Yun Weiyang is still sitting quietly in his seat, and his eyes are slightly narrowed, showing a cold air. Until the screen returns to normal again, those players who are killed by her all hang their heads and have no face to see Yun Weiyang.

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Most of the players in Yangyun have not been shaken by the operation of Yangyun.

In their eyes, yunweiyang is even fierce by boss!

Don't you want to kill her?

At this time, the game continues.

Xiao Qinglan, who was waiting to see yunweiyang make a fool of himself, stared at the computer screen with unbelievable face. Why can't so many people solve a yunweiyang problem?

Hum! It's just a cheap and dirty bitch, dare to rob a man with her!

Even if today did not let her make a fool of herself, but this account, she will calculate with her sooner or later! The next second, a blood red figure suddenly flashed on the screen. The cold sword directly pierced the heart of the game character Xiao Qinglan was operating. The blood red progress bar on the top of the character suddenly turned into a gray color. Then, the whole screen flashed black and white,

the system announced that Xiao Qinglan's game character He died in battle.

Xiao Qinglan's face stares at the computer screen in front of her. Her hands are suddenly clenched into fists. That damned bitch dares to kill her!

"Yunweiyang! Don't go too far! How can you play like this? " Xiao Qinglan suddenly gets up and stares at Yun Weiyang with a face full of evil.

In full view of the public, Yun Weiyang killed her out of the game, which is simply hitting her in the face.

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Yun Weiyang's fingers slightly pause and raises his eyes. His cold eyes sweep towards Xiao Qinglan like ice blades. A cold smile appears on his lips, "this is how to play Didn't Miss Xiao teach it? Why, only state officials are allowed to set fire, and people are not allowed to light lamps? "

Speaking of the latter sentence, the voice of Yun Weiyang suddenly chills, which makes people feel chilly.

Xiao Qinglan choked and sneered: "what do you mean? Yunweiyang, you can't do me wrong! "

"Wronged?" Yun Weiyang said carelessly, "do you want me to ask them in public, who ordered them to do it to me?"

Xiao Qinglan looks flustered. Although she doesn't speak to these people in person, it's hard to guarantee that no one will let go. Once she says that these people are instructed by Lin Yun, she can't argue.

Other people, she can not care, but Huo HaoChen here, originally Huo HaoChen recently to her not cold, if really let Huo HaoChen know this matter with her, not more hate her?

Damn it!

But she's a lowly woman like a mole ant. She's against her everywhere?!

And every time she makes a move, she can let the cunt of yunweiyang dissolve smoothly. What's the problem?

At this time, Xiao Qinglan can't take care of so many things. Her face looks like a horse lantern. She changes several times. At last, she looks at Huo HaoChen with a pitiful look, and says with an aggrieved face: "HaoChen, I really don't have..."

Huo HaoChen is not stupid either. What happened just now is clear from his heart. If Xiao Qinglan didn't move his hand, these people in the company had nothing to do with Yun Weiyang, and they didn't have any grudges. How could they do it to Yun Weiyang?

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However, Xiao Yue came to the company today to give Xiao Qinglan a head start. Although he is not afraid of the Xiao family, the relationship between the two families should not be too rigid, at least not now.

Huo HaoChen stretched out his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly: "enough, continue to play."

A few words, it is to make the scene of the atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot of repression, was also worried about the public, now are quietly relieved.

If Huo HaoChen really investigates, how many people can carry?

However, with today's play, it's a wake-up call for them. Yun Weiyang, the woman I can't be bothered! I can't stir it up!

The next game, has not much significance, the rest of the people are almost all promoted, after all, the rest of the people have not.

After the end of the game, Huo HaoChen didn't embarrass all the people and let them go directly. He wanted to explain the situation to Yun Weiyang immediately, but Xiao Qinglan stopped them before they left.

Yunweiyang is regarded as an idol by anruoxi and goes back to the design department hand in hand.

Huo HaoChen's line of sight, has been staying in the cloud is not central body, cloud is not central at all when he is the air, all the way did not even head back to leave.

Yunweiyang office.

An Ruoxi looked at Yun Weiyang admiringly, with stars in her eyes. "Master, you are so awesome! This operation is just against the sky! I want to learn, too! "

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Yunweiyang smell speech, a face bitter almost twist water.

This little girl is like a dog skin plaster now. She would like to stick it on her. She didn't want to. She thought that in the preliminary contest today, she would just do something perfunctory. Who knew that she would run into Xiao Qinglan, who hit her gun and made her move.Ah

What did she do

Yun Weiyang pinched his eyebrows: "you have said this for nearly 800 times. Can you be quiet?"

"Of course not!" An Ruoxi refused with a righteous face, "no, no, master, you have any skills that I don't know. Tell me about them. I want to learn them!"

"It's not true

This girl, is God intentionally sent to torture her!

But she has a little Lori's face, so she can't bear to refuse, ah, who told her that she is a Lori control, and, although this little girl anruoxi is impatient, she is very right for her.

Forget it, just do a good deed that day.

However, she thought it was her own life

Every day, we not only have to fight 120 thousand spirit to deal with Huo tingxiao, but also have to serve Huo HaoChen. Now we have another anruoxi

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Baby heart bitter, but the baby does not say.

J City, Ziyun villa.

Ziyun mountain villa is a famous private cellar mountain villa in the imperial capital. It is famous because it is expensive. Ordinary people can't even enter the gate of the mountain villa. In the mountain villa, any jar of wine is valuable.

Tonight, Ziyun villa closed its doors to thank guests, but when it was dark, a black Maybach slowly drove into the gate of the villa and quietly stopped in the parking lot.

At this time, an old man in a purple black robe, with more than ten attendants, was standing respectfully in the parking lot.

When the old man saw the car, he immediately stepped forward and opened the door of the Maybach.

Then, a man in a black suit walked slowly out of the car.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Gu has arrived, and the dinner has been prepared according to Mr. Qin's instructions, please." The old man was half bent and looked very respectful.

More than ten followers behind him are all bent down at the moment. They dare not even look up. Huo tingxiao, the real boss of Ziyun villa, is a famous figure in the imperial capital.

Huo tingxiao nodded without expression, and then walked towards the direction of the old man's guidance. Qin Ye followed him, looking a bit serious. However, he just walked two steps, and his mobile phone rang. Qin Ye frowned slightly. He immediately took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. His frown was deeper.

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