The girl flattered the little head, "I'm not stupid, how do you look very smart."

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The man doted on the girl gently, reached out and rubbed her head, immediately took off her suit coat and put it on her, "well, it's better to be stupid."

The girl immediately put her hand around the man's waist and rubbed her smile into the man's arms. "Huo tingxiao, I'm just modest. Don't you know how to flatter me?"

The man chuckled, dropped his head and printed a kiss on the girl's forehead, "OK, our family is Weiyang, the smartest girl in the world, OK?"

The girl hit the next mouth, a face of discontent muttered: "you this is too perfunctory, again."

The man repeated what he had just said, and the girl nodded with satisfaction. After a while, the man took the girl by the hand and got into the car.

"Well, Huo tingxiao, I'm in a good mood today. I'll go home and make delicious food for you, darling." As soon as I get on the bus, someone starts to be shameless.

Huo tingxiao gave her a faint glance: "well."

So the next time, yunweiyang plans what to eat in the car at night. All the way, they finally return to Huo's home.

When he gets home, Huo tingxiao handles his business routine, while Yun Weiyang goes to the kitchen to prepare dinner. On the way, he also answers an Ruoxi's phone call.

"Ah! Did you see the microblog just released by shihuhu Galaxy Group? " An Ruoxi said excitedly.

While cutting vegetables, Yun Weiyang said casually: "not yet? I'm busy cooking for your beautiful lady. What's the matter? What do they want to do? "

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"What time is it? You still have the heart to cook for the beautiful lady!"

Yun Weiyang's face was muddled, "can't I coax my wife?"?! Are you jealous of me? " An Ruoxi was silent for two seconds and coughed softly, "no matter, talk about business, talk about business. Yinhe Group has officially announced that it will remove Qin Zian from all his posts and will never employ him. It is estimated that no one in the circle dares to ask Qin Zian now. The matter of black heart cotton is also Qin Zian's back pot Now Qin zi'an has become a street mouse and a teacher. Your move is really awesome. "

Hearing the result of Qin Zian, Yun Weiyang didn't feel much about it, but said faintly, "you can't live by yourself. When he was ungrateful and betrayed his school, he should have thought of the result. He is responsible for all this."

In this world, there is a way for good and evil. It's not that we don't report it, but it's just that the time has not come.

Anruoxi broke her mouth and said, "ah, shihuhu, I'm so embarrassed that I'm going to bite you. By the way, there's another thing I want to discuss with you..."

Yun Weiyang: "what's the matter?"

Anruoxi considered the wording, and then said: "well, next weekend, it's my seventh brother's birthday. Then she plans to have a birthday party at home for the elderly. Can you come? I must introduce my harem girls to you, but they are so cute and hot that Yun Weiyang rolled his eyes and said, "did you get the point wrong? Your seventh brother's birthday, shouldn't you introduce me to a beautiful man?! What kind of trouble do I want? I'm straighter than the pole, thank you

An Ruoxi was silent for two seconds. Her voice was very dignified. "Shi Huhu, do you really think you are straight? You have to face yourself. Look at how many love letters you have received today. "

When it comes to love letters, Yun Weiyang counsels everyone. Huo tingxiao doesn't mention it. She doesn't dare to put the stone hanging in her heart.

Moreover, with her understanding of Huo tingxiao, the more calm Huo tingxiao is, the more difficult it is to turn the page.

Huo tingxiao, the vinegar king, never gave up in the battle of Shura.

Yun Weiyang sighed, "don't say it, I just want to be a beautiful woman quietly."

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An Ruoxi sneered, "ha ha, don't play it. How many waves do you have? Don't you count in your heart?"

Yun Weiyang Go away

What kind of spicy chicken apprentice!

After sending an Ruoxi away, Yun Weiyang finds out that there seems to be something wrong with the situation tonight. Qin ye, who has always been reluctant to leave, never shows up

At the bottom of her heart, she had a foreboding feeling

Yunweiyang thought about it, and then he called Qin Ye.

At this time, Qin ye, with a telescope on his chest and weeds on his head, was lying in the grass with full arms. He picked up his mobile phone and said, "sister-in-law ~"

he has been ambushing here for more than half an hour Why hasn't there been a fight in it!

I don't think about the feelings of the people who eat melons. What a bad comment!

Yunweiyang light cough, weak mouth way: "that, your boss today mood how?"

Qin Ye showed a mysterious smile, "guess."

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Yun Weiyang's forehead flicked, "can't you answer my question more seriously?"

Qin Ye's lips started, and his tone was quiet: "do you think that if you're out there, can the boss be in a better mood? Sister in law, how can you just wave like this? "Yunweiyang almost a mouthful of old blood gushed out, she knew that Huo tingxiao this goods absolutely forced hold big move waiting for her!

But what did she do wrong?!

Is it her fault to look so good? The men's clothes were prepared by Qin ye

Yun Weiyang has a "ha ha Da" expression on his face, "Xiao YeYe ~"

Qin Yewen's body suddenly gets goose bumps, "no, sister-in-law, don't call me like this, I'm afraid of death."

Yun Weiyang chuckled, "don't forget ha, men's clothes are prepared by you. You must carry this pot well."

Finish saying regardless of Qin night in the cell phone that end roar, decisive hang up the phone.

Ha ha, if I want to die, I have to catch a cushion!

After dinner is ready, Yun Weiyang rubs past with a soft face and pours on Huo tingxiao's arms.

At this time, Huo tingxiao is holding a video conference, and then the screen flashes, Huo tingxiao almost immediately closed the laptop in front of him.

At the other end of the video conference, the whole high level was shocked.

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What! Woman! They actually saw a woman in the big guy's video!

It seems that the rumors are true, Huo tingxiao really has a female ticket?!

Oh, my God! They're finally going to have a landlady!

Their landlady must be the living Bodhisattva sent by God to save them!

However, someone has proved that they are too naive.

After all, Huo tingxiao used to be unkind from beginning to end, but at least it's business without any personal feelings. Hehe, since I was with someone, I'm sorry, vinegar King Huo tingxiao Whether it's cloudy or sunny is like a bloodthirsty Shura coming back from hell, who is afraid of ghosts when they eat vinegar.

But Huo tingxiao is such a sultry character. When he is in love, it's just like firewood, rice, oil, salt and vinegar

At this moment, someone who just rubbed against Huo tingxiao's arms finally realized something was wrong. He looked up at Huo tingxiao and said, "Oh, Huo tingxiao, did I just Excuse me for the meeting? "

What do you think?

Huo tingxiao pinched his eyebrows, and his voice was hoarse: "No."

Someone coughed and scratched his head awkwardly, "that The meal is ready, or you'd better eat first. " I also want to know what I was smoking!

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