Tsk tsk.

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Mikael clicked his tongue at the sight of Yuri hitting his forehead with an insignificant noise and a cloud of dust. Then he grabbed the half-dazed Yuri by the forehead and gently lifted him up.

Thanks to that, their eyes met in midair.

Red eyes and blue eyes.

Their gazes intertwined in the air and contained each other.


“I am not bored, a day passes quickly just by looking at you. But if you’re bored, Yuri, I can play with you any way I want.”

It might sound somewhat arrogant, but the voice was extremely friendly and soft.

Surprised by his unexpected words, Yul didn’t say anything, only his big eyes blinking and his small mouth twitching.

As he was still staring at Mikael’s face right in front of his nose, he was amazed at his face. He’s not only handsome, he’s incredibly handsome. It’s a face he saw every day, but it was really amazing.

Yul was mesmerized by his handsome face and unconsciously covered his cheeks with both arms. Two balls of cotton landed on Mikael’s cheeks.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds… Not too long passed.

At that moment, sensations that were not unfamiliar began to surround Yul. Yul’s face gradually distorted, and Yul finally let out a moan.

“Ah, ugh…”

“Yuri? What happened?”

“Mikael, my head… head hurts…”

“Your head hurts?”

Mikael asked in surprise at Yul’s words. Though he thought he had to reassure him of his worries, Yul couldn’t speak due to a excruciating headache.

[Patient, patient! Are you awake? Do you know where this is? This is a hospital, can you see me?]

[Hey, Park Yul! Are you awake? Are you coming to your senses? Hey, look at me.]

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[Guardian! Calm down. The patient is still…]

Also, as with every headache, he heard a voice presumed to be from the other world. Thanks to that voice, Yul could vaguely know that he was in the hospital.

“Yuri, are you okay? You’d better lie in bed first…”


“Uh… ?”

Before he could finish Mikael’s worried words, the sound of tearing fabric resonated intensely, and Yul became a naked human.

Or more precisely, he ended up sitting on Mikael’s lap facing him.

Stunned, Yul froze and slowly lowered his head and looked down at himself. A completely naked body without a single thread was sitting on Mikael’s lap.

He was ashamed of his naked body and wanted to turn his head, but he couldn’t bear to move. It was because of the breath that he could feel through the round top of his head.

As soon as he realized that it was so close that he could feel Mikael’s breath, his mind went blank.


“Is this a gift?”

Unlike Yul, who couldn’t say anything in embarrassment, Mikael muttered as if he had been waiting.

Feeling ominous, before Yul had time to run away, Mikael’s lips found Yul’s. Holding on tightly to Yul’s slender waist to prevent him from running away, he parted Yul’s lips in an instant and started kissing him deeply.

“Hh, hmph…”

As his gentle hands rubbed at his waist, Yul reflexively squeaked and flinched. Then, the tongue that penetrated Yul’s mouth became violent. His tongue swept across his teeth and tickled the tender flesh to its heart’s content. He even pulled Yul’s tongue with strong force.

It seemed as if his already blank head was empty at the intense kiss that rushed in without a chance to breathe.

It wasn’t until Yul grabbed Mikael by the shoulder that he ran out of oxygen and started clawing at him that he pulled away.

“Breathe. Because this is going to be long.”

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‘Oh, wasn’t it over?’

Before the embarrassed Yul could even open his mouth, another kiss ensued. This time he was a little more dense and racy. Mikael’s hand moved slowly from his skinny waist to his flat chest.

“Hh, uh, mhm…”

In Yul’s head, ‘Is it today? Is it today? Is it today!’ was all he could think about.

As for the meaning of ‘today’, it was the day when the bottom was pierced.

Yul was stunned, not knowing what to do. Even in the midst of this, his face turned white due to the continued lack of oxygen.

“Huh, ah…”

Mikael backed away slowly. The clear saliva dripping down each other’s lips seemed to tell how strong their kiss was.


His hand gently caressed his pale cheeks. It must have been because he regained his breath, but the moment he touched it, Yul’s cheeks began to regain their color. As if he was warming to the touch.

“… Do you like me?”

Surprised, Yul widened his eyes and looked at him. It was because it was a question he had never imagined would be asked at this moment.

Blinking, long eyelashes fluttered several times. In the meantime, a strange time passed between the two.

“Answer me, Yuri.”

Even at the urging words, Yul couldn’t open his mouth. Normally, it would have been because he was thinking about words that would not offend the gwanggong, but not now.

After a deep kiss, Mikael asked him if he liked him, and he didn’t know what he was feeling.

He had kissed him several times already, but he had never been displeased or disliked. Even though it wasn’t exactly the kiss he wanted.

He liked being with him.

There was a time when he was just afraid and uncomfortable as a madman gwanggong, but not now. On the contrary, he became comfortable enough to ask him to play with him because he was bored.

He couldn’t imagine a day without Mikael. Every day, they woke up together, ate, spent time together, and went to bed. He didn’t like that kind of life.

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Yul was deeply in thought. So, taking all of this together, did he like him?

“Ha, just one more time.”

“What do you mean?”

“Kiss, if I try it one more time, I think I will understand. So one more time… Hmph!”

Before he could finish his sentence, the kiss began.

Yul pondered while concentrating on the sensation that pierced his mouth.

Do I really like Mikael? If I don’t hate this kiss, if I feel comfortable with his body temperature, if I feel at ease in this moment, is it right that you like him?

Just then, Mikael’s voice came to mind.

‘Be more confused. So you’ll be shaken. Then pretend like you can’t win and like me.’

This must be what he meant. He got confused, and then he got shaken up, and then he got confused again.

… Then he should pretend he couldn’t win and like him.

He liked him. He didn’t know when or what the occasion was. It didn’t even matter. The only thing that mattered was the fact that he liked him right now.

After acknowledging his feelings, Yul’s complicated mind was relieved. With both hands holding Mikael’s shoulders, Yul hugged him by the nape of his neck.

At the gesture, Mikael was startled and hesitated, but he soon began to kiss more violently and intensely.

Just when he thought something was going to happen, and he knew what it was, and he was terribly frightened, but when he felt a strange feeling that he didn’t hate the idea, Mikael withdrew.

“Yuri, I want to hear it from your mouth. Say that you like me.”

“I like you.”


Mikael looked surprised and didn’t say anything. He told Yul to tell him that he liked him, but when it came to that situation, he seemed startled.

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Yul raised the corner of his mouth, thinking that even the peerless Mikael was more innocent than he thought.

“I like you, Mikael.”

“… Yuri.”

“It is as Mikael said. I was confused, so I wavered and got confused… and then I started to like you like I couldn’t win. Mikael… Mikael… ?”

At Yul’s confession, Mikael’s expression became incomprehensible. At this rate, he was so motionless that he wondered if he had hardened into a stone statue. The bewildered Yul called his name several times.

“Mikael, can you hear me?”

“… I hear you. Very well.”

“Then why are you not saying anything?”

“Maybe it’s a dream.”


“This situation is a dream, but I’m afraid I’ll wake it up with my useless words.”

“Ha, hahaha, hahaha!”

Yul laughed out loud at his words that he couldn’t have imagined. They said that if you start looking cute, there is no answer, but surprisingly it was because he looked cute.

That the crazy gwanggong in ‘Red Prison’ looks cute, he thought to himself, it was absurd.

Even so, he seemed to find him cute, it seemed that he was at a loss for words.

“Mikael, I like you. What about you? Do you still like me?”

“Of course. Yuri likes you enough to make that question sound unpleasant.”

“… Ah.”

Mikael’s lips returned to Yul who exclaimed. It was sweet and strange, the first kiss as ‘real’ lovers.

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