"That's nothing. It's no big deal anyway."

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Yun Weiyang said, no longer say a word, then directly left the reception room.

The man behind her is the existence she once saw more important than life. However, as time goes by, she has put everything in the past down.

"Eh, shihuhu, why are you here? Don't you mean going to a private meeting?! What about lovers? where? Is it good? " An Ruoxi didn't know where to run out and stretched his neck to look behind Yun Weiyang.

Yunweiyang white her one eye, "just a neuropathy, how can I come so amorous person?"? I have your beautiful lady, that's enough. "

An Ruoxi howled and said angrily, "I'll kick over this bowl of dog food! Spicy chicken

Yunweiyang pick pick eyebrow, "in a few days is the gold tripod prize, you want to go with me?"? It's allowed to bring assistants in the second round

Anruoxi was silent for two seconds, "go, why not?"

The cloud didn't center glanced at her one eye, "yes, have a little backbone, but don't shrink back at that time."

Anruoxi's neck lifted, "how can it be? There is no operation that I can't stop in this world. I just want to see that scum man? When has Miss Ben counselled? "

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Yun Weiyang laughs: "well, you continue to blow, I listen."

An Ruoxi immediately said angrily: "Shi Huhu! Don't say it if you poke your heart! You spicy chicken

Yun Weiyang: "I like it."

An Ruoxi

I really want to chop my master to death. What should I do? Very urgent, online and so on!

As soon as they got to the door of the office, they saw Xiao Qinglan standing in front of yunweiyang's office.

"What do you want to do as a woman? You stay away from me! " An Ruoxi's face changed, and she was alert immediately.

A touch of embarrassment passed over Xiao Qinglan's face, and he whispered: "I I just want to discuss with Weiyang about the second round of the Golden Tripod Award If you don't have time, forget it. "

"Don't think I don't know. Do you want to plagiarize my master again?"

Yunweiyang's forehead is pumping. Can you pay attention to your wording! What is plagiarizing your master!

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Xiao Qinglan lowered her head, "I'm not..."

The next second, yunweiyang holds her hand and stares at an Ruoxi, "Qinglan, don't listen to her nonsense. Let's go ahead and talk about it."

An Ruoxi's eyes immediately stuck to Yun Weiyang's hand and said angrily: "Shi Huhu! You give me your hand You cheated in front of me! You have crossed the line! You have never led me so gently

Yunweiyang almost a mouthful of old blood spray out, I out of your sister's track! You don't talk. No one thinks you dumb!

"Don't you know that there are filial sons under the stick?" Yun Weiyang has a ha ha Da expression on his face. He mends the sword.

An Ruoxi choked, and her face turned pig liver color. After a long time, she squeezed out a sentence from her teeth: "Dad..."

Yunweiyang face a shake, calculate you ruthless!

Yunweiyang office.

An Ruoxi is going to sit between Yun Weiyang and Xiao Qinglan. Yun Weiyang can't help her, so she has to discuss with Xiao Qinglan about the second round of the Golden Tripod award.

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"This Golden Tripod award, a total of 12 recommended places, plus the preliminary selection of players, a total of 33 contestants." Xiao Qinglan said.

Each year, the Golden Tripod award has a fixed number of 33 contestants who can rush all the way to the semi-finals. These 33 contestants are not ordinary people, and it is not easy to stand out from them. Yun Weiyang's face was dignified. "I know the tradition of the Golden Tripod award, and what we have to do now is very limited. After all, every year, the Golden Tripod award competition is a temporary topic on the spot, and the test is on-the-spot design and play, as well as the mentality, Qinglan.

since there are some things you can't change, then try to accept, however, it's not enough Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You know what I mean

Xiao Qinglan nodded, "I know what you mean. The only thing I can do now is to make myself stronger. So don't worry, I won't let you down."

Yun Weiyang shook his head, "you just need to prove it to yourself."

Xiao Qinglan smiles: "well."

Yun Weiyang: "OK, let's continue to talk about the second round. At present, the review committee has disclosed the identities of 33 contestants. Who do you think will be our strongest opponent?"

No matter what, Xiao Qinglan has been in the circle for so many years, and her contacts and circle are more familiar than hers. Even though Xiao Yuan's affairs have been greatly affected, after all, the inside information of so many years is still there.

Xiaoqinglan smell speech, immediately said: "have you ever heard of the design circle in the past two years out of a so-called soul designer?"

Yun Weiyang nodded: "I've heard about this, but I don't know much about it. Besides, this man is haunted, and few people know his identity. Do you have any information about him?" Xiao Qinglan said: "I found some of them before. The designer is He Cheng. It's said that he didn't graduate from a regular university, but he has unusual talent in design since he was a child. When he was 10 years old, he was famous for his maiden works. Later, he was employed by Ge as a professional designer, but it was only three yearsBefore, this person suddenly disappeared, until this Golden Tripod award he reappeared

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Everything about He Cheng seems to be a mystery. No one knows the identity of this talented designer, no one knows why he suddenly disappeared, and why this Golden Tripod award came out again. Yun Weiyang's face was dignified, and she touched her chin habitually. "So, this he Chen reappeared three years after he disappeared, aiming at the Golden Tripod award. However, he became famous early in the morning. Even without the Golden Tripod award, his fame in that year was enough to stay in the design industry

this man It's kind of interesting. " Xiao Qinglan was also puzzled and said: "originally, he was the chief designer of Ge. Although he was young, he did make a great contribution to the development of Ge. Therefore, Ge kept his quota until Ouyang Qing went to ge and officially replaced him as the chief designer of Ge.

but even so, Ge did not give up on him."

Yun Weiyang hit his mouth and said, "well So, there may be more news about He Cheng from GE? "

Xiao Qinglan: "it's not easy to say. However, Ge is the old owner of He Cheng. It's not strange to know some news. We are not familiar with GE. I'm really embarrassed in my current status. I'm afraid it's not good to further understand the situation."

Yunweiyang looked at anruoxi, and anruoxi exploded, "Why are you looking at me like this? I'm not going to kill you! "

Cloud Wei Yang picked to pick eyebrow: "small nine, for the sake of master, you sacrifice yourself, OK?"

Anruoxi snorted, "if I say no, I won't go. Besides, he is the chief designer of Ge. How can he reveal the secret of the company? I won't do this trick!"

Yun Weiyang gave her a white look: "ha ha, I clearly use the bitter meat trick, the beauty trick? You have a beautiful idea. " An Ruoxi stood up and said angrily, "you open your eyes and tell lies! Hum! Are you jealous that I look better than you! I know that people who are as good-looking as I am will always be envied. "

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