"Shihuhu, you've gone too far! Qinglan, if you look at her, you don't care! " An Ruoxi turns around and complains without hesitation.

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One side Xiao Qinglan some helpless shook his head, "I think Weiyang said very reasonable."

An Ruoxi You bad guys

Xiao Qinglan sighed and immediately said, "Weiyang, I know a little about the designer you mentioned. However, as you said, he didn't have any representative works later, so I don't know much."

Cloud Wei Yang picked to pick eyebrow, "well, you say." Xiao Qinglan considered the wording and said: "three years ago, that designer was very popular because of a design work called nirvana. Because it was so amazing, I was deeply impressed by that work. After that designer became famous, this work was specially sent to the exhibition, and now it is still

in the Lichuan exhibition hall, and it is regarded as an excellent design work."

Yun Weiyang nodded, "well, I went to see this work in Lichuan exhibition hall. It's really amazing, but But it's not unique. " Xiao Qinglan was stunned for a moment, and then reflected Yun Weiyang's meaning, "yes, it's true that the style is too familiar for the layman to watch the fun and the expert to watch the door. At that time, the outside world even speculated that the designer of Nirvana was he Cheng himself, only he used a pseudonym. It was only later that he Cheng disappeared

, that designer was suddenly revealed, and from then on, he made great progress."

Yun Weiyang: "what happened later?" Xiao Qinglan took a sip of water and continued: "about half a year ago, when I took part in the international competition, I was shortlisted with this designer. At that time, I sent someone to check his personal information, and then I knew that this man He used to be an apprentice of He Cheng, but he was expelled from the school long ago. No one knows why

Yun Weiyang frowned: "is he Hecheng's Apprentice?" Xiao Qinglan nodded, "He Cheng keeps a low profile, so few people outside know about his acceptance of his apprentice. I checked that this apprentice was an orphan he picked up and brought back to him. He almost imparts everything to this apprentice without reservation. Unfortunately,

this apprentice can only learn a little from him, but it's not enough It's enough for him to have a foothold in design. "

Yunweiyang hears the speech and doesn't say anything. Somehow, she always feels that there is some amazing conspiracy hidden in it. But now, she can't know what happened to He Cheng.

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If being suspected of plagiarism is the last straw to kill the camel, what kind of pain will it be if the apprentice who was raised by himself defected? An Ruoxi could not help but said: "listen to you, how do I feel that this matter is not so simple? If he Cheng is suspected of plagiarism, he can't plagiarize his apprentice, can he?! It was all taught by him. Moreover, the apprentice didn't make any amazing works later. How do I think that he Cheng carried the pot? "

Yun Weiyang's eyes sank slightly and said slowly: "I think that when he comes back now, I'm afraid he wants to prove his innocence in this way."

An Ruoxi took a sip of wine and tilted her head: "if he Cheng didn't plagiarize, then why did he choose to abandon his right hand instead of poking it out? Instead, he took the pot and disappeared Is he trying to protect the apprentice

In this world, not everyone is so smart, not everyone is so unkind.

Yun Weiyang had a complex emotion in his heart. After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "we are not him. We can't guess what he is thinking in his heart. However, no matter what, he is my most respected opponent."

How many times can you compete with your idol?

However, at the thought of his abandoned right hand, Yun Weiyang felt unworthy for him.

Anruoxi waved her hand and looked smart: "Oh, forget it, let's not talk about this. Come on, we'll drink and eat meat. We'll drown the sad feeling of lovelorn in the wine."

Yun Weiyang smiles: "sorry, I'm not lovelorn."

An Ruoxi Shihuhu, you weak chicken! A life without lovelorn experience is incomplete. Let's talk about Han Jingli, the scum man of your predecessor. "

Yun Weiyang glanced at her and spat out three words: "Ouyang Qing."

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An Ruoxi shakes her hand and spills most of the wine. She grits her teeth: "you are cruel!"

DIDU, the headquarters building of Hodgson group.

Yunweiyang will park the car in the old place, and then secretly take out the mobile phone, dial Qin Ye's mobile phone.

A few seconds later, Qin Ye's shivering voice came from his mobile phone: "sister-in-law, sister-in-law, why don't you call the boss?"

I'm almost screened by boss's cool eyes, OK!

Yunweiyang muddled face: "I find you something, call Huo tingxiao for what?"

"Nani?! Sister in law, don't! I don't accept any hidden rules! Sister in law, please spare my dog's life Qin night a howl, almost directly to scare urine.Cloud Wei Yang mouth corner a draw, "you neuropathy, I look for you to have business, latent rule you?"? You think it's beautiful! "

Qin night is to slow down a breath finally, "really?"

Yun Weiyang rolled his eyes, "nonsense! I put Huo tingxiao so big a handsome man not to sneak, sneak you? You have a big face

Qin Ye's forehead is covered with black lines, "sister-in-law, even if you don't like me, don't poke my heart so directly. I don't want face?"

Yun Weiyang pinched his eyebrows. "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. You can help me find a person."

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Qin yeyi Leng, "check a person? Who? Male or female? Sister in law, are you going to climb the wall

Yun Weiyang took a breath, "I climb your uncle!"

Qin night dry cough, "sister-in-law, you gentle point! Who do you want me to check for you? "

Yun Weiyang: "He Cheng, I want to know where he is now."

In Qin Ye's mind, the alarm rang out: "Damn it! Is it really a man? Sister in law, I tell you that you're dead. You're the man who left us behind our backs. You'll have to kneel down on the washboard tonight. Ha ha ha. "

This is NIMA's schadenfreude tone

Yun Weiyang really wanted to strangle Qin Ye's spicy chicken!

"Do you believe that I will tell Huo tingxiao in a moment that I want to sneak you?" The cloud is not yet in the center.

Qin Ye's face was stiff, and he growled at the end of his mobile phone: "sister-in-law, please don't! I'm wrong, sister-in-law. I'll run errands for you right away. Spare your life, sister-in-law! "

Yun Weiyang said with a smile: "is it wrong?"

Qin Ye immediately looked dogleg: "wrong, wrong, I am deeply wrong! For my sake, sister-in-law, please forgive me. "

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Yun Weiyang: "it depends on your performance."

Qin ye: "I'll do it for you right away! Even if the eighteen generations of Hecheng's ancestors are dug up for you, what's the matter? "

Yun Weiyang hit the next mouth, "OK, then you step back first."

Qin Ye paid her a few compliments. As she was about to hang up, a faint voice came from the other end of her mobile phone: "by the way, has Huo tingxiao not finished yet? When can I get off work? "

Qin night forehead blue veins jump, ha ha, dare to love his sister-in-law already know Huo tingxiao beside!

I kick this bowl of dog food!

"Darling, give me five minutes." Huo tingxiao spoke slowly.

Qin Ye

This is probably the highest level of dog abuse

Could you give me a high-energy warning next time! It's intolerable! However He can't bear it and he has to bear it!

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