It wasn't until the palm was almost scratched, and a layer of crimson appeared on the white skin that Yun Weiyang noticed that Huo tingxiao had been wiping his palm.

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After being with Huo tingxiao for a long time, Yun Weiyang knows that Huo tingxiao has a serious habit of cleanliness. She is almost reflexive. She holds Huo tingxiao's hand and frowns slightly when she sees the crimson color. "Wait for me."

Huo tingxiao was stunned. The palm that the girl touched seemed to have been burned. He was disgusted just now, but now he was staring at the palm.

A few minutes later, Yun Weiyang came back in a hurry, holding half a bottle of disinfectant and half a bag of cotton swabs in his hand, looking embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I only found this, I'll wipe it for you first."

Huo tingxiao: "well."

Yun Weiyang smeared some alcohol on Huo tingxiao's palm, and his voice was a little tired: "we'll clean it later. It's late. Let's go back first."

"Are you ok?" Huo tingxiao suddenly said.

Yunweiyang's back is suddenly stiff, and her pupils are slightly contracted. She has been sticking to it for so many years, and she has been used to the hidden arrows and swords behind her. No one has ever asked her: are you ok?

Yunweiyang stands in the same place, and the haze on her face is swept away. She looks at Huo tingxiao. The man in front of her seems to be less cold and terrible, and even the rejection that was originally suppressed at the bottom of her heart is reduced.

After a while, under the cool night, the girl's hoarse voice came out: "OK."

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Yunweiyang finish, hang down his head on the car, the eye bottom that a trace of warm color all hide.

Huo tingxiao said no more. After getting on the bus, he drove back to Huo's home.

The car drove away from the hospital like an arrow. Yun Weiyang leaned back on the chair. His dark eyes looked through the rear-view mirror at the disappearing inpatient building and slowly closed his eyes.

Imperial capital, Jinyun Imperial Palace villa area.

Huo family villa.

A black Maybach, quietly parked in front of the main villa.

In the car.

Huo tingxiao sat in the driver's seat, always fierce and cold, with a murderous look. At this time, he looked at the girl sleeping in the co pilot's seat quietly with a bit of soft doting.

He asked Qin ye to check yunweiyang's information before. He knew that yunweiyang was the adopted daughter of the Yuns and had a bad relationship with the Yuns, but he didn't expect that their relationship was so bad.

The picture of Yunshan in the hospital just now suddenly appeared in my mind. As soon as Yunshan came up, she didn't want to attack yunweiyang. When he couldn't see her, how many grievances had she suffered?

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Huo tingxiao's eyes narrowed dangerously. He immediately took out his mobile phone, adjusted the light of the mobile phone to the lowest, and then assigned a task to Qin Ye.

Qin Ye is taking a bath at home. The huge bathtub is covered with rose petals, and a bottle of open red wine is placed on the nearby table. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable.


The mobile phone next to the wine bottle suddenly rang. Qin Ye glanced at it and immediately reached for it.

A few seconds later, Qin Ye got up from the bathtub and said, "lying trough! An hour? There is no humanity! Why is it Laozi who gets hurt every time? "

I thought his boss was worth a lot of money tonight. He also came back to relax. But unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, the boss madly assigned him urgent tasks.

Qin ye, with a loveless expression on her face, grabs a bath towel and wraps it around her. Then she dials several phone calls to go out. Then she changes her clothes and goes out in a hurry.

Imperial capital, central hospital.

Inpatient department, outside intensive care unit.

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Han Zhenjiang's face was so gloomy that he stared at the doctor in the white coat and said, "what do you mean? Why not transfer? "

With a smile on his face, the doctor immediately explained: "Mr. Han, it's like this. Mr. Han has just finished the operation and is currently in the observation period. If he transfers to another hospital rashly, it is very likely that he will be in danger. It's better to wait for him to pass the dangerous period safely and then transfer to another hospital. You see..."

Han Zhenjiang said: "I don't care. Jingli can't stay in such a place. I'll call president Zhao right away. I'll transfer to another hospital immediately. I'll bear all the consequences myself!"

The white coat wanted to say something more. At this time, an old man in a light gray suit came with several men in a hurry.

The white coat doctor saw the expression of the Savior on his face and said immediately: "Dean Zhao, you are here!"

The old man, who called president Zhao, came quickly and nodded to the doctor in the white coat. The white coat then stood aside.

Zhao Yuan's head looked at Han Zhenjiang and others with a smile, "President Han, President Yun, I don't know that it's really impolite of you to come to our hospital. Please don't blame me."

Han Zhenjiang glanced at president Zhao and said, "since president Zhao has arrived, I might as well say it directly. Now that I am going to transfer to another hospital for Jingli, will president Zhao have any opinions?"

"Of course not, Lao Lin, I don't want to send someone to handle the transfer procedures for president Han." President Zhao said immediately.Lao Lin's name was the doctor in white coat just now. After hearing the words, he stopped talking. Finally, he shut his mouth and asked someone to go through the transfer procedures.

Han Zhenjiang's face improved a little. No matter what, he won't let Han Jingli have something to do!

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After the successful transfer, Han Jingli was directly sent to the private noble hospital under the name of the Han family. The doctor gave Han Jingli a comprehensive examination to make sure that Han Jingli's health was not seriously affected. After tossing all night, he finally stopped.

"Uncle Han, mom and Dad, you go back to have a rest first. Brother Jingli is here. I'll keep it." Cloud in accordance with a sensible appearance, take the initiative to say.

Han Zhenjiang hesitated for a moment and was about to speak. Yunshan immediately went forward and said, "old Han, Yiyi is right. You've been busy all night. Go back to have a rest early and give it to Yiyi. They are young people. They can survive."

Han Zhenjiang smell speech, eyebrow slightly frown frown, immediately nodded: "well, here are our own people, what's the situation to immediately tell the doctor, Jingli is the future successor of the Han family, can't have any problems, understand?"

Yun Yiyi immediately said gently, "well, uncle Han, don't worry, brother Jingli will be OK."

Han Zhenjiang nodded, and Yunshan followed him to the front. After he personally sent Han Zhenjiang to the car, he returned to the ward.

"Yiyi, it's rare to have such a good opportunity this time. You should take advantage of it and repair the relationship between Jingli and Yiyi as soon as possible." Yunshan said in a deep voice.

Only by holding the Han family's thigh tightly, can Yunshi international have further development. No matter what, this marriage can't have any problems.

Because of the news about the engagement ceremony, Yun Yiyi not only lost his reputation, but also lost a large number of loyal fans. Although he made public relations appearances and saved some fans during this period of time, compared with before, it is still too much different.

If the Han family repents at this time, Yunshan can't help it. After all, compared with the Han family, Yunshan's strength is still too weak. "Dad, you can rest assured that I will take good care of brother Jingli and try to recover his mind." Cloud in accordance with the bottom of the eye skimmed a dark awn, but the face is still a good girl's appearance.

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