The next morning.

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Yun Weiyang was woken up by a mobile phone ring. She grabbed her mobile phone and scanned it. The caller ID is anruoxi.

Yunweiyang helplessly pinched the center of his eyebrows, sliding the screen to pick up the phone, a pair of body was hollowed out of the tone: "small nine ah, so early what happened?"

The other end of the mobile phone was silent for a few seconds, and an Ruoxi's voice was very sad: "Shi Huhu I felt like last night Really put the male god to sleep... "

Yunweiyang sprang up from the bed, his voice trembled a little: "what did you say?! Where are you now? "

Damn it! My cabbage is finally arched by pigs!

Wait No, she didn't take anruoxi to the taxi last night. Then she reported anruoxi's home address to the driver!

Why would Mao anruoxi go to Ouyang Qingjia?!

"I'm at the male god's house, but it seems that the male god is not here Shi Huhu, what should I do now to make it look like I haven't slept with him Well, male god, listen to me. I'm not like this! I'll be responsible to you, God

From the other end of the mobile phone came an Ruoxi's angry roar, and then the mobile phone hung up directly.

Yun Weiyang holds the mobile phone, looks disillusioned at the mobile phone, and then reaches out to pat himself on the cheek It's not a dream?!

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Anruoxi, that weak chicken really sleeps ouyangqing?!

I must have opened it in the wrong way

Yun Weiyang immediately got up from the bed, washed quickly and rushed downstairs.

Huo tingxiao, an old cadre, sat still reading the newspaper. Seeing that Yun Weiyang came down, he put down his newspaper and said, "come here."

Yun Weiyang ran to him immediately, "I don't have time to explain to you. I have 100000 urgent things to deal with now. I Go ahead

Huo tingxiao glanced at her and said coldly, "who are you in a hurry to see?"

Yun Weiyang was stunned. "No, there's something wrong with Xiao Jiu I can't explain it to you for a moment. Anyway, if I go late, I will die today! "

Huo tingxiao will be next to a bowl of wine soup to push over: "drink away."

Without saying a word, Yun Weiyang took the bowl of wake-up wine soup and drank it thoroughly. Then he turned around and ran: "Huo tingxiao, I'll go first. Don't worry, you are the only one I love most."

Huo tingxiao was obviously shunmao, a few seconds later, his face suddenly black down, what is the favorite person?! What else is not my favorite?

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A high-end apartment in DIDU.

17 floors.

The whole room was full of smoke. Anruoxi held the corner of her clothes and said weakly, "don't worry, male god. I will be responsible for you..." Ouyang Qing is sitting on the sofa with a cool face. His eyebrows are frowning. Recently, he has been in a bad mood. He has to drink every night to go to sleep. He didn't know how much he drank last night, when anruoxi came, and what happened between them. He really has no memory at all.

However, he is a man in the end. No matter what happens, he should be responsible for anruoxi.

Although He has always just regarded anruoxi as a psycho.

Ouyang Qing pinched his eyebrows: "I'm a man." An Ruoxi was stunned, then blurted out: "I didn't say you were a woman, that If you're really worried, I'll go back to get the Hukou book. We'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau right away. I'll marry you and I'll love you forever. I'll sleep with you and be good to you What do you think? "

Ouyang's face turned pale and gritted his teeth. "I said, I'm a man. These things I should do it. "

Anruoxi was completely stupid. After a few seconds, she said excitedly: "damn! You mean you're going to marry me? "

Ouyang Qing's face was livid, and he clenched his fists, "an Ruo Xi!"

An Ruoxi trembled all over, "eh? Male god, do you want to go back? It doesn't matter. I can marry you. What kind of wedding do you like? Chinese style or western style? How much is the bride price? Tell me, I'll go back to my father and ask for... " "Ruoxi..." Ouyang Qing looked at anruoxi calmly, took a deep breath and said: "no matter what happened last night, as a man, I should be responsible for you. I can marry you, and I can even do anything according to your requirements, but I don't like you If you can accept this, I can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with you now. "

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There was a sudden silence in the room. Anruoxi's back was tight and her face was staring at Ouyang Qing in consternation. Her face was as pale as paper. I don't know how long it took her to raise her eyes and squeeze out a smile. "No, I never like to force people. Just think that nothing happened last night, and you don't have to feel guilty. Isn't it a one night stand? It's not like you've never been here before. Everyone in the world... "

"Bang..." Let's hear it.

The door of the room was kicked open, and Yun Weiyang came in breathlessly, "Xiao Jiu, don't be afraid, master is covering you...""Shi Huhu Can you take me first? " Anruoxi said, her voice trembling.

Yun Weiyang is stunned. Er, what's the situation with NIMA?!

Why an Ruoxi's loveless appearance is totally different from what she expected!

Yun Weiyang no longer talks nonsense. She pulls an Ruoxi forward. As soon as her finger touches an Ruoxi's arm, she feels a force oppressing her. Fortunately, she is strong enough to hold an Ruoxi and lead an Ruoxi away from Ouyang Qing's home.

When she came out of Ouyang Qing's house, anruoxi didn't say a word until she got on the bus.

"Little nine Are you ok? " Yun Weiyang asked in a low voice.

Anruoxi seems to have isolated everything from the outside world. She sits in the co pilot's seat, as if she has no vitality. She is used to the shameless anruoxi in Zhonger. Suddenly, she is not used to seeing such a quiet woman.

Until returning to the N.S. office, an Ruoxi sat there quietly as if he had lost his soul.

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Yunweiyang tried his best. I don't know how long after that, anruoxi raised her head in a panic and said in a hoarse voice: "shihuhu, can you Don't ask yet. "

Yun Weiyang swallowed his saliva, "er Well, Shifu won't ask. When do you want to talk about it? "

Anruoxi was silent for a few seconds. "Shihuhu, do you know where there is a temple near here?"

The cloud doesn't center the corner of mouth suddenly a draw, "small nine, you don't want to come disorderly! Isn't it just a man? How did you end up like this?! There is no grass in the world. Why should you hang yourself on this crooked neck

Anruoxi: "who said I'm going to mess?"

Yun Weiyang: "what are you going to do? Don't be sad. Master will introduce you to dozens of handsome guys. What do you think of Lu Xingshen?! Don't you always like him? "

An Ruoxi gave her a faint look. "Brother Xingshen is just my love bean, not that kind of love."

Er, and this kind of operation?!

Isn't it true that most of the younger sister papers regard Aidou as their husband?! In the hospital, Lu Xingshen sneezed hard Well, who is missing me behind my back?

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