In a few seconds, the hall returned to a dead silence.

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Huo Qiyun holds the kitten and tentatively passes it to Huo tingxiao's palm. Huo tingxiao frowns slightly. The next second, he takes a step back and looks serious: "do you want to raise it?"

Huo Qiyun rarely nodded cleverly, "it's the one Ma Ma picked. Xiao Bao likes it very much."

Huo tingxiao immediately realized that Huo Qiyun didn't just like the kitten, but because it was Yun Weiyang's favorite. He just loved her.

Huo tingxiao how all can't think of, he not only outside has a line of rival, his side, there is a biggest number of small rival.

Huo tingxiao's thin lips were tight. After a long time, he finally said, "if you want to raise it, you have to deal with all its affairs by yourself. You are not allowed to find someone to help you."

Huo Qiyun's eyes suddenly brightened, and his face was full of happiness. "Mm-hmm, Xiaobao will take good care of it!"

Huo tingxiao: "don't let it get close to me within three steps."

That's his limit.

He has always hated this hairy creature. It's an exception that he can tolerate his presence in the sight. If it wasn't for Yun Weiyang, this creature would have been thrown out of the villa or chopped directly to feed the dog.

But don't other women like all kinds of bags and lipsticks?!

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Tut, it's the girl he likes. Even her hobbies are so different.

At this time, Yun Weiyang came out with a small bowl in his hand, "Xiao Bao, hold the cat quickly. I made cat rice for it. Feed it first. Don't be hungry."

Huo Qiyun immediately passes by with the kitten in his arms. Yun Weiyang rubs Huo Qiyun's head and puts the bowl on the ground.

Huo Qiyun puts the kitten in front of the bowl. The kitten sniffs and immediately opens its mouth to eat.

Yun Weiyang and Huo Qiyun squat aside, like a voyeur, staring at the kitten to eat.

The next second, a huge shadow suddenly fell on the top of his head. Yun Weiyang instinctively raised his head, and what came into his eyes was Huo tingxiao's dissatisfied but upside down face.

"This bowl It's worth 13288 yuan. " Huo tingxiao opened his mouth in a quiet tone.

Yun Weiyang smokes from the corner of his mouth. Shit, she has specially chosen the cheapest bowl, which is worth more than 10000 yuan. This NIMA It's made of gold?!

No, gold is not so expensive!

Yun Weiyang immediately put on a dogleg smile: "ha ha, what I'll clean it later, and use more disinfectant... "

Huo tingxiao glanced at her, looking obviously unhappy, and said word by word: "what about my sugar, vinegar, chops, bones, etc

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Yun Weiyang suddenly thought of something and stood up, "my pot!"

In a few minutes.

Yun Weiyang secretly rubs a plate of black things on the table. To be honest, this is the biggest failure in her cooking history. Originally, she wanted to redo the ribs, but someone's expression of begging for food was there. It was too late for her to redo it.

"Ha ha Well, it looks a little bad In fact, the taste is good, or Would you like to try it? " The smile on Yun Weiyang's face should be flattering as much as possible. She can't help but watch the kitten eat, forgetting that the spareribs are still boiling in the pot

Huo tingxiao picked up the chopsticks, plucked the ribs on the plate, and picked out a piece that looked like a piece of black charcoal and put it into the import.

Yun Weiyang stares at Huo tingxiao nervously for fear that Huo tingxiao will get angry suddenly. After all, this master may strangle her at any time.

However, Huo tingxiao not only didn't lose his temper, but after eating the black charcoal spareribs, he put another one in his mouth

Er, doesn't it mean that Huo tingxiao's taste is always picky?!

This is clearly a very good feeding!

Yun Weiyang breathes a sigh of relief. He picks up chopsticks and puts some fish meat into the bowl for Huo Qiyun. Huo Qiyun stares at the black spareribs and swallows.

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Huo tingxiao light glanced at him one eye, see what to see? This rib is mine, and so is she.

After dinner, Yun Weiyang and Huo Qiyun build a temporary nest for the kitten. After the kitten is put in, it soon falls asleep.

Yun Weiyang held his chin in both hands. "Well, this kitten is so cute. It will be called 80000 in the future."

Huo Qiyun, the little dog leg, never refutes what Yun Weiyang says. So after watching 80000 people sleep for a while, Yun Weiyang sends Huo Qiyun upstairs to have a rest.

Huo tingxiao first went back to the main villa to deal with business, and yunweiyang took another look at 80000, then slowly went back to the main villa.

In the open villa, there was a dead silence. Yun Weiyang steps on the floor and goes upstairs. The light is still on in the study. Huo tingxiao is still dealing with business affairs. She doesn't like to know too much about Huo tingxiao, but Huo tingxiao doesn't seem to avoid him. Whether it's official documents or business affairs, they are all interviewed in front of her, even in writingShe was allowed free access to all the rooms.

However, she was deliberately avoiding suspicion, trying to isolate all this.


In the study, suddenly came a huge sound, yunweiyang is passing by the study, hear this sound, almost conditional reflection general, big step forward, a push open the door of the study.

This is the first time that Yun Weiyang went to Huo tingxiao's study. In the huge study, there are books everywhere, chessboards and other things on the left.

At this time, yunweiyang can't care so much. After she enters the study, she sees Huo tingxiao lying on the floor.

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Yun Weiyang's face suddenly changed. She didn't know what Huo tingxiao was doing. She ran up without thinking about it. When she came near, she saw Huo tingxiao was lying on the floor in pain. Her forehead was already covered with cold sweat, and her white almost transparent palm was pinching her right leg.

Yun Weiyang didn't even think about it. He knelt down on the ground, "what's wrong with Huo tingxiao?"?! In what way are you feeing sick? I I'll call Ling Tian right away! "

Yun Weiyang said, immediately to get up to find Huo tingxiao's mobile phone, the next second, a cold piercing hand, a grasp of her wrist.

Yun Weiyang's head is almost reflexive. What he sees is a pale, sweaty cheek, and on it Deep pain.

At this time, Huo tingxiao was not conscious, and his thin lips were biting, not letting himself make a painful sound.

"Don't go..."

In such a big study, in a dead silence, a man's voice of hoarseness and fragmentation came out slowly.

Yun Weiyang's whole body is stiff, and his pupils contract sharply. Looking at Huo tingxiao's eyes, he is full of complicated meanings.

She used to be very afraid of the man in front of her. She was afraid that he would end her whole life in a rage. But at this moment, when he was most vulnerable, her heart was just like being held tightly by a cold invisible hand. I don't know how long it took for her to slowly raise her hand and gently hold Huo tingxiao's white and cold palm. Her voice was extremely soft: "I won't go, but now, you need a doctor, Huo tingxiao Good... "

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