Yun Weiyang sat on the sofa, his eyes firmly locked on Xiao Qinglan, "do you know what kind of road you choose?"

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Xiao Qinglan: "I know."

"Do you know that with your present ability, it's almost a fool's dream to compete with Xiao Yue?"

"I know."

"Do you know how much you have to suffer along the way? You may not even succeed. If you fail, your life may not even be safe now."

"I know."

Yun Weiyang was silent for a few seconds, "do you still want revenge?"


After a long time, Yun Weiyang's lips were slightly crooked and his face was calm: "OK, I can promise to help you, but I dare not give you a guarantee of success. Do you understand?"

Xiao Qinglan was stunned for a few seconds. The decadence and wine on her face almost disappeared in an instant. "Did you really agree?"

Yunweiyang pick pick eyebrow, "why should I refuse?"

Xiao Qinglan bit her lip and scratched a touch of embarrassment on her pale cheek. "I used to treat you like that..."

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Since Yun Weiyang entered N.S., although she didn't directly aim at Yun Weiyang, she did bring a lot of trouble to Yun Weiyang. Lin Yun and Chang Weiwei are both troubled by Xiao Qinglan.

Yun Weiyang: "what happened before, let it go. But speaking of this, I really want to ask you that you didn't know about Lin Yun's stealing documents and first draft?"

Xiao Qinglan shook her head. "I was very surprised about that. Although I didn't like you at that time, I knew the importance of the document and draft to N.S. even if I had to deal with you, I wouldn't do such a thing."

Yun Weiyang frowns slightly. If Lin Yun's business has nothing to do with Xiao Qinglan, then who is playing with the wind and cloud behind him?

Yun Weiyang nodded, "I just casually asked, you drink too much, or go back to rest early, other things, wait until you wake up."

Xiao Qinglan got up from the ground with a hum. As a result, her legs were numb because she had been sitting on the ground for a long time. As soon as she got up, she almost fell down.

Fortunately, Yun Weiyang's eyes are quick and hands are quick. He helps her. Most of Xiao Qinglan's body leans against Yun Weiyang. At that moment, Xiao Qinglan's whole body suddenly freezes. His body is as numb as an electric shock, and his ears are burning red.

Damn it!

Clearly is a woman, why she would have such a feeling?!

"Are you all right? Shall I take you to the hospital? " Yunweiyang see her look wrong, immediately asked.

Xiao Qinglan immediately shook his head, "nothing, no need."

Yun Weiyang hesitated for a moment, and immediately picked up Xiao Qinglan. Xiao Qinglan was stunned and blushed: "no No, I can go myself. "

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Yun Weiyang light mouth: "I don't want to waste time."

Xiao Qinglan wanted to say something more, but she didn't speak any more. Her whole body shrank in Yun Weiyang's arms. She was clearly a weak woman, but at that moment, she felt an unprecedented sense of security.

Yun Weiyang comes out of the box with Xiao Qinglan in his arms. The original lively bar seems to have been silenced in an instant. The bar is as silent as death. Everyone's eyes fall on Yun Weiyang.

Yun Weiyang is also lazy to pay attention to these people, holding Xiao Qinglan toward the bar gate.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on?! Are all the pretty women really bent?! Give a single dog a way to live I don't know who it was, suddenly I make complaints about it.

"Ah! handsome! I'm so handsome that I'm going to bend! Ah, beauty, can you keep your phone number for a while? "

"Don't look at people with rotten eyes! This beautiful woman is absolutely straight! Beauty, don't go! Stay and have a drink

"Roll, roll! You all get out of my way! "

From the bar, yunweiyang will xiaoqinglan placed in the car, this just returned to the driving position.

"Where is your home? I'll take you back. " Yun Weiyang put on his seat belt and opened his mouth.

Xiao Qinglan looked at her from the rearview mirror, "Qing Huiyuan, phase I."

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Yun Weiyang enters the address of Chunhui garden in the navigation, "you drink so much wine, go to sleep first, I'll call you when it's time."

Xiao Qinglan's face is tired, but she can't fall asleep. Now, she has set foot on this single wooden bridge. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles ahead, she has no room to retreat.


On the back seat, Xiao Qinglan's mobile phone suddenly rings. Xiao Qinglan slowly takes out his mobile phone, and the caller ID is a strange number.

Xiao Qinglan hesitated for a few seconds, then she picked up the mobile phone by sliding the screen. Her voice was a little confused: "hello?"

"Lan'er, it's me. I'm back." At the other end of the mobile phone, a deep and hoarse voice rang out.

When Xiao Qinglan heard the speech, her back suddenly froze. Her fingers holding the mobile phone slowly tightened, and her voice was shaking: "Rong Yan Is it really you? "At the other end of the mobile phone, a tall man sat in the back seat of the car and said with a smile, "it's me, Lan'er. I'm back. I'm here. No one will bully you any more."

Xiao Qinglan's mood suddenly got out of control, and she suddenly rushed to the top of her head with tears falling down. "How did you come back, Rongyan? How did you come back? Do you know you almost can't see me, Rongyan? Why are you back now? "

The man pinched his fingers, but his face was still calm, "I'm sorry, it's me. Don't cry, OK? I'm going to feel bad. "

Xiao Qinglan can't control it, as if she wants to cry out all her grievances. The man just listens quietly, and his heart is also pulling the general pain.

Xiao Qinglan didn't know how long she had been crying before she stopped. She took a nervous look at her mobile phone, but the phone still wasn't disconnected. She tried her best to restrain herself and said in a dumb voice, "are you still there?"

The man raises dark Mou son, "I am in, LAN son, henceforth, I am forever in."

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"Well, you promised me never to go back." Xiao Qinglan arrives.

The man chuckled, "OK, where are you now? I'll come to you. "

"Over there in Huiyuan of Qing Dynasty."

"OK, I'll be right over."


The man comforted her a few words and heard that she didn't cry. Then he hung up the phone.

Before paiyun Weiyang a face gossip, "your boyfriend?"

Xiao Qinglan blushed and said immediately, "no, he's just a very good friend. He's been busy abroad all the time. He should have just come back, not a boyfriend."

Yun Weiyang smashed his mouth, "usually a relationship starts with an ordinary friend. Don't be in a hurry to deny it. Listen to the tone of your conversation just now, he should be very nice to you."

When Xiao Qinglan heard the speech, he fell into silence.

In fact, for so many years, it has been Rong Yan who has been guarding her silently behind her. From small to large, it has never changed.

Sometimes she will think, why she likes Huo HaoChen, not Rongyan, but feelings are always unreasonable, not because Rongyan is good to her, she must like. "He is very good to me. He is the best person to me in the world." Xiao Qinglan sighed and said.

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