After the lengthy opening remarks, the host invited Huo HaoChen to speak on stage. After this series of links, the next is the highlight of today's reception, entertainment.

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Originally, Huo HaoChen randomly selected a guest on the stage to interact with him, and then sang a song, which triggered the following entertainment.

However, because Huo tingxiao's temporary presence, so this link is done by Huo tingxiao.

Huo HaoChen as the direct person in charge of n · s, naturally also want to stay on the stage, after the host reported Huo tingxiao's name, the whole hall suddenly a dead silence.

A few seconds later, there was an earth shaking scream in the hall.

"My God! Smoke me! Smoke me! I'll go

"Boss, I am willing to be trampled by you thousands of times!"

"Ah! I'm going to be dizzy! Call for boss

Yun Weiyang was mixed in a crowd, covering her ears with her hands. She felt an ominous premonition in her heart. Looking through the crowd, she was stunned to see the matchless man standing on the stage.

It's the first time to look at Huo tingxiao so far and clearly. He is like an iceberg, completely isolated from the noisy world. Such a man, with his noble body, even if he doesn't speak, is enough to stir people's heartstrings.

As if, as if there is a line of sight toward her direction, cloud Weiyang looked around, did not notice anything unusual, it seems that she is too worried.

And now on the stage, the host respectfully explained the rules of extraction, and then looked at Huo tingxiao nervously.

The staff picked up a box full of numbers. In the box, there were the numbers given by the guests present today. I don't know who was so lucky that Huo tingxiao would draw them.

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The hall, which was still very noisy just now, quieted down. Countless pairs of eyes were staring at Huo tingxiao's white and well-defined palm, praying in their hearts that Huo tingxiao would draw them.

A few seconds later

Huo tingxiao took a number and handed it to the host. The host looked at it, then raised the number in his hand: "127! Which guest has been drawn to 127, please step forward! "

All of them took out their own numbers to check. They were stunned when they didn't get the number. In this way, they lost an opportunity to become the wife of the President

How angry!

At this time, yunweiyang looked at the number in his hand, almost eager to swallow the note directly.

Shit! You can get it all!

Jueji is fake!

With hundreds of numbers, Huo tingxiao hit her as soon as he drew

That's less than the chance of winning the lottery! There's something fishy about it!

Yunweiyang is thinking about how to solve this problem. The next second, anruoxi gets up from her chair and holds yunweiyang's hand: "No. 127 is with my master!"

Yunweiyang's eyes almost fell out, this pig teammate! What the hell!

How do you want to kill her?

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Cut it to pieces

The whole hall was silent, and everyone's eyes fell on the number on the hand where Yun Weiyang was held high

Then, there was a howl in the hall, everyone was a robbed man's expression, why the beloved was not me!

It's not just the melon eaters who are being abused, but Huo HaoChen, who is standing on the stage, turns black.

How can Huo tingxiao draw the cloud?

Did something happen?

However, at the moment, everything is too late, he can't open anything in public, but he can't swallow it!

"This lucky beauty, would you please come to the stage first?" The host did not know the identity of yunweiyang, immediately said with a smile.

Yun Weiyang's scalp felt numb. In the eyes of countless pairs of jealousy and hatred, he stood up with great difficulty and walked towards the stage step by step.

Finally came to the stage, the host is also very considerate, deliberately pulled yunweiyang to Huo tingxiao side, standing, yunweiyang heart at that time is almost collapse, silent greetings to the host's ancestors eighteen generations.

"Ah, what's the name for this beauty?" The host is still asking questions dutifully to activate the atmosphere of the scene.

I don't know if it's her illusion. She seems to hear the sound of someone drawing a knife under the stage

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Yun Weiyang has a hard head: "Yun Weiyang."

The host said with a smile: "Miss Yun, congratulations. Mr. Huo has chosen you to be the lucky guest tonight. You will get a surprise gift from N.S. the staff will send it to you later."

Yun Weiyang: "thank you."

Can I not?

At this time, who cares about gifts?Then, the host continued: "ha ha, then the next is the climax of tonight. Let's invite Mr. Huo and miss Yun to sing" you are the most precious "!"

"It's not true

Guest of honor

After a dead silence, countless younger sister paper covers her heart, has a collective sense of lovelorn, Qi brush full face of sorrow and jealousy staring at Yun Weiyang.

Off the stage, the seat of the main guest seat.

An Xun's eyes narrowed slightly into a line, watching the girl on the stage, rubbing the edge of the cup with her finger pulp, as if waiting for something. "Ah, Lao Qi, just like Huo tingxiao, what if he refuses to sing with this girl on the spot? I haven't heard Huo tingxiao sing yet. Do you think I should go to the hero to save the beauty and make a good impression on her? She is so beautiful that even people like Xiao Jiu who only look at her face fall under her pomegranate skirt

Next to an Xun, a man in a black suit opens his mouth.

An Xun glanced at him, "fourth brother She's not the woman you can touch. "

This man is the fourth son of An'an family. His name is Anze. He is a famous Yangou prodigal son in the imperial capital. The only criterion and bottom line of being a man is to be good-looking. Even if he is such a waste of firewood, he takes an Ruoxi too far away, and makes Yangou the apple of An'an family.

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Anze one hand holding chin, casually asked: "why not?"

An Xun said faintly: "she is the master of Xiao Jiu. You touch her It's chaos. "Lun."


If you didn't look good, I would hate you!

This is chaos. Lun?

Then I'll show you!

At this time, on the other side of the stage, Xiao Yue is also staring at the stage with a gloomy face.

"Sister Yue, what's going on? Isn't it arranged to pick your number? How could it be like this?! It's really cheap, yunweiyang that bitch! Damn it Xiao Qinglan's face was unbelievable.

N · s side suddenly changed the process, extraction number this link by Huo tingxiao, so Xiao Yue side also immediately made arrangements.

After all, on this occasion, we should seize the time to show our love. Even if it's nothing to do with Huo tingxiao, the media's biased report will be enough to make the outside world daydream about their relationship. Besides, it can make Xiao's international show its fame again.

But, how can this happen?! Why that number, will inexplicably become yunweiyang!

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