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Visha walked in the restaurant Priya had decided. It had an outdoor lawn theme with coffee tables with fake grass carpets on the floor. Even though it was new, it got quite popular among the students due to its garden swings as its primary seating arrangement. Visha entered and saw Priya sitting in one of those drop shaped swings. She got up and waved at her. Visha waved back too as she calmed down the rage storming within her. She had learnt to hide her emotions from Dhira and had gotten quite good. She saw it as an advantageous trait. If people couldn't figure out what she felt then it would be harder to figure out. This always made Dhira seem domineering and dangerous so she decided to adopt this trait as well.

She went and sat down opposite Priya with a sweet smile. Priya had never seen Visha this calm. There was no hint of any emotions on her face and that made Priya a tad bit uncomfortable. She had always seen Visha happy with even her eyes smiling, but today it was different. Even though there was a smile on her lips her eyes seemed empty and soulless.

"How are you feeling now?" Priya asked trying to act considerate.


"Are you tired?"

"Not really"

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"Did you eat something yet?"


"What do you want to have?"

"Not hungry"

Visha didn't feel like keeping a conversation so she answered with as few words as possible. However, Priya's gentle and sweet mask started to crack as she got irritated. After witnessing Visha's nonchalant attitude her face started to twitch in anger. She controlled the urge to strangle her on the spot and consoled herself by the fact that Visha would be done for sure this time. That this would be the last time. She had done this all on her own and that made her feel great. That stupid Divya was of no help whatsoever. God knows, where that idiot had wandered off to.

"You lost a lot of blood today. Eat something you'll feel better."


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"How about some salad, it would help with the lost blood."


Priya then ordered a salad with extra green vegetables but this made Visha sneer in her heart. If she really was that mindful of the injury, she wouldn't have asked her to meet up today like this. Then suddenly Visha got up and this scared Priya.

"Where are you going?" she asked looking all flustered. She thought Visha was leaving.


Priya felt relieved and nodded, Visha on the other hand felt disgusted at her selfishness. How could she have been so blind to never have noticed this. She went into the washroom and pulled out her phone from her pocket. Dhira was reading some documents when her phone started ringing. She saw the name and picked up immediately.

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"I need you to do something."

"I hope you remember that I give orders usually. Anyways, what is it?" Dhira asked.

"What's Priya doing right now?"

Dhira immediately understood what Visha meant. She opened up the drawer in her study table and pulled out an earring then closed her eyes as she started chanting.

"She's texting someone, saying that you'll be out in an hour at max. And they must wait outside. I think she might have hired people to do something to you. Are you sure you don't want me to come?"

"No. I can take care of this. Relax."

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"Call me when you're done. I'll come to pick you up. I don't want you wandering around with that leg."

"Yes, Sis." Visha chuckled as she disconnected the call. She always had this warm feeling in her heart whenever Dhira got worried about her. She then came out and saw Priya anxiously waiting for her. Visha went and sat down,the dishes had already arrived. But since Visha suspected that Priya might have duped the food, she picked up her bag and told the waiter to pack the salad. Priya became restless when she saw Visha picking up her things getting ready to leave.

"What is it?"

"My mom called. I have to go back now."

"Uh... Bu-But..."

Priya couldn't wrap her head around this sudden change in her plan. Not even in her dreams did she expect Visha to be so unpredictable and difficult to deal with. She had always been very cooperative and obedient. What could have happened? Priya would have to hasten up everything. Her trap was flawless otherwise, but this b*tch somehow always managed to mess up everything. She immediately pulled out her phone and sent a text.

'She's leaving now. Get her.'

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