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Davar had been patiently waiting for the day to come when he will get what he wanted. Ever since he saw her photos, he wanted her. A beauty like her could make him millions. She was exquisite and he wanted her at any cost. His phone rang and he immediately picked up.

"When?" his voice was cold and stern. He couldn't let him find out that he was anxious to get her or else he would hike up the price. Just like while buying any other thing, he can't be seen as too interested.

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"Tomorrow. The show will end around 7. I will lure her in the underground parking nearby at a CCTV blind spot."

"I'll send four men." he disconnected the call and felt better. He was finally going to get his gem. Once he gets her, he will have her transported to a brothel abroad. She might have to be 'trained' at first. Each one is a little resistant at first, but soon breaks and becomes obedient. All it took was a few of his men to 'train' them. Since this one was so beautiful, maybe he will do it himself this time. A smile appeared on his face as he thought of defiling that girl over and over till she became obedient like others. He looked at the naked men in front of him. They were forcing themselves on a woman that looked to be in her early twenties. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she could see those men force her but was helpless. They had pinned her down and stuffed a gag in her mouth. All she could do was let out aggravated grunts from time to time. But she seemed to be losing the strength to do that too. She had just went out for a walk few days ago and then these people had came to get her. She could never have imagined that the man she once loved would sell her to these animals. They had drugged her and took turns to force her. It had been three days! The man who was holding her down licked his lips and she felt disgusted. After he was done, another man stood up in his place. Her eyes widened in shock as she started to cry. She let out grunts to refuse him to do anymore. Davar held up his hand to stop them. The man took out her gag and immediately stepped away. She started to breathe heavily and broke into sobs. The torture had finally ended after continuing for three whole days.

"You have two options." Davar's voice echoed inside the empty room and attracted everyone's attention.

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"One, this continues till your body gives up and you die. Or you could willingly work at one of my brothels. Let me tell you, I treat my girls very well. No one touches them without their permission."

She kept her head down and nodded with tears in her eyes that won't stop. Her silent sobs filled the room and Davar smiled at that. He turned to his men,

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"Let her have some rest and bring her back to health. I want everything she wears, eats, uses of the best quality."

The men nodded and covered the girl with a blanket. They dressed themselves as well and escorted her out of the room. Davar sat back in his chair and felt fulfilled. This feeling of accomplishment after breaking them never faded away even after all these years.

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Just then the door was smashed open and a group of ten people in black stormed inside. Davar was shocked and stood straight up as he wondered who they were. His base was well hidden in the forest and heavily guarded. No one had been able to break into his defenses until these people. He examined them carefully as he looked around. There were four women and six men. One of the men came forward and Davar took a step back instinctively. He started to chant and a little red light glowed at his fingertip. He pointed it towards the man in black and a red beam shot out. The man held up his hand and a green translucent square formed between them. The beam hit the shield and vanished. Davar was shocked and before he could comprehend the situation, the people that surrounded him poured a liquid on the ground and moved clockwise. In just a few steps, they had completed a circle with him in the middle. Everyone stepped back from the circle and one of them snapped his fingers. A fire now surrounded Davar and its heat was unbearable. He held up his hands and water shot out of his palms onto the fire. To his surprise, the fire became even more fierce. There was only one fire that became fiercer with water. This was the Hellfire! It required dried up blood of a fire demon mixed with alcohol. It can't be extinguished and could melt even stones. So that was what they poured around him. He thought. He had just lost his best hideout.

The man who had snapped his fingers to light the fire came closer as he stared directly in Davar's eyes.

"The Heir of the Bhairavi, sends her first and only warning."

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