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Ashwin tended to Priest Dharma's wounds and couldn't help but feel the pain from numerous bite marks all over him. Some Shunis had even tore the flesh from his very bones. It was very difficult to treat this wound since he wasn't the expert in herbs. And the supposed herb expert, Visha, wasn't around. He doubted the fact that she was one but since Danish had told them that was what Young Miss had said, no one could refute back and had to accept it. Since, they were the only team missing one and a herb expert was crucial to all elite teams.

Priest Dravya explained Priest Dharma how he had met them outside the priesthood to ease his confusion. And everything that happened from then on, how they conjured up a bridge from magic, how they faced a Spirit Gajakesari without harming it, how Visha went missing and they had to split up because of that. Priest Dharma listened quietly till the end. The more he heard about the young brats he thoroughly disliked in the past, the more astonished he was. The youths he saw as selfish outsiders with some hidden ulterior motives, turned out to be the greatest help to his disciples and the priesthood. Not only did they refuse to leave the priesthood in a problematic situation, they even risked their lives coming here to save it. Maybe the High Priest wasn't in the wrong to ask their coven for help. Regardless of how much he was against witches, he couldn't be ungrateful towards them after they had done so much. He gave Shaurya and others a thankful look and Shaurya nodded to accept his heartfelt gratitude.

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"You've helped us enough. I cannot bear to drag you all into this any longer. The situation is worse than we had thought. If you stay, you might not make it out alive. So please, you must leave immediately." Priest Dharna begged. He already carried the guilt for not being alert enough and causing this, he wcouldn't be able to carry the burden of their deaths too!

"We know about the black magic practitioner."
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Shaurya's words were like a bomb that fell on Priest Dharma. They knew! But how? This was something only the Hall of Priests were aware of. How did these kids find out?

Shaurya could clearly see the shock he had suffered. Priest Dharma was not someone who could control his emotions from showing on his face. And the confusion kicked in right after the look of shock faded. He could guess that it would be difficult to digest if an outsider knew a well kept secret.

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"Visha was worried after she saw the reaction on High Priest's face when we mentioned the forest. So, she planted a bug on him and saw everything that happened. She was the one who told us to wait for things to settle down and leave after you all. When we found out that you were betting your lives, we couldn't just sit by." Shaurya consoled him. Of course, the reason wasn't because he was a good person or anything. Their mission was an alliance with the priesthood and if anything happened to the High Priest they won't stand a chance. He was the only one who even listened to them, everyone else would be more than happy to kick them out. Plus, helping the priesthood would give them a better chance at the alliance.

"That poor girl! She is roaming around alone in this forest. I'll pray that she stays safe." with that Priest Dharma closed his eyes and silently muttered a prayer for her. Trisha couldn't help but scoff at him. Is this man crazy? He believes in this stuff. But Priest Dharma ignored her and continued. He knew that neither that place was some normal temple and neither was he some normal priest. He knew his prayers would be answered. If the deities won't hear them, the Northern Priesthood, then who else would they hear?

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"I hope you know it was her own cowardice and stupidity that landed her in this situation." Trisha said with a sneer and turned away.

Priest Dharma got up with the help of Priest Dravya as he saw the girl dash out towards the west of the forest. He could see this one was not on good terms with the bad-mouthed girl and that made him dislike Trisha instantly. He was grateful to Visha and if someone didn't like her then he won't like them either. As he saw them head further into the Spirit Forest, he finally gave up. He had seen the determination in their eyes and a feeling of warmth spread inside him. Since they already know and want to accompany them, there was no stopping these youths. Afterall, he could use some extra helping hands keeping his condition in mind.


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