In the hall, there was silence again.

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Xiao Shan's face is blue and white, and his eyes suppress his anger. But he also knows that it's not wise to turn against Huo tingxiao at this time. After all, Huo tingxiao's strength is here. It's not good for him to offend Huo tingxiao. Besides, it's not sure.

Xiao Shan gritted his teeth and managed to suppress his anger. "Now that I'm talking about this, I won't say much. It's not too early today. Another day, my uncle will be the host again. I'd like to congratulate you on getting married."

Huo tingxiao nodded slightly, then led Yun Weiyang to leave the hall.

"Huo tingxiao, I just ran fast, how to do with a little pain in my foot?" Yun Weiyang looks at Huo tingxiao pitifully and says.

Huo tingxiao frowned, "which foot?"

Yun Weiyang pointed to his left foot and said, "it's not all your fault."

Huo tingxiao squatted down and examined her left foot carefully. "Qin ye, go to the hospital."

Yunweiyang suddenly a Leng, head shaking like a rattle, "I don't go! I don't want to go to the hospital for such a little sprain and it's not serious! "

Huo tingxiao glanced at her and immediately picked her up. Her voice was slightly heavy. "Call Ling Tian to come here."

Qin night embarrassed wiped cold sweat, "be, boss."

In the hall, Xiao Yue's face was gloomy to the extreme, and his eyes were cold. He was like a bloodthirsty Shura returning from hell in the middle of the night, without any human feelings.

"Yue'er, what's going on? Who the hell is this woman Xiaoshan is also full of evil, angry way.

Xiao Yue's face was sinister: "Dad, I'll handle this matter well. I'm just a woman with no identity background. It's as easy to crush her as it is to crush an ant."

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Xiao Shan snorted coldly, "we finally get rid of Xiao Xuan. Whether our Xiao family can reach the peak is the key now. I don't want to make any mistakes at this time. Do you understand?"

Xiao Yue: "yue'er understands. Please rest assured, no matter what, Huo tingxiao can only be my own!"

Xiaoshan smell speech, face suddenly relaxed a few minutes, "that's good, don't let Dad down, you are my only daughter Xiaoshan, is also the pride of our Xiao family, but you also need to understand, all this is the Xiao family to you."

Xiao Yue eyes color deep, "Yue son understand."

Xiao Shan waved his hand, "well, you're a smart man. Dad doesn't say much. It's not too early today. You should go to have a rest first."

Xiao Yue drooped his eyes: "yes, Dad."

Imperial capital, Jinyun Imperial Palace villa area.

Huo family villa.

The lobby.

Yun Weiyang is ordered to sit on the sofa and not move, while Huo tingxiao sits on her side, and her vision is always on Yun Weiyang's left foot.

"Well, I said, it's OK. Don't be so nervous, Huo tingxiao." Yun Weiyang said for the nth time that he knew the end was so miserable, so he didn't pretend to be forced.

Huo tingxiao said with a straight face, "it's not a small matter to break one's muscles and bones."

Squatting at the foot of the cloud is not central to check the injury of Lingtian, smell speech looked up sad Huo tingxiao one eye.

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You didn't say that before. Huo Qiyun hurt his leg. What did you say? You say boys are not so delicate, just rest for a few more days!

Ling Tian dry cough, weak mouth: "sister-in-law's foot is really no big problem, with hot water on it, don't be so nervous."

I'm not pregnant. I'm so nervous!

No, they are not as nervous as you when they are pregnant! I can't think of it. One day Yun Weiyang will have to torture him to death if he is pregnant! Allow sad!

Yunweiyang immediately said: "you see, Ling Tian said so, my feet must be OK, don't believe me to jump up two times to show you."

Huo tingxiao's face was slightly black. "Nonsense, sit down for me."

Yun Weiyang suddenly Yan, "Oh."

Ling Tian's mouth is full of dog food. He understands that these two people are either hoarding dog food or scattering dog food. Don't you know how fast Xiu en'ai divides?

I wish you a happy breakup!

"Well, my sister-in-law's injury doesn't matter. I Can we go now? " Lingtian weak mouth way, single dog sad you don't understand.

Huo tingxiao: "well."

Ling Tian immediately such as amnesty, carrying the medicine box to run, Qin ye also know the fun of rolling.

In the hall, only Yun Weiyang and Huo tingxiao were left.

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Yun Weiyang pulled Huo tingxiao's sleeve, "Huo tingxiao, my foot really doesn't hurt at all..."

Huo tingxiao took a leisurely look at her, "I know, just don't worry."

Yun Weiyang was stunned. He suddenly understood what Huo tingxiao meant. A warm current swept by the bottom of his heart. He coughed, "how do you know I can pretend?"

Does Huo tingxiao have X-rays in his head!

Huo tingxiao light glanced at her one eye, "you walk that momentum, foot injury can walk so agile?"Yun Weiyang choked and said angrily, "I can't pretend to be forced!"

The highest level of pretending to be forced is to insist on pretending to be forced even at the expense of oneself.

Huo tingxiao sighed and fished her into her arms. The girl's slender legs were on the man's thigh, swinging at will. Hehe, who said that her foot was injured just now?

"Not angry?" Huo tingxiao suddenly said.

Yunweiyang just remembered that she should be angry now! Huo tingxiao behind her back to private meeting ambiguous object, also met other people's parents, also shameless sit so close!

Yun Weiyang said with a straight face, "I'm so angry! Huo tingxiao, you lied to me! You said you were going to socialize. I believe you so much that you went out to wave! You don't have me in your heart. I'm going to run away with Xiaobao and 80000! "

Huo tingxiao see her this small appearance, slender fingers a clamp her chin, directly kiss up.

Don't explain when you can kiss.

"Still angry?" A moment later, Huo tingxiao let go of yunweiyang and opened his mouth.

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Yun Weiyang wiped his mouth, "hum! Don't think I'm not angry with you for using the beauty trick! I'm a serious person. I refuse to be teased! "

Huo tingxiao Mei Feng micro pick, "well, quite backbone."

Yun Weiyang immediately said: "nonsense!"

Huo tingxiao smile, "you lift me, I don't refuse."

"Be reserved!" Yun Weiyang said with a straight face, "Huo tingxiao, do you also tease others like this outside?"

Huo tingxiao: "I have a high vision. I only tease you."

"It's not true

I can't take that.

After all, the result is that she was teased, which one can't bear! However, I can't bear it, I still have to bear it!

"I don't want to tell you. I just want to involve you, Xiao family It's not so clean, Weiyang. No matter what I do, it's to protect you. In this world, no one can hurt you any more, including me. " Huo tingxiao suddenly said.

Not everyone is so smart and resourceful, and not everyone can have the opportunity to forbear and plot. This seemingly weak girl, in fact, is stronger than anyone else.

Just as Huo tingxiao said, it's unreasonable for her to hit her and make her lose her temper, but it's just in front of him. When he's away, she's stronger than anyone else.

He wants to protect her, for her sake, even if he wants to destroy heaven and earth and be scolded by thousands of people, so what? From now on, what you want is what my sword means.

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