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Dhira's phone buzzed during her lecture and she picked it up to see. It was a picture from Davar. She downloaded it and saw Vikram's bloodied face. He had been beaten black and blue, with various cuts on his face, it was barely recognisable. Below the picture there was a text, 'News: He's mute now!'. Dhira's lips curled up from the side showing satisfaction on her face. This bastard had wanted her Puppy to become a prostitute. She'd never let him go. But that Davar guy sure had an interesting way of passing information though. It had made her laugh. He could be of more use in the future as he was lying well below witch radars and no one would suspect him either. She had already warned him that if she ever got complaints, she'll have to get rid of him. So he was well aware that he was just an expendable pawn for Dhira and will have to look after himself. If he really could prove to be useful, then she won't mind looking away from small things. She started typing the reply, 'Keep going. Have more for you.'

A chill ran down Davar's spine as he read the text. Could this woman be anymore scary? There were two points that had made him shiver. One was that this was not enough torture, and she wanted him to keep at it. He felt confused if he should pity the man who had brought this on him. And two, she had more work for him! Just who had been stupid enough to offend the devil incarnate herself? He pitied the ones that had caught Dhira's eye this time. He had been one of those people a while ago, but luckily he made it out. Even if he hated her to the core, it was better to just knuckle under than visiting her dungeon again. He wasn't stupid enough to offend her a second time.

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Dhira thought for a moment before she opened up her chat with Visha and started typing. She had already decided to let her go on one of the missions in their coven. Visha's strength was not to be underestimated but her lack in experience and skill would prove to be fatal soon. Seeing what else she was capable of, might even help finding out more about Visha. Dhira was hellbent on finding about her origins.

'Meet me after school. Have a mission for you.'

'I'm not done with the bitches yet.'

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'They are small flies. We have more important things.'


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Visha sighed in disappointment. They had schemed against her a couple of times, she didn't want to go easy on them. There was no way she'd let this go, she definitely will give back two folds. Fortunately, their plans didn't work but what if they did. She'd have stripped herself naked in a hall full of people, had a horrible wardrobe malfunction on the stage, could have been raped or died or both! They didn't show any mercy while scheming against her, then why should she. But since there was a task at hand, they could take a breather for now. When she gets back, she'll have her revenge.


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Priya undressed in front of the mirror right after she came back. She had woken up in her car and hurried back home. She could feel a soreness and a severe pain between her legs while driving.

Priya stared at herself in the mirror as tears started flowing down her cheeks. Her body was covered in bruises and hand prints all over. She didn't remember much from last night, only bits and pieces. But the pain and suffering from last night could never be forgotten. She touched the bruise right above her breasts and winced in pain. It must have been from when they held her down, there was another on the other side and near her knees as well. More bruises covered the area around her chin from when they had gagged her. Each and every mark, brought back memory flashes of the torture from last night. The torture she had to endure because of that vixen. That b***h Visha must have escaped unscathed. All that she had endured last night should have happened to Visha. It should have been her, standing in front of her mirror, scarred by the agonizing pain, crying her eyes out, cursing at her fate! But it was Priya instead. Her bloodshot eyes started twitching from the rage she was feeling inside her. She will make Visha burn in the depths of hell. She'll make her wish she was never born. She'll definitely have her revenge.


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