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Vikram paced back and forth in the hallway. His forehead was covered in sweat, as he frantically tried to find a way to get more time. It seemed impossible to get it done in time. If he doesn't hurry who knows what will happen. He will have to find a way to persuade them. But once this is over, a better college life awaits him. He smiled at this thought. But first he needs to negotiate. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. After a few rings someone picked up, and he tried to calm himself.

"Trust me it's worth the wait. The best you've ever seen or you'll ever see. I guarantee it. I'll pay back double the amount if it doesn't suit your taste."

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He took a pause then and continued, "I just need a little more time. Butit will be worth every second, I promise." After listening for a few seconds, a smile appeared on his face. The due date was moved further. He was relieved. Afterwards, he left for the auditorium.


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Priya was worried stiff as she couldn't find Visha anymore. She looked frantically for her backstage. She cannot afford to miss this chance. If Visha embarasses herself in front of all these people today, she'll definitely transfer out of shame. And then Priya could finally have Vikram all to herself. She then went and looked around the area when she heard the annoncements begin. The quiz is starting, where the hell is Visha? Priya thought. She then entered the venue which was fully packed. Apparently, this competition was quite popular in the campus. Priya fought her way inside the crowd. She wanted to get closer so she could see Visha embarass herself beyond repair. She finally got a clear view of the stage after shoving atleast a dozen students aside. She could see Visha standing there nicely but she looked sober. How is that possible? She should still be hazy and hot. She should be clawing at her clothes, stripping herself naked on the stage right now. Priya stared at her in disbelief. Her plan had failed again. But how? She was running out of explanations. How could the drug have gone null already? Did it not work? But that man was very sure it would. Priya's fear increased with every question Visha answered correct. She almost pulled her hair out. Visha was winning. She answered them all. And on the stage, Divya too was about to lose her mind. Her friends' faces had lost colour as they stared at the girl they had just humiliated, get points one after another. Not just them, everyone who had ridiculed Visha, couldn't believe their own eyes. They had thought Visha was nothing more than just a pretty face. Silent faceslaps were delivered all over the venue today. Visha had her head high. Every right answer was a slap to all of them. This may not be enough to make people forget that photo incident, but it was enough to establish that Visha was here to stay. And that she will fight back everytime she is hurt. Most of the students would see Visha in a new light from today.

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Vir had already made arrangements to clear out the place. He humming as he couldn't contain his joy anymore. They had not been home in a really long time, just when they finished their work. Instead of leaving his master decided to chase a blood scent. And now that he is done, Vir will finally return back to his home as far away from these humans as he could.

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He headed to Yash's room to say that it had been few days. And they shouldn't wait anymore. The preparations to leave are all done. He opened the door and saw Yash standing at the window staring into the emptiness. He looked disappointed and this made Vir's enthusiasm fall down below the sea level. He felt guilty for being happy about hus Master's failiure, but he couldn't do anything about it. They had to return.

Vir was about to call out when something got stuck in his throat. A heavy smell filled the entire room. It was so powerful, tgat it started to suffocate him. Vir couldn't stand anymore and gave in. The pressure was too much for him. He fell on his knees and started to breathe heavy. He looked at his Master who seemed indifferent to this powerful presence. To his surprise Yash was smiling. He then faced the window and started to draw in long breaths.

Vir's eyes widened in shock as it dawned on him. This was the scent his master wanted to follow! How could this much power be in the human world? No human body can contain this much power. What could it be? Someone that powerful was a potential threat to them. It must be eliminated. This much power might one day be able to challenge for the throne!


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