this?”

“It’s not like I did it because I want to, alright?”

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Unlike before, when he was cautious because he was afraid to say anything, he pressed hard on Yul’s body, and water oozed out until the towel was soaked. Mikael shook his head and left the bathroom to get extra towels.

Mikael sighed deeply as he toweled off the Yul who relentlessly gushed out water, using all the patience he had, all the patience he could muster. It was a sign that he had reached his limit.

He got used to the doll getting wet, but that didn’t mean he had the patience needed to dry them.

“Mikael, let’s not give up so easily. Things in the world don’t always go the way you want them to. So don’t do what’s in your head right now. Instead, let’s take a deep breath. Hu ha hu ha.”

Yul, feeling ominous, began to persuade Mikael by pouring out random words like a rapid-fire cannon. Then, Mikael looked at Yul’s full face with a hard face.

“How do you know what I am thinking?”

“Because it’s written all over your face.”

“Hmm, good. Tell me. What am I thinking?”

He was intrigued. He lifted his chin slightly and tilted his head as if to say, “Go ahead”.

“You can’t do it with a towel, so you’re thinking of wringing me out as hard as you can and then hitting the lumped cotton out with a bat to spread it out.”


He knew it. Anyway, the gwanggong does not even have the patience of a hamster turd.

Yul sighed and looked at Mikael resentfully. Of course, Mikael would not be deterred by that. Even if he glared at him with a round face, what would a lump of cotton do?

“There is no need to complicate things that can be done easily.”

“Oh, don’t do it! Aiyoaaaaaaaaah!!!”

In the end, Yul was squeezed as hard as he could, just like the day he was manually dehydrated after taking a bath for the first time.


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“… This is the underworld. But I don’t like the grim reaper because he looks like Mikael.”

The distraught Yul muttered to himself.

As if he was worried that he might not be a gwanggong, he squeezed people, ah, no, dolls very well with great strength. Then, he did not forget the process of beating the cotton with a bat. Of course, in the final stage, he even messaged the meridians without permission.


Yul’s eyes, which had been half-melancholic, were burning with anger by Mikael’s out of nowhere laughter. Either way, Mikael’s laughter only grew louder.

“Oh, what’s funny! what!”

“Then would it not be funny? I’ve developed a fondness for a strange being, so I do all sorts of crazy things.”

Mikael replied in a voice full of laughter, still thinking it’s funny.

He was really amused by the absurd situation. He came to like a doll of all things and was playing with them at this age.

From daily grooming to washing and drying. If he hadn’t liked Yuri, he probably wouldn’t have done such things in his life.

But he didn’t hate doing this. Because the other party was Yuri, so he can do it.

“The only person who can work me this much is you, Yuri.”

“Only Mikael can squeeze me this much.”

At Mikael’s words, Yul did not lose a beat and replied. Then Mikael grabbed Yul’s cheek, which was still wet, and pressed it firmly with one hand.

“Uh, huh? Don’t bully me!”

“I’m not bullying, I’m playing with the doll. Isn’t it possible to do this much while I’m taking care of you?”

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“Because anyone can see it’s bullying!”

“Then we’ll say so.”

“Mikael is doing this because he has never seen Annabelle or Chucky. There’s a unique piece called The Doll Master, but anyway, you need to see it. Only then will you know that dolls are scary.”

Yul complained, bringing the dolls from all sorts of horror movies. Of course, he couldn’t get through to Mikael in the slightest.

“Then you say you read the original work, but you don’t seem to know how scary a gwanggong is.”

“… No. I am well aware. sorry.”

“Haha, hahahaha.”

Mikael lightly subdued the babbling Yuri with a few words. He burst into laughter again because of Yuri, who quickly apologized as if he hadn’t complained before.

Yul glared at Mikael with round eyes as best he could, and soon realized that nothing would change even if he did that, so he headed for Lucky with his short legs.

Seeing this, Mikael quickly warned.

“Be careful not to get bitten. I don’t have the desire to wash the doll twice a day.”

“Me neither!”

Yul, who answered nervously, called Lucky, who was sleeping in the fence.

“Lucky, Daddy’s back.”

[Biii- Bi! Bi!]

He was not sure why, but based on his experience so far, it seemed that Lucky liked himself better when he was a doll.

Of course, when he was a doll, he tried to prey on him, so it was painful, but when he was a human, he didn’t even pretend to see him, let alone pay attention, except when they were hunting.

He’d rather be eaten than be treated indifferently… Not really, but anyway, Yul was always a lonely dad who was hungry for Lucky’s attention.

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