The little man on the bed, as if he had suddenly found a way to rely on him, tried to open his eyes. When he saw Yun Weiyang, tears came down. He stretched out his hand and grasped Yun Weiyang's palm. "Ma Ma, don't you want Xiaobao again? Xiaobao is good, Xiaobao has a meal

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, Ma Ma Don't abandon Xiaobao and Baba, OK

For a moment, it was like a sharp sword, stabbing the softest part of the cloud.

Listening to Xiaobao's crying voice, Yun Weiyang is frozen. Looking at Xiaobao, he is full of guilt. The child has been numb since he was a child, so he is very sensitive and vulnerable. This time Huo tingxiao sent him back, he thought he would never see Yun Weiyang again.

Yun Weiyang reached out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of his eyes and said in a soft voice: "I'm sorry, it's all Ma Ma's fault. Ma Ma will never let you be wronged again, OK? Xiao Bao, I'll take you home. "

Ling Tian couldn't help saying: "that, sister-in-law I must remind you carefully that the young master is in poor health now Well, when I don't say it, you'll be happy! "

Special? He said a big truth, why should he be hated by his boss!

Yun Weiyang was silent for two seconds. "I know that if you are not good at medicine, I will ask the best doctor to take care of Xiao Bao."

Ling Tian was immediately upset, "sister-in-law, you can insult me, but you can't insult my medical skills! All over the world, in addition to one person, who else's medical skills can match mine! If you ask him to stand up, I will compete with him! "

Cloud did not center to glance at him one eye, "You Lan."

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Ling Tian smell speech, facial expression suddenly a sink, "how can you know that dregs female!"


How does it feel like there's some big gossip in this?

If it wasn't for the wrong time, Yun Weiyang would really like to gossip. After all, this kind of gossip is not always available.

Yun Weiyang no longer talks nonsense with him, but turns to Huo tingxiao, "Huo tingxiao, I want to take Xiaobao home."

Huo tingxiao: "OK, I'll let Qin Ye prepare the car."

Yun Weiyang nodded and looked at Ling Tian again. "Help me pull out the needle on Xiaobao's hand. Don't see blood. It's unlucky."

Ling Tian gritted his teeth: "you are insulting me! If I can't pull out a broken needle, I'm really a waste! "

Yun Weiyang glanced at him, is it a waste, you don't count in your heart?

Lingtian immediately steps forward and pulls out the needle from Xiaobao's hand professionally. There is no sign of bleeding. Xiaobao cleverly reaches out his hand, meaning to hold yunweiyang. Huo Jiye, who is eager to tear up Yun Weiyang, is also completely stupid when he sees this scene. Xiaobao's temperament follows Huo tingxiao, and he is always a stranger. Even he and he manyun rarely have the chance to approach Xiaobao. When Xiaobao is in front of them, it seems that he has been pulled out of his life, just like a walking corpse.

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Xiaobao never asked them to hold him!

This woman, in the end is to this father and son poured what enchantment soup!

The big one doesn't matter. I'm fascinated by this woman. Even the small one is now

At this time, yunweiyang has already held Xiaobao in his arms. The little guy shrinks in yunweiyang's arms. He holds yunweiyang with his short hand and refuses to let go.

Yunweiyang holds Xiaobao, droops his head and says gently: "Xiaobao, goodbye to my grandfather and grandmother, we're going home, OK?"

Xiaobao smell speech, immediately clever look to he manyun, "grandma goodbye."

Then he didn't say goodbye to his grandfather. It seems that Xiao Bao has just remembered what happened in his heart. At this time, he wants to protect Yun Weiyang.

Huo Jiye looks at Xiaobao with an extremely complicated look. He wants to say something more, but he purses his lips tightly and doesn't speak any more. Xiaobao is also his lifeblood, and he doesn't want to be hated by Xiaobao.

Hearing this sentence, he manyun burst into tears and immediately said with red eyes, "ah, Xiaobao, Xiaobao, you should be good when you go home. Xiaobao, you are good..."

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Xiaobao saw this, quickly husky voice coax way: "grandma doesn't cry, Xiaobao has numbness, Xiaobao will be obedient."

He manyun heard the speech and nodded, "OK, OK, Miss Yun Xiaobao, please take care of you. Don't take other things too seriously. "

He manyun's words seem to be impartial, but they are already a little biased towards Yun Weiyang. She is also a woman. Naturally, she can tell that Yun Weiyang is really good to Xiaobao. If it wasn't for this, Xiaobao would not be biased towards Yun Weiyang.

Yunweiyang nodded, "Mrs. Huo, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaobao and won't let anyone bully him."

He manyun was relieved, "well Xiaobao is getting better. Can you tell me? Xiao Bao is also a poor child. Since childhood I'm sorry, I'm a little out of line. "

Yunweiyang knows what he manyun wants to say. She hardly hesitates and says, "you are Xiaobao's grandmother. Xiaobao's condition has improved. I will let tingxiao inform you. Please rest assured."The implication is that she doesn't want to get involved with other members of the Huo family. Xiaobao is a descendant of the Huo family, which is also a fact that she can't change.

He manyun said a few good words, then he looked at Huo tingxiao: "that tingxiao, you also work hard and hurry up, don't let Miss Yun take care of Xiaobao alone, you know?"

Huo tingxiao: "well."

He manyun wants to say something more. Huo tingxiao waves his hand and leads people away directly.

He manyun personally sent it outside the gate, craned his neck and looked at the car that was gradually away. Then he reluctantly took back his eyes. On one side, Xiao Yue, who was completely ignored, barely kept a smile and stood behind him.

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"Yue'er, today's thing is that you are wronged. Don't worry, I will give you an account of it." Huo Jiye didn't know when he came over and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yue smiles, pretending to be generous and virtuous, and says with a smile: "uncle, I'm serious. Tingxiao is just worried about Xiaobao's body. I won't mind." Huo Jiye was very satisfied with Xiao Yue's generosity and decency. He nodded and said: "well, I knew you wouldn't care about yue'er. My uncle assured you that as long as I live for one day, that woman will never step into the door of my Huo family. You are the best choice for my daughter-in-law.

”The haze on Xiao Yue's face suddenly cleared away, and he said with a smile: "if you have uncle's words, yue'er will be relieved. By the way, I asked someone to buy some excellent ginseng and snow lotus in the Tibetan area, thinking that they can help Xiaobao to mend his body. Now, I'm worried that ting Xiao will miss the meeting, so I'd better ask someone to send them directly, and please ask Uncle to send them again. ”

Huo Jiye immediately said, "it's Yue er who is sensible and knows how to love our family's little treasure, and Ting Xiao doesn't know what kind of soul soup he was given by that woman. That's true."

One side he manyun suddenly chilly wind a: "what kind of son do you have, in the heart did not count?"

Huo Jiye choked, "you old woman, what do you mean? I haven't said you yet. Just now, you've obviously helped that woman. That kind of woman is no match for yue'er! "

He manyun glanced at him slowly, "what's wrong with me helping her? I will help whoever is good to my precious grandson. What can you do to me? "

Huo Jiye's face suddenly shakes and says angrily: "are you blind?"?! Where can that woman compare with yue'er? "

He manyun: "radish and cabbage have their own love. I'm blind. I only took a fancy to you at the beginning." Huo Jiye

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